
Shinobi in the Shadow of Fairies

So our favourite ninja is too strong to die having furthered himself in his training. All his friends are dead and the age of shinobi is over. It is now the age of magic. Due to some past involvements, Naruto sees himself coming in contact with the mages of Fairy Tail... How does this affect the events that are to occur and what surprises are in store for them.

LOTS_Fiction · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Grand Magic Games

The Grand Magic Games was a large scale tournament that was held in Crocus, Fiore and it served one purpose only, to determine the strongest guild in Fiore. It was limited only to the legal guilds, so technically it was to determine the strongest legal guild in Fiore.

With the information that was available to him, he was able to deduce that the rules and order of the games changed each year, so it meant that they wouldn't be able to prepare ahead of time. He sighed. The week after the training had been rather eventful. They had a run-in with Jellal, Ultear and a mage named Meredy. They claimed to want to help and Ultear had decided to gift Fairy Tail mages with Second Origin.

Naruto smirked at the idea. Fairy Tail had been out of the picture for seven years. They'd need all the help they can get. After that, they had journeyed to Crocus for the games where once more another game changer awaited them. A lot of guilds had registered for the games and to reduce them, a preliminary event was held.

Fairy Tail ended up coming in last place, earning them a little talk with Naruto, but that was beside the point. They made it to the games and things would change here.

The blond turned his head to glance at the rest of Fairy Tail that were not participating in the games, including their Master and also first master, Mavis Vermillion. Typical of Mavis to always have her way.

"And here we are… the Grand Magic Games," a voice boomed. "The name's Chapati Lola and alongside me is Yajima-san." The crowd cheered. They always enjoyed the games and it also served as a way for them to be more acquainted with the future guilds that would be on their payroll.

"And of course," his voice boomed again, "let's not forget about our special guest, current Miss Fiore and a member of Blue Pegasus, Jenny Realight." The crowd cheered again and one could even hear some "I love you Jenny" amidst the cheering.

"Without wasting any more time, let's get on with the games. One hundred and thirteen teams enrolled in this year's Grand Magic Games and sadly, one hundred and five teams were eliminated due to the preliminary event that took place… these remaining eight teams are the best of the best, guaranteed to make this Grand Magic Games a successful event. So, without further ado, let's welcome a team who was famed for being the strongest in Fiore before their disappearance seven years ago." There was some slight cheering but it was drowned amidst the boos that was being released. "Let's welcome Team Fairy Tail."

Everyone in Fairy Tail cheered but they couldn't be heard amidst the boos. Naruto ignored everything and focused his eyes on the arena where he could make out his 'students' coming out. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Elfman. His eyes narrowed at Elfman taking Wendy's spot. He had let his guard down and Wendy was attacked. It was his fault. A smile played on his face… they weren't letting the boos get to their head. That was a good thing.

"Coming in just shy of Fairy Tail, an all-male guild, famed to be called the Hounds of Hell… Quartro Cerberus!" the cheering increased and Chapati continued.

"Following an all-male guild, we now have an all-female guild, Mermaid Heel!"

"The next team happens to be one belonging to our guest announcer today, led by the famed Ichiya, it's Blue Pegasus!"

Erza cringed slightly at the sight of Ichiya before noticing the person in the Bunny suit. She didn't comment.

"Presenting the only team with a member of the Wizard Saints on them, they've gotten into scuttle with Fairy Tail in the past… it is Lamia Scale!"

"Next is a once dark guild now turned legal guild, and we are hoping to see a clash of ideals between father and son, it is Raven Tail."

Naruto glanced at Makarov, a glance that told him to reign in his anger. Makarov turned away from the field and took deep breaths to avoid blowing off.

"Our next team is… wait a minute!" Chapati's voice was one that didn't betray his emotions at the moment. He was surprised. "It's Fairy Tail again!" Naruto let out a laugh at the reaction the crowd gave. Both teams had made it and it would give Fairy Tail an edge in the tournament.

Obviously anyone apart from the participants, their Master, Naruto and Mavis were surprised to see two Fairy Tail teams. Their corresponding colleagues turned rivals watched them approach the arena. Gajeel, Mirajane, Juvia, Laxus and… Mystogan?

Natsu being the ever oblivious idiot decided to speak up. "Mystogan… what are you-" Gray held his mouth shut before he could say anything.

"Shut your mouth Natsu. That's Jellal and he's undercover right now."

"Finally, introducing the top dogs, or dare I say 'cats'… they are the current strongest guild in all of Fiore… SABERTOOTH!" and the arena erupted. Their hearts had been captivated by the strongest guild.

