
Trolls Do Exist, Connie's Fear And More Friends...

Chapter 5 - Trolls Do Exist, Connie's Fear And More Friends...

-- Unknown Location --

As my vision returned to me, I spread out my chakra sense to get a feel of my surroundings and to locate the others as well as the killer.

I waited a few seconds and my eyes, which could now see clearly, looked around the area and I spotted a few insects and animals a couple of meters away.

They slowly but surely trotted/crawl/hopped towards me and surrounded me. I petted a rabbit and it sqweaked while a deer nudged the back on my trousers, to which I turned to it a did the same.

I sat down for a few minutes and got a feel for how the others were doing, they seemed to be standing still, along with a few other chakra signatures I didn't recognise.

'Is it possible that there is more than one killer in this trial? If so why? I know there was that new mode introduced and I did play it a bit, where there were 2 Killers and 8 survivors' I focused in on the unfamiliar chakra signatures and felt some bearly hidden malice.

Now don't get me wrong, while it is to be expected, some of the Killers don't actually want to kill as they either have no interest in others besides their main victims, like Bubba with his obsession with Ana and the gang, Micheal myers and Laurie and then there were the Killers who were forced into killing like, The Wraith, Nemesis, Wesker because they all had their own reason as to not just mindlessly kill over and over again and in Nemesis' case it was because he wasn't ordered to kill anyone apart from those who were former S.T.A.R.S members.

Some of the Killers enjoyed bringing terror, while some didn't, and others just didn't care and for those who rebelled or refused they would eventually get corrupted by the Entity into submission as it was stated in the Tome II - The Reckoning, Arcus 07.

The survivors that died during the trials would get replaced by another version of themselves from the infinite omniverse, retaining memories of their past incarnations and slowly getting driven into insanity to the point that other survivors had to silence them. After all the survivors were just nourishment for the Entity as they fed it some kind of indescribable psychic sustenance.

That's why I wanted to help not only the survivors get through the trials but I also wanted to help those Killers who were corrupted into becoming Killers. They only wanted to end up with up to less than a handful or two of victims who had wronged them or forced them to become murderers, not to mindlessly slaughter every human they come into contact with.

Anyways, I'll cross that bridge when the time comes, for now I'll go check out who the Killers are. I lessened my chakra sense range to only the unfamiliar signatures and pulled out my drawing scroll to create a few mice and mantis', with a few handsigns and a smack on the scroll, I channeled my chakra into it and brought the drawings to life.

"Alright guys, split up into groups of 3 and locate any traps or weird looking structures and place this seal onto them" I said as I gave each squad of inksects (Get it) and mice a seal for the leaders, it was the Flying Raijin seal marker, I gave it so they can place it and I can teleport between the markers to get to different parts of the map, instantly.

There was also another thing that I wanted one of my shadow clones to test out both here and back at the camp. That was whether I can travel through the realms freely without needing the Entity's help and instead using the Second and Forth Hokages Flying Raijin technique.

Once they got their seals, they turned to different directions and scattered, leaving me and the organic animals behind. I got up from my sitting position and stretched my legs, ready to hop some trees.

*Crack* *Crack*

"Hnn, that felt nice, alright time to head on out" I said as I cracked my back and calves.

After that I petted the animals and said goodbye, jumped into the trees and made my way towards the Killers signatures.

-- 10 minutes later --

I made my way to the Killers and adjusted my route slightly as they were free from the constraints of the Entity but still influenced by its magic.

They were currently searching for the survivors, who were looking for the exits or for generators. I landed in a bush a few meters away from one of the Killers and hid.

It was one of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Killers, Sissy, holding a bottle and humming a tune. I then felt another presence approaching and watched as Bubba walked out from behind a tree, surprisingly large enough to hide his tall and slightly robust frame.

Sissy, seemed to be saying something to him and gave him one of her bottles, in response to that he raised his Chainsaw while revving it and swinging it around in excitement.

She laughed and he ran towards the Northwest, presumably to get a survivor. I was about to go after him but decided to not do so as I could have a little fun with Sissy and I was much faster than him so I could easily catch up to him.

'Why not get creative, adds more fun to the game' I thought with a smirk as I formulated a plan with Naruto's Prankster side.

-- With Sissy --

She had been at home with her family, waiting for her home-cooked meal to be served, drooling at the thought and smell of the crisp flesh of her latest victims. When suddenly she had been guided to her family's slaughterhouse as she entered the kitchen, somehow it had become a portal to her next food source.

She waited, stuck in place by some unknown force, humming to herself one of the many songs she picked up on her journey with the multiple cults she travelled with.


