
Part 1: Nightmare

And it Begins'

I woke up with a text from my girlfriend, making me run out the door, grab my bike and get to her house as fast as possible

bb: Hey, babe?

bb: Would u care if i went to go live w/ my parents?                                   

It was terrifing, because her parents had both jumped off a cliff when their child was only 7 years old.

You: Hey????

You: Babe, where are you????

I was scared for her. Not for me and what would happen afterwards. I biked past her house, her car was gone. Honestly, i already knew she would be at the cliff. The cliffs drop was huge. Her parents had never been found after they jumped. I was so afraid of losing her. She always talked about all this sad and depressing stuff, I always thought she was joking, at least, until now. Please!! Please be okay… He kept telling himself she was okay, that she was just testing him to see if he cared. It was terrifing. 

Moments later he got a call from her.