
Short Fairytales

Original fairy tales made by author Lil Spring Originally prompts turned into stories

Esther_Skelly · ファンタジー
1 Chs


A bright light filled my vision as I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital.

What happened to me?

I got up from the hospital bed I was in to see I wasn't hooked to any of the machines. The machines... weren't even on to begin with. I looked to see I was in my normal aromantic flag striped shirt, ripped jean pants, and black high-top van shoes.

"This is very weird, what even happened to me? Why can't I remember anything," I muttered as I fixed my double bridged glasses. I walked out of the room and down the hall to find a flight of stairs.

Aren't there suppose to be doctors and nurses running around? Where are all the patients?

I went down the stairs to the main room and there still wasn't anyone around. I growled softly and shouted out, "HELLO!! IS ANYONE HERE?!"

There was no answer. I went outside to find someone but there wasn't anyone around. There were a bunch of parked cars, but no people. I found my jeep in the parking lot and pulled out my car keys as I walked over to it.

"Maybe I can find someone in town," I said. I noticed something stuck to my windshield and pulled it off. It was a note.

Drive west for 100 miles

  I hummed and opened the door of my jeep and hopped in as I started my journey west. I wonder who's meeting me there. I started up my jeep and started to drive off from the hospital I was at. I sighed and groaned softly as my head still hurt a little. I sighed and continued west on my journey.

It's odd since the world seems empty of life and there has been no one around. Towns, cities, communities. No one was around. Not a single soul or even an animal. There was nothing but buildings and parked cars. It was almost like every single human on earth except me had vanished into thin air.

  I drove down an empty highway and within a few minutes, an empty field appeared in my sight. I parked my jeep in the parking lot that was like a ghost town and I got out of my jeep. As I shut my door, the ground shook beneath me as I held onto my jeep to keep my balance. The empty field in front of me caved into the earth below it to reveal a giant flash of light. A giant gate rose from the ground as I had to shield my eyes from the very bright light. The gate opened as the world around me faded into darkness. The light seems comforting. I began walking towards the light as it pulled me in.

 "Come to me, my sweet daughter," a sweet motherly voice rung out. The light wrapped itself around me as it pulled me in towards the gate. I closed my eyes and my vision faded white as I began to fight against it.

"I want to go home. LET ME GO!!"

The light faded to darkness.


The sound of soft beeping filled the hospital room as Michael's family was waiting, hoping, and praying for her to wake up. The poor teenage aromantic brunette showing off her pride of being who she was had been unfairly shot by a homophobic robber while waiting in line to pay for the groceries meant for her family.

The room was silent as the machines in the room ran to try and keep her alive. That was until the heart monitor flat lined, making doctors rush in to save the girl. The family had to leave the room as the mother cried out for her loving girl to make it for them.

"MICHAEL!! PLEASE, SAVE HER!! SHE'S OUR ONLY DAUGHTER!!" the mother cried as the doctor did the best they could to save her. The heartbeat monitor began to beep again as the doctors took a sigh of relief and to everyone's surprise, Michael groaned softly as she opened her eyes to see she was back in hospital surround by doctors.

"My baby!! Oh my god, you're alive!!" the mother cried as she hugged her daughter without trying to hurt or unplug her from the machines.

"Hey mama, when I get home, can you please make me some chocolate cake. I love it when you do," Michael said. The mother nodded and said, "Of course, hunny."

"Dad, please let us have a barbeque as well, I wanna enjoy survive this very traumatic experience with my friends and family," Michael said in a tired tone of voice. The father chuckled and said, "Absolutely."

"But no crazy aunt, no one is to even tell of it. She'd be a buzzkill to the party," Michael said. The family laughed at that and the parents said in sync, "We love you, Michael."

"I love you too."