

Ding Town is rather prospering town in the land of fire, one could say it in the same level as the capital city, different is there was no law here, anyone could come and go, if you want to avoid your pursuers you come here. killers, prisoners who escaped their prison, rough ninjas every kind of people lived here. this was the fifth town Simon and Anko came across, it has been three weeks since Simon and Anko start their search, but they had no luck so far. every time they leave town Simon would bust in to load of curses.

Another thing is every time Simon walked to a brothel, girls would be all over him, at first he was happy but as time passes he felt exhausted. it is not that he doesn't like girls there but he had some resistance since they are used goods. he didn't stay in a brothel long time just as he gathered information he would run away like a little girl.

''I regret this decision already'' Simon sat down right cross Anko who was eating her Dango happily, like a little girl in love.

''Dosh worry.....gulp...Don't worry little Simon I sure he is here like hundred percent '' she said after she finished her last dango. ordering another one she looked at Simon, with their journey progress their relationship also progressed. no, she's calling him Little Sima or little Simon. ''sigh....seeing your cute face like the big sis can't endure it anymore, how about this if we finished this mission successfully and you keep helping when everything is over except for 50000 Ryo ill give a kiss.'' Anko knew this guy was a bit of pervert but not like someone she already knew, 'heh..look like fool eat the bait....haha keep hoping little fool' Anko laughed inside.

Simon had exhausted and dark face suddenly became bright and fresh ''I m going to look around'' saying he quickly stood up before exiting inn. Anko kept her poker face until Simon out of sight then laugh out loudly. ' ha-ha what a pool ' she felt happy at least there is someone who thinks her kiss would worthy of hard work.

''Ojo - chan since you chased away that pretty face how about you come with me'' Anko heard a rough male voice calling her. she was about to kill this man but when she saw his face she stopped, he was a tall middle-aged man with a scar on his right face, he could consider as handsome if he didn't have that scar, he was the man she and Simon looking for whole this time. Tora the raper.

''What do you mean mister he is my boyfriend, I was just joking with him, he will be back '' Anko seems like acting tough. of cause, she was acting.

Hearing she already had boyfriend Tora became happier ' ha-ha breaking this kinda girl is the most satisfaction' he thought. he sat down opposite side of Anko then said ''It doesn't matter since you already finished you second Dango plate medicine should be hitting anytime now.

When Anko heard she was poisoned she quickly tried to stand up but felt dizzy,''damn it I was careless'' Anko cursed loudly. ''oh it took this much time to activate, seems like you aren't normal girl, maybe kunoichi, ha-ha now I m fired up, let go'' saying he left the inn carrying Anko.

Just when Tora and Anko left the inn Simon came back hurriedly, he found out that raper came to this inn to track down beautiful girl, It was one of the girls in brothel gave him information. Simon knew right away who he was tracking.

'Looks like I m a bit late, what should I do, what-what-what.....' Simon started to panic he was never in this kinda situation. that's why he hated ninja, this job involved too much risk.

''Simon calm down, you have strongest spiritual force in this world use it to cover this town, then think about her unique spiritual aura, everyone has different spiritual aura'' it was Shiro spoked him after a long time. when she saw him acting like a fool she decided to help him. in the first place, she was there to help him.

''What... I could do that?'' Simon felt Surprised.

''Normally chakra is a mix between spiritual force and physical force, chakra can't do that, but with your kind of chakra pool you can separate spiritual force from physical force, but it will take some time ill help you don't think about anything just feel, we don't have much time,'' Shiro explained. since he never practices spiritual force and physical force to divide Shiro decide to help him.

Soon Simon felt his Chakra pool became separated into two different colors, one was deep golden red and yellow color while other hardly had a color it was not colorless but didn't have color at the same time.

''Now imagined colorless one as huge net and cover the whole city with it '' Simon did as Shiro asked then his spiritual force started to leak out from his body, leaking lasted for few seconds, when it stopped Simon could 'see' everything or 'feel' anything.

'So this is the spiritual force, normal people have white color spiritual aura while ninja has different colors' Simon found it amazing to feel everything while he was closing his eyes, but he had no time to waste he must find Anko.

It took Simon a few seconds before he found Anko, she had twisted spiritual force, it looks like something slowly absorbing her spiritual force but her own force fighting to suppress it. Simon knew it was her heaven's cures which were Orochimaru's doing. she carried by someone with much darker spiritual force.

'She is in some building way from here, I must hurry.' Simon quickly retrieved his spiritual force, then dashed away. most of the people didn't feel Simon's spiritual force but some did.

in dark corner of ding city two men suddenly stopped and look at direction Simon was at ''he-he interesting looks like someone searching for someone lets take a look,'' first man who was in dark smiled creepy way while man beside him simply nod and followed the first man.

1- chap down another 2 on its way..........thank for the support guys.....

asuraSLcreators' thoughts