The blond's blue eyes darted over to the guild members. The twin dragon slayers, Sting and Rogue. A muscular man that went by Orga. A lightning god slayer. Then there was the musketeer-like man, Rufus. Ah… Memory Magic he remembered. And finally, a white-haired girl that apparently used celestial magic.

"Now that all the teams are present on the field, let's introduce our Referee and Mascot, Mato-kun." A man made his appearance known. He had a giant pumpkin on his head and wore a red and white striped shirt with a green cape.

At this point Mato took over the game announcement. "Okay… let's get this on the way. The events of this game will cover five days and a total of two events would be held each day. A battle event will be held after a surprise event. For the surprise event, each team will receive an amount of points for their placements: first place will receive ten points, second place will receive eight points, third place six points, fourth place will receive four points, in fifth place three points, sixth place two points, in seventh place a point and no points will be awarded for eighth place."

"For the battle event, the winning team will receive ten points, and the losing team will receive zero points. If the battle ends in a draw, both teams would receive five points. If that is understood, please choose a member of your team for the surprise event. Once you've done that, only participants should be on the field and every other person can make their way to join the crowd in their seats."

"What do we do?" Natsu asked.

"We stick to Naruto's plan," Erza said. "I'll go."

The rest of them nodded as they left the field. Erza eyed her opponents as the other teams left their members behind. Team Fairy Tail B left behind Juvia as stated by Naruto. Sabertooth left behind Rufus. Mermaid Heel left Beth Vanderwood as a representative. Lyon stayed behind for Lamia Scale. Eve was representing Blue Pegasus. Jager for Quartro Cerberus and Nullpudding for Raven Tail.

"Now that only the participants are left, let's get on with the surprise event." As soon as Mato said that, the entire arena was warped to what looked like a city. They couldn't see each other.

"This location is where the event will take place. The objective of Hidden is easy. You would be hiding and seeking. You have to attack your opponent to gain points. For every successful attack, you get a point, and if you're attacked, you lose a point… Mind you, if you attack a clone," at that moment, the city was filled with the clones of each participant, "you lose a point. Once attacked, you will respawn in another location within ten seconds and respawn or restarts can happen as many times as possible. The winner of this event will be the person with most points at the end of thirty minutes… With that being said, disappear into the shadow and begin!"

"And hidden is on the way," Chapati cried from his announce table. "The event will be broadcasted via Lacrima vision so ensure you keep your eyes peeled.

"Go Eve-kun."


Erza recalled the training that she had done with Naruto. Stealth. That was going to be the key factor in this game. She had gotten a lot good at sensing magic too, so that was a bonus. Despite the fact that her trainer had the kind of magic that stuck out like a sore thumb he was extremely good at hiding it. He once stood in front of her and made it as though he had disappeared. It was extremely disconcerting.

She smiled because all the hard training had been worth it.


The air warped around her in an instant and her standard Heart Kreuz armour was replaced by a simple, almost revealing armour. White sarashi wrapped around her chest and a red hakama with golden flaming patterns covered her from the waist down. She was barefoot, perfect for minimizing the sound of her footsteps. In her hands were a pair of golden hilted katanas.

She didn't see her trainer smirk… this was going to be good.

In an instant she was off, moving through the streets silently, using the houses as a cover, hoping to strike like a ninja when her target was unfocused. She didn't take long before she spotted her first target.

"Agh!" was all Eve said as he felt the sword cut slightly against his back.

"And that's one point for Fairy Tail."


Naruto smirked as he watched the redhead move through the streets.

"I don't understand," Natsu muttered as he watched her, "why is she hiding instead of facing her opponent head on? She's Erza for crying out loud. This seems cowardly."

"Of course only you would say that," Happy cried from atop his perch on Naruto's head.

The blond smiled, more to himself than to others. "That's why you could not be chosen for this event. Not all battles are won by facing them head on. There are times that you might be required to be subtle."

"I don't get it."

"I never expected you to."

The guild laughed as Mavis turned to her fellow blond. "She's doing well." They watched Erza take out another target.

"I expected nothing less. It took her a while but being subtle was perhaps second nature to her."

Mavis nodded. "I have to ask Naruto. What plans did you make for when she took on Rufus?"

Naruto shook his head. "I only trained her, she'd have to face her opponents by herself."

Mavis shook her head this time. "Let me rephrase that. What would you do if you were to face Rufus?"

"Ah," he said as he smiled, "memories are a strong concept. Mind you, they're also feeble if overloaded."

