
Shinobi With A Template System

An Orphan of about four years old more mature and intelligent than most his age wake up with a voice in his head which explain things which make him satisfied for his goal to be the strongest shinobi to have ever lived !

Gol_D_Polaris666 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


It was the end of the last fight between Hashirama and Madara .

Two corpse could be seen hugging together a baby crying in their arms .

The woman was Hatsu Senju , Sister Of Hashirama Senju . The Father was Akira Uzumaki the brother of Mito Uzumaki , both died by Madara Uchiha's hands leaving an orphan baby .

Hashirama after Winning the fight saw the baby of his sister and brother-in-law and immediately took him back home but put him in orphanage since he knew that he could not raise his nephew without his ennemies knowing and trying to kill him .


Four years later , a boy could be seen running around and training in a village while being watched from the shadow by a dying man with long dark brown hair , black eyes and a smile on his face , which was hashirama senju .

The boy while training suddenly heard a voice in his head

[ Template system activation ..... function added Inventory , statut , template gacha .... 0%

... 13% .... 87 % ..... 100%..]

[Welcome host , Does Host want to Open Novice Package ? ]

The boy , named Ren Uzumaki Senju immediately was confused but decided to accept

[ Congratulation on Opening Novice Package receiving

10 times Draw VIP Template Gacha ticket x1

Custom A rank Ninjutsu Scroll x2

Custom C rank Ninjutsu Scroll x2

Lightning Elemental Affinity

Wind Elemental Affinity

Fire Elemental Affinity

Perfect Chakra Control

Gravity and Weigh Seal x5

Ryo x 1 000 000

Unlucking Chakra Safely and begin with chunin worth of chakra ]

All Reward will be sent to inventory , affinity and chakra control reward will be instantly applied to host's body a guide of the system will be transmited to your brain so you can use the system wisely , template if gained in gacha will be sent to inventory so host can use them at will ]

Ren hearing couls not help but smile seeing this since his goal was becoming the strongest shinobi to have ever lived , so he immediately went to the gacha to use his Novice reward

[VIP drawing x10 started] ( All template will only have the Host be able to learn way of getting stronger , there will not be any physical change toward the template character apparence )

* Third Raikage Template ( The strongest Raikage to ever have lived )

* Hashirama Senju's Template ( The God of Shinobi and Lone user of Wood Style Ninjutsu )

* Ashina Uzumaki Template ( Greatest Fuinjutsu User to have lived )

* Monkey D. Garp ( Great Soldier From Another World , Strongest Body Builder , Best teacher )

* Sarutobi Hiruzen ( The professor , Know and learned every ninjutsu non clan related of Konoha )

* Tsunade Senju ( Greatest Medical ninjutsu User , can heal almost any injury as long as the patient is not dead , also use extreme physical strenght on the battlefield to crush her ennemy skull's , )

* Mei Terumi ( Fifth Mizukage , Lava Style User , Steam Release user )

* Shuri Uzumaki ( Diamond release User ) (Custom template i the author created)

* Kaido of the beast[1 Ability template choice]( Pirate of another world , Conqueror Haki Master, Conqueror haki can Knock out weak spirited people and increase the power of attack when infused )

* Sakumo Hatake ( The Legendary White Fang of Konoha , greatest Kenjutsu User ever seen in the world )

[ All templete will be sent to inventory once host has selected the one he want to begin with ]

Then Ren did not think and began with the Template of the third raikage since he need a strong body first before anything and for ninjutsu he will gain some with that and now he can have 2 A rank and C rank in his inventory of his choice and created by himself first , also the Third raikage looked cooler on the template screen .

Ren then asked to see his statue



Ren Uzumaki Senju

4 years old



STR: 25

DEX: 23

END: 27

Template : Third Raikage (5%)

Affinity : Lightning , Wind , Fire


Ren then began wearing Weigh and gravity seal before using a C rank Ninjutsu Scroll to custom create a Lightning Ninjutsu of his taste

Hashirama POV

While watching my nephew i was surprised to see him unlock his chakra at four years old and it was not a small amount since i could sense that it was about the quantity of a newly promoted chunin , i also saw him take out a scroll and seal to had weigh and increase gravity which made me surprised and knew that konoha would fall in good hands when i would die .

Third POV

Ren then began creating his ninjutsu which gave out somthing decent .

Ren began making handsign before molding chakra .


Lightning style - Lightning breath blast

then Ren could be seen breathing out a lightning ball which flee toward a rock before reducing it to ash and creating a lightning field surrounding the rock stopping people from going toward the rock without being burned by the lightning

Then suddenly Ren saw a man Jumping jumping out of the tree close to the rock before hugging Ren ...

Which shocked Ren greatly recognising this man as Hashirama Senju the First Hokage even though retreated since now the hokage is Tobirama Senju , then he heard something which shocked him ....

Hashirama : Nephew i am sorry i left you at the orphanage , but i could not have you get in danger since i am someone that people would like to bring down and you would be my only weakness .... your parents were killed by Madara Uchiha who once was my friend before he killed them ..... your mother was my sister while your father was my wife's brother .... i will soon die , but i want to take you in my house , i will leave you to mito when i die ...

Ren began crying and sweared in his heart that no Uchiha would live once he was strong enough to burn them to ashes ...