
「 Shokugeki 」

"All you need to do to stay in this dormitory is to beat one of us in the cooking battle, Shokugeki."

Rentaro said to Akira with a fierce smile. But Akira just tilted his head in confusion, Shokugeki? That's an unfamiliar word he's never heard of.

"Shokugeki? What is that?" Akira asked Rentaro who just sighed when he heard that.

" Oh my god, i know you are a transfer student but you don't even know something as common as Shokugeki." Rentaro said while Akira even more confused.

"Hah? Is this Shokugeki thing really that popular?" Akira again asked about Shokugeki.

Rentaro wants to answer that, but he was cut off by Mea who excitedly raised her hand.

"Hai, Hai, I'll answer it." She said, Rentaro just keep quiet and let Mea to speak.

"Well, simply put, Shokugeki is an official cooking duel held between students of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy. It is a longstanding tradition that allows students to settle debates and arguments through a formal duel of their culinary prowess. " Mea explained, while Akira seems to finally have an understanding about what is Shokugeki about.

"I kinda get the concept of this Shokugeki thing but your explanation too shallow, Is there some sort of regulation or something?" Akira asked.

"Of course, the first thing you need to is an authorized individual, such as a member of Tōtsuki's staff, a member of the Elite Ten Council, or the school principal to validate the Shokugeki. And then you meed an odd number of judges. An odd number so as to prevent a Shokugeki from ending in a tie as much as possible. And the last thing is both sides competing in the Shokugeki must mutually agree to have the Shokugeki and to the conditions of the wager that the Shokugeki is being held over. If one side is unwilling to participate, the challenge is not feasible."

Akira digest all those informations like a sponge. Its nothing especially for a chef like him, because in order to be able to works in a high-intensity environment like kitchen, you need to react, think, and act faster. That's the very basic, but very important.

"Well let's do it then. But didn't you said earlier that we need to validate it with the Totsuki's staff first? " Said Akira to everyone there.

"Well that's true, but that's only for an official Shokugeki. We can do it unofficially just fine, so there is no need to validate this Shokugeki. But as i said earlier, if you lose this Shokugeki you need to leave this place. " Mea said with a distinctive smile on her face while explaining it to Akira.

Seeing Akira who is still in a deep thought, Rentaro smiled fiercely as he said to Akira.

"So how about that? Do you afraid to do it, just say—" Before Rentaro could finished his words, he was cut off by Akira,

"Why should I be afraid? It's not like i'm gonna lose to either one of you." After Akira said that, everyone's eyes widened in surprise, they think Akira is being ignorant and full of himself when he said that.

Akira took his black headband from the suitcase before he flipping it around with his finger.

He then smiled and said.

"Let's do it, Shokugeki."

Rentaro who heard Akira's word grinned.

"Then, let me be your opponent."

However, a voice cut Rentaro off.

"No, let me be the oppenent."

The voice came from Shigemichi Kumai, who raised his hand, it surprised everyone there except Akira because it was rare for him to take an initiative like this.

"Are you sure, Ku-chan?" Mea asked.

"Hmm... Let me face this boy." Kumai said confidently, Mea is quite doubtful for a while before she nodded and patted Rentaro's shoulder.

"There you heard it yourself, Ren-chan. Ku-chan is the one who's gonna do the Shokugeki this time, so you can take a rest for today. And maybe use that time to practice your janken skills fufu. " Mea chuckled and it pisses Rentaro off.

"*Gehg*, What did you just said!? MEA!!!" Rentaro yelled furiously as he tried to catch Mea and maybe beat her up.


Mea just keep giggling as she running around the dining table while Rentaro chased after her like a big dog. She clowning him, and its definitely happens everyday in this dormitory.

Then, Kumai turned his sinister gaze to Akira who didn't even flinch at all.

"So, transfer student, before we start this Shokugeki, we need to decide the themes and the genre." Kumai said to Akira while making a pose.

"I'll leave that kind of thing to you Senpai ~, whatever themes or genre you choose, I will face you with everything i have," Akira says with a smile on his face.

When he heard that, Kumai frowned. He didn't like it. He didn't know if Akira is being confiedent or just straight up arrogant, he still didn't like him. Ever since he heard his speech on the opening ceremony.

"Aren't you a little too arrogant, transfer student." Kumai said as he narrowed his eyes.

However, Akira just shook his head.

" Arrogant? This is self-confidence senpai~ Isn't that what every chef should have?" Akira said as he put a mysterious grin.

"You also noticed it, right? Why is this Dormitory so quiet." Kumai asked.

" Well, initially I thought all of the residents in this Dormitory had been Expelled or something, but it seems like I was wrong, this Dormitory is quiet because from the start no one made it through the entrance test of this Dormitory, isn't that what are you trying to say, Kumai-senpai?"

"It seems like you've understand that." Kumai replied, Akira nodded. Kumai then continued his remarks.

"If none of us have a problem with whatever the themes and genre is gonna be, then let Kazune-san decide it, what do you think?"

" I'm okay with that. "

Kumai then looked at Kazune as she nodded. She then grabbed his chin and said.

"Hmm..., let me see... because we have eaten the main dish, Mea's Quinoa Meat Salad just now, let's make the themes be Dessert, and the cooking genre ..., how about France Cuisine?" Said Kazune, Akira just smiling when he heard that from Kazune, while Kumai just put on his usual expression, signifying their agreement, seeing that, Kazune continued.

"In that case, then its all settled. I'll give you 30 minutes either to prepare your ingredients or just to think about what dishes you will cook later." Kazune said.

"30 minutes starts from now."

After Kazune said that, both Akira and Kumai went out of the dining room to prepare themselves for the Shokugeki.

After the two of them left, Mea and Rentaro stopped chasing each other before Mea opened her mouth and looking at Kazune with a smile.

"Kazune-san~ aren't you being too harsh to that transfer student, France Cuisine is Ku-chan's speciality. I mean just look at that smile of confidence on his face, do you want to crush it that bad? " Mea said, Rentaro just silent.

Hearing Mea, Kazune just smiled mysteriously as she drank her tea and said.

"Sometimes, being too confident is not good."

Kazune then grinned, her casual expression is gone.

"And i'm just being a good mentor to make him realized that.... there is a big big gap between first-year students and second-year students."

Yo, i'm really sorry lmao. My laptop just broke and i can't upload this shi, i'm gonna upload the next chapter in a few hours.

GrandCastercreators' thoughts