He saw Mavis looking at him with a strange expression on her face and he chuckled.

"Blitz him faster than he can think of an appropriate memory. Or give him enough of something to think of and overload his memories. There's also the rare 'give him what his mind can't comprehend'".

It was Mavis' turn to mutter ah.

"Can she do it?"

He merely shrugged.


Erza smiled. She had taken out ten targets and had successfully blocked two attacks. But something was unsettling to her. She hadn't seen Rufus so far… she would have to focus more to get an accurate reading of his magic power.

Her head suddenly snapped as she felt a spike of magic power.

"A Night of Falling Stars!"

She ducked forward, rolling into a stop just as the attack hit where she once stood… Found you!

She summoned a sword and sent it sailing where it hit Nullpudding of Raven Tail. She didn't have time to waste on him, she was going after Rufus.

Erza found him at the top of a building standing calmly and smiling at her.

"Fairy Tail's Titania… what a pleasure it is to finally meet you?"

She didn't say anything as she watched him, trying to pinpoint any sudden spike in magic power.

"I must say that this fight is futile… I have already memorized your magic."

This time she spoke. "I bet you have, but who knows, you might be in for a surprise."

She noticed his demeanor change and she moved. Katana clenched as she darted at him causing his eyes to go wide with surprise. A smirk made its way across her face. He wasn't expecting that.

He brought his hand to attack and felt something sharp meet his neck and thin cut was made. "Point," she said as he disappeared to respawn.

"Erza of Fairy Tail has been the first person to successfully take out every participant in the Hidden event!" Fairy Tail cheered and soon they were joined by the rest of the arena.

Makarov had tears in his eyes. He was happy. Fairy Tail was getting their previous recognition back. His cheers seemed the loudest amongst all of them.

"Eve-kun, what are you doing?!" Jenny shouted with pseudo-tears in her eyes.

"It seems Fairy Tail is hell bent on regaining their former glory and sending in Erza was the best thing they could do," Yajima said as he watched the redhead work fast.


"She actually had a plan for Rufus," Mavis muttered with a cheerful gleam in her eyes.

"See…" Naruto said, drawing the word long enough to make her guess his next words, "and you actually doubted her."

"I didn't have doubts. I was just… curious."

He didn't say anything as he turned to face the arena and watch her finish the event.


The rest of the event had gone pretty smoothly for Erza, having encountered Rufus six other times and bested him four out of the six. She had taken some surprise attacks too, but she had made her point loud and clear. Fairy Tail was back. For a guy who didn't look like much, she had to admit, Naruto had a pretty strategic mind. The first event was paramount. It was important that they showed their power in that event, and they had done so.

"Amazing," Chapati Lola's voice rang out through the entire arena, "Fairy Tail has made an impressive stand. Having secured the highest number of points in the Hidden event, Team Fairy Tail A has ten points. Team Sabertooth will receive eight points, Team Lamia Scale will receive six points, Team Fairy Tail B will receive four points alongside Team Raven Tail. Team Blue Pegasus will receive two points and Team Mermaid Heel will receive one point. No points will be awarded to Team Quartro Cerberus sadly."

"That's it for the Hidden Event, please clear the arena as we prepare for the battle rounds."


"Well done Erza," the blond said as the strongest woman in Fairy Tail walked up to her guild. His words were almost immediately replaced by the cheers and congratulations that her guild threw her way. He didn't say anything though and just opted to watch them celebrate.

His mind was somewhere else. From what he was able to gather, the battle rounds were random. It was important that all members of the team were ready for anything.

Some minutes passed as the field was repaired and the teams were given a breather to rest. The battle rounds were starting now.

"Please turn your eyes to the giant screen," Mato said as he pointed at the screen in front of him.

"Akatsuki Ren vs. Arana Webb."

Cheers filled the arena as both participants entered.

The match was almost one-sided as Ren dominated the field earning Blue Pegasus ten points.

"Warcry vs. Orga Nanagear."

If the first match was one-sided, this one was even more one-sided. Orga obliterated Warcry without using any magic… it was all speed and hardcore brawling. It was almost a complete beat down. What made the match funnier was the fact that he proceeded to sing after it ended. Where he got a microphone from was anyone's guess.

"Mystogan vs. Jura Neekis."

A fight between an "S-rank" member of Fairy Tail and a member of the Ten Magic Saints was one everyone had high hopes for. The match was going well, each participant trying to one up the other with every move until something strange happened… Mystogan started laughing uncontrollably, baffling every one. It went on for some time before he started getting red in the face and passed out.

