
Shisui Uchiha

This is a story where Shisui Uchiha didn't die. A fanfic that starts the moment Itachi wiped out the Uchiha Clan. Shisui was believed to be dead but he wakes up, not only with both his eyes still with him but it felt like he had crossed into a plane where he did die. And with his alternate self dead, Shisui's journey to find redemption for his best friend begins. Of course, this will contain some R-Rated scenes in regards to smut, gore, and violence. This story will vary greatly from the original, it won't be a copy and paste. [All rights and credits to Kishimoto for the show, Naruto.]

Kelvin_A · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

The Dark Side Of The Shinobi World

"Boss, don't worry yourself with him. He looks too pretty to be a fighter," One of the thugs said, they were approximately four in number excluding the boss.

One was about to mount the mother and the other three were waiting their turn.

Shisui was surprised that these bandits were after sexual gratification rather than just robbing the place and leaving.

Shisui sighed as his back left the wall as he began to casually walk towards them.

The bandits charged at him, sword in hand, they mistook their numbers for strength but this was one of the strongest Uchiha, even in his clan that they were up against.

They swung their blade and while they were certain that they had cut him, Shisui simply walked past them as they all simultaneously dropped to the ground unconscious.

The man that was holding Ayako down noticed this, this was not just any ordinary man.

"I see, you're a shinobi too…" The boss said as he slowly got up to his feet, letting go of Ayako who immediately charged at the man that was on top of her mother, pushing him off her.

Not that he could go anymore considering what he had just seen, this has never happened because he too saw his friends cutting down that man so why was he still standing?

"They aren't dead, I just knocked them out," Shisui reassured the man, a solid strike to the back of their neck did the trick as he had used the after-image technique to distort their view of him.

Shisui created an after-image and moved out of it the moment they struck, he was gifted with immense speed so it wasn't perceived for their eyes couldn't follow their movements.

The man and Shisui were about to face off, standing five-meter from one another.

Shisui had the intention of using his Sharingan for such a small fr nor was he planning on using any elemental or complex ninjutsu but the enemy didn't share this same sentiment.

In the blink of an eye, he began to weave hand seals at quite an impressive pace but Shisui had seen a lot faster.

"Earth Style: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot!" The man shouted and the moment he did, the earth around Shisui branched from four different directions in a bid to skewer him in the middle.

Shisui simply leapt into the air because that was the only way to escape it but once he was in the air, the enemy smiled because Shisui had taken the exact action he had predicted.

"Earth Style: Flying Thrown Stones!" Slamming his hand on the ground as rocks flew from the ground to pummel the airborne Shisui.

"I don't care how skilled you are, even you cannot survive my two-front combo!" The man bragged as he watched the rocks seemingly defeat as they destroyed the house that they were in in the process.

"The first attack was a decoy to force me into the air where I couldn't evade the rock bombardment. I'm impressed," A voice said behind the man, it was Shisui. The Shisui he was fighting was an after-image

The man immediately leaped back as he turned to face the Uchiha who didn't have a single scratch on him.

"Hahaha! You don't need to look so frightened," Shisui laughed but this infuriated the man as it told him that he wasn't taking this fight seriously.

"You bastard! You dare mock me?" The man shouted and Shisui had a genuine look of confusion because he had just complimented him.

The man was ready to engage in taijutsu to test out the Uchiha as ninjutsu has been ineffective and he didn't have a large arsenal when it came to it.

He appeared right in front of Shisui and attempted to land a blow right in his torso but Shisui simply side-stepped the blow while simultaneously jamming his elbow into the man's jaw.

This momentarily dazed him and rendered him full of openings but before he could do anything else. He saw that Ayako had equipped one of their swords and moved to kill the unconscious bandits.

He understood her rage, they just beat her father to a near-death state and wanted to violate both her and her mother.

If Shisui wasn't here, she knows what would have happened and she wasn't going to gamble on the probability that the authorities would bring them to justice because there was no way they wouldn't become a target after this.

This momentary lapse in concentration allowed the man to recompose himself and gain some distance between them.

"The hero acts… He will try to stop her! I'm leaving here alive and with my influence, I should be able to leave prison!" The man thought to himself with a smile but Shisui didn't stop Ayako.

He remembered how he 'died' in his world and why, it was because he decided not to stop his best friend and the repercussion was the extinction of his clan.

Shisui planned to take a different approach in this world as he watched Ayalo plunge the sword into the chest of one of the men.

The look in Shisui's eyes changed the moment the blood splattered on his face, and the killing intent that followed made the man freeze in place. He couldn't move, this was what it meant to be the recipient of the Uchiha's bloodlust.

"W-Wait…" The man said but before he could say another word, all he could see was pitch blackness. He thought that a genjutsu was in play but in actuality, Shisui had just gouged out his eyes because he realized that these men have done similar things to other families and they weren't fortunate enough to be defended.

Evil didn't deserve a chance to survive or it risked multiplying.

The man soon screamed in agony and his cries filled the entire house.

He tried to run but he had nowhere to go because he couldn't even see, tripping over himself as he tumbled onto the ground.

Ayako was done slaughtering the rest as Shisui gestured for her to come over.

Ayako walked up to him and stood above the man that had caused her village so much misery, that had torn so many families apart and violated so many women.

"You fucking assholes! I will fucking kill you all!" The man threatened but this was just the desperate act of a dying man as Shisui proceeded to snap both his arms so he had no means to defend himself just like his victims. Ayako was the goddess of death at this very moment and she was going to add him to her collection.

Plunging the sword into his chest numerous times, killing him but something told Shisui that she liked it a little too much but the fact that these men were killed.

The news was sure to spread and other bandits will realize they aren't an easy target.

Shisui understood that in other to protect, you must sacrifice.