
The Blind Prince

Once upon a time, in a small kingdom. There lived a teenage prince named Alexander. He was born blind, a condition that his father, King Lucius, considered a disgrace. The queen, on the other hand, did her best for her son. She tried to keep the peace. Still King Lucius, a cruel and heartless ruler, believed that only the strong and perfect should inherit the throne.

As Alexander grew older, his father's disdain for him became more apparent. The young prince was treated as an outcast within the palace walls, isolated from the rest of the kingdom. Despite his blindness, Alexander possessed a kind heart and a thirst for knowledge. He spent his days listening to the stories of the kingdom's people, learning about their struggles and dreams. His mom even got him brale books.

One fateful day, King Lucius, driven by his own insecurities, decided to banish Alexander from the kingdom. The young prince was thrown from the castle by the knights and given only a small sack of belongings and an old horse. With a heavy heart, Alexander bid farewell to the palace he had called home, unsure of what lay ahead.

As he ventured into the unknown, Alexander relied on his other senses to navigate the world. He decided to name the horse Orion. The sound of the wind rustling through the trees, the scent of wildflowers, and the feel of the earth beneath his feet became his guiding companions. He trusted his instincts and believed that his blindness was not a limitation but rather a unique perspective that allowed him to see the world in a different light.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months as Alexander and Orion traveled through vast landscapes, encountering various people and places. The prince's kindness and wisdom touched the hearts of those he met, leaving a lasting impact on their lives. He shared his stories, listened to their sorrows, and offered words of encouragement. Even if he could do little to help, just his kind words were anoth to chear them up.

One evening, as Alexander and Orion rested near a small village, they overheard whispers of a hidden treasure deep within the enchanted forest. The villagers spoke of what had been going on at his home kingdom and that the queen had been looking him. He got on his horse and went back home. Prince Alexander was reunited with his mom. Who was so over joyed that they had a party where they threw rotting food at the former king and lived happily ever after.