Weird in every sense of the way.

It was finally the fight that Fairy Tail had been anticipating.

"Lucy Heartfilia vs. Flare Corona."

"Keep calm Lucy, you'll do great."

She nodded and turned to receive the blessings from the rest of her guild before making her way down the steps to face Flare.


'This is for Fairy Tail,' Lucy thought to herself as she took on a battle stance. "So you're the guild that attacked Wendy earlier huh?" Lucy saw her opponent bend rather awkwardly as she studied her.

"You mean the little dragon slayer," the last two words were said with a slight pause in-between before Flare giggled.

"I'm going to enjoy this blondie," Flare said as her hair flared to life, growing in length and momentarily surprising Lucy.

Lucy took a look at her opponent before composing herself. "You'll pay for that." She took one of her keys and smirked. "Open, Gate of the Giant Crab, Cancer."

Space tore in front of her and Cancer appeared, his signature scissors in his hands. As the light reflected off of his shades, he turned to Lucy. "What hairstyle would you like today? –ebi."

"No hairstyle today Cancer… we're in the middle of a battle."

His demeanor changed immediately as he turned to face Flare who had begun shaping her hair into spikes.

"Cut," Lucy ordered. Cancer twirled his scissors in his hands as he proceeded to cut Flare's hair as they inched closer to them.

"How dare you!" Flare howled as her magic power increased. "You'll pay for this, Wolf Shower!"

At this command, her hair transformed as it took shape to be a giant crimson wolf complete with fangs, eyes, a body and legs. The wolf howled in response to its creator's wish.

"Cancer, you know what to do."

The tanned man nodded as his scissors flexed. "Anything for you –ebi!" swish after swish and he had reduced Flare's wolf to nothing. Lucy had to admit that she didn't expect Flare to grovel like that. As soon as her wolf was shredded, she fell on her butt with tears in her eyes.

"Let's finish this cancer," Lucy said, pointing her hand at Flare.


"I must say, Lucy has gotten rather impressive since I last saw her," Makarov said, wide-eyed at the display the blonde was showing in her battle.

"She shows promise."

"You must have worked hard on her."

"I didn't do much, just help her bring out what she already had within her," he said as he watched the display


Cancer made to attack but Flare held up her hand to stop him before jerking her head slightly to the right. Lucy paused trying to see where Flare was getting at. She was expecting the redhead to forfeit and was completely taken aback at seeing a strand of Flare's hair near Asuka.

She gasped and she turned to glare at Flare. That was not okay. Lucy felt her teeth grind together as Flare held a finger up in the air, moving it sideways.

"Call him off," she said in a low tone.

"Cancer," Lucy called to the crab and gave him a look.

He nodded and his gate closed. He left Lucy alone on the field.

"What is going on? Lucy has just recalled her celestial spirit and is now defenseless on the field," Chapati Lola announced as he watched Flare attack Lucy with her hair.



"I don't get it. Why did Lucy recall Cancer?"

"I don't know why, but something seems off."

"What's off?"

"Play this scenario out in your head. Lucy is winning, scratch that, she's dominating the battle when all of a sudden she withdraws Cancer and is now on the receiving end of that." Erza winced as Lucy was smashed into the ground face first.

Naruto spotted something on the ground before turning away from the guild and walking off.


"How does it feel blondie?" Flare taunted as she held Lucy by all her limbs, restricting her movement and displaying her like a trophy.

"What's this?" she started, her tone completely sinister, "your guild mark?… how lovely."

"What do you want with my guild mark?"

"Shut it blondie, I want to try something," she said as she moved to look Lucy in the eye before stepping back.

"How would you like your guild mark to be replaced by one of my own?"

Lucy's eyes widened in shock.

"No… please, don't do it… I beg you… stop!" Lucy had tears in her eyes as she screamed for Flare to stop. The redhead had shaped her hair to be like the guild mark of Raven Tail and it was red hot, steaming even.

"Lucy!" a voice roared and the blonde's head snapped to see Naruto standing near a giggling Asuka. What was even more surprising was the fact that he had a strand of red hair in his hand.

"Thank you," she mouthed back at the blond before wriggling her hand. "You're going to pay for this she said as she struggled to break free from Flare's grip.

"You can try all you want but you can't break out of my grip. You're nothing without your keys."

"And who said I need keys to summon my friends."

Flare cocked her head back, obviously surprised at that statement before Lucy yelled.

"Open Gate of the Twins, Gemini!"

Space tore before her once again as a pair of tiny, blue humanoids appeared.


"What?!" a figure nearly yelled from his spot in the arena. "A celestial spirit mage capable of summoning spirits without her keys… impossible."

"It would seem so," another figure said, "but what we're seeing is no illusion."



"Gemi, Mini, I need your help."

They nodded as they shot off, encompassed by a white light as they streaked past the strands of hair covered by golden light and began to attack Flare faster than she could react. The assault was more than she could bear and she loosened her grip on Lucy. The attacks didn't relent as Gemi and Mini continued their assault.


"I didn't know Lucy could do that," Makarov said with tears in his eyes. "Naruto, you truly are a blessing."

The blond didn't respond, opting to just shrug, eyes still fixated on the arena below.

"It's not fair," Natsu muttered. "I want to get a chance to show off too."

"And you will," Naruto replied, "wouldn't it be better though if you use this chance to cheer Lucy on." It was not a question.

"I guess."

"GO LUCY!" Fairy Tail roared, their cheers been carried by the crowd.


Lucy smirked as Flare's hair had been reduced to a shadow of its former self.

"My hair!"

"That's not all," she said as the cheers of the crowd intensified. "Gemini let's do this."

In an instant, the pair glowed bright and they began to morph. Gemini was soon replaced by Lucy, a different Lucy in a different outfit as they held hands with the fellow blonde.

"Survey the heavens, open the heavens…

All the stars, far and wide…

Show me thy appearance…

With such shine.

Oh Tetrabiblos…

I am the ruler of the stars…

Aspect become complete…

Open thy malevolent gate.

Oh 88 stars of the heavens…


Urano Metria!"

Energy surged around Lucy and Gemini and they glowed a brilliant light. Raw celestial spirit energy flowed forth from them and began to coalesce when… it stopped.

Lucy couldn't fathom what happened as Gemini disappeared before her eyes and she too collapsed to the ground, weakened.

Flare had tears in her eyes as she looked around and her eyes met someone, her fellow teammate in Raven Tail. "O-Obra-san… th-thank you."

The words were muttered quietly, but two people caught the meaning behind them. Two who were blond and one of them was extremely pissed.

Naruto in all his years had seen a lot of things and had come to understand far more than he could hope to in his life. Years in seclusion had caused him to become a master of control. He had plenty, enough to go around and still have loads left in himself. However, there were still few things that could set him off, not enough that he'd fly off the handle, but enough so that he'd notice the perpetrators.

"Winner: Flare Corona of Raven Tail."

The arena was quiet. It was all the more reason it was a surprise when no one noticed a certain blond walk on to the field. He didn't spare Flare a glance. She was a coward and not someone worth his time at the moment. There was someone, no something bigger that he had to address. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Lucy's almost motionless body.

He ignored the murmurs as everyone wondered who he was… no one was aware that there was a new mage in Fairy Tail. He picked Lucy up bridal style and turned to face the audience – admittedly just one spot – Raven Tail. Oh they were going to pay so bad.

Without a word, he seemingly vanished from the arena.

"That was a rather climatic end to first day of the Grand Magic Games. A lot of unexpected things happened today and the results are as shown on the screen. Till then, see you all tomorrow."

Final Results

1st Place - Team Sabertooth - 18 points

2nd Place - Team Lamia Scale - 16 points

3rd Place - Team Raven Tail - 14 points

4th Place - Team Blue Pegasus - 12 points

5th Place - Team Fairy Tail A - 10 points

6th Place - Team Fairy Tail B - 4 points

7th Place - Team Mermaid Heel - 1 point

8th Place - Team Quartro Cerberus - 0 points


Fairy Tail were gathered in the infirmary. On one bed was Wendy, the casualty of their carelessness the previous day. On the second bed was Lucy, the casualty of today's carelessness.

Naruto turned to look at them, a smile on his face.

"Don't be gloomy you lot," he said, "so we lost, big deal."

Natsu almost snapped at that. "What makes you think we're upset because we lost? We're this way because Wendy and now Lucy were attacked. Our comrades. How can you not u-"

"And who says I don't understand? Moping about it isn't going to do squat. What would they want? They'd want us to win this game, for their sake. And you all are going to do more than win this game… you're going to make sure no one else will mess with your friends ever again."

"What about –"

He didn't let them finish. "What about what? You've got nothing to worry about. You have Porlyusica here to tend to their wounds. You're going to focus on the games and how to dominate it."

His little speech had worked tiny wonders. Everyone in the room had only one goal in mind. Complete and utter dominance in the games.