Hearing a 'Dong' sound, she smiled sadistically and moved her knife with precision as she regained control of her beautiful body.

It was time, time to show her food just how much she loved to savour them.

Licking her lips she joyfully skipped across the forestry leading to the slaughterhouse and sang a few songs she had become quite familiar with from repeated singing.

"Baby's gonna disappear from the momma's arms...there's gonna be a lot of fear...but we'll be on the run..."

"When you see the children, x's on their head...if you dare to look at them, soon you will be dead..." (laughs)

"It's time to call time from behind you... The illusion has Just been a dream...(laugh) Valley of Death and I'll find you...Now is when on a sunshine beam..."

"For Always is Always forever...'Cause one is one is one.. Look inside yourself for your father.. All is one, all is none, all is none, none is one..."

"Just a-playin' with the poison one.. Sun and yourself with the Devils son..." (laughs)

"oh love, my love...look at your love...oh love, my love...look at your love..."

"Where the mountains' reach like fingers to the sky...never ask why, love never dies..." (laughs)

"I whisper words, you come to me.. the song I sing for all to see.. (laughs).. the past is gone and now i know.. inside this cell, nowhere to go (laughs) (Hums)...the past is gone and now I know.. inside this cell, nowhere to go..." (Laughs)

"Night so dark, wind so cold...Those fires burning, you can't grow old... (laughs)... you can't grow old."

"When the eagle flies.. we will lie under the sun.." (laughs)

She continued her singing and heard the revs of a familiar tool. Smiling softly as she watched her brother, her Bubba, stomp through the forest towards her in excitement.

He stopped before her and gazed at her with a submissive look and awaited her orders, afterall whatever his family wanted him to do was what he would do.

"C'mere Bubba, Sissy has a surprise for y'er"

She said mysteriously and she pulled out one of the bottles she had stored away for her poison, her 'Bane'.

Bubba came forward and stood before her, his Iconic Chainsaw resting on his shoulder. As he reached for the bottle and took it, he saw his Sissy gazing at him gently and tapping on his shoulder, affectionately.

"This here's my finest work on my new 'Bane', take it and do what you do best Bubba, bring your family some fresh meat, then we can resume our dinner" she said while Licking her knife and moaning slightly, although Bubba didn't hear her moan.

Bubba, now receiving permission to hunt some dinner, revved his Chainsaw and danced with it happily, as Sissy laughed and grinned maliciously.

With his Order received, Bubba raced to the Northwest to locate his prey. Sissy on the other hand remained standing in place, watching everything around her, menacingly.

With one final smirk and laugh, she skipped out of the small clearing, thoughts of depravity, hunger and madness clouding her mind...

-- Back with the MC --

I watched on as Bubba left to torment some poor soul and Sissy left the clearing, humming and singing as she played with her 'Bane' bottles.

Now that I had two of the Killers checked off my list, with 1 other unknown one on the other side of the realm, I used my [Camouflage] technique to become undetectable.

I moved over to a couple of trees away from the one I was hiding at, on the side of tree there was a sticky substance leaking out, indicating that this was a maple tree.

I extracted the Maple sap with a few bottles and opened cans I had found on the ground. That was one ingredient for my plan to be completed now I just need a makeshift slingshot some rope and leaves.

I made a clone to go to the slaughterhouse and grab some rope, while I gathered a pile of leaves and store them in a storage scroll.

The clone returned after 5 minutes and handed me the rope as it poofed away.

I ran through the forest and past sissy, who was about 250 meters away from the slaughterhouse.

I then set up the little prank I had in mind and waited until she got within distance and in position.

-- With Sissy --

She had been trekking the forest for the past five minutes and knew that her family's workplace was within a distance of 3 to 4 more minutes. Thankfully she hadn't heard any generators being completed, only Bubba's Chainsaw revving occasionally.

She made it to the last stretch of land and could make out some of the slaughterhouse's frame. It was nearly time for her to begin her fun as the big sister of The Cannabalistic Family.

After taking a few more steps she heard a little rustling in the bushes to her right, thinking that it might be a survivor, she grinned sadistically. Just when she was about to go forward a bush behind her moved, causing her to turn around to find a strangely dressed man aiming what seemed to be a makeshift slingshot.

-- MC POV --

I observed as Sissy walked towards her impending embarrassment, I pulled out my makeshift slingshot and got up to reveal my location and to give her a good look at the source of her humiliation. Not like she could do anything to me, even if she wanted to get revenge.

She turned towards me and I waited a second before aiming for a piece of rope that connected to a log, in doing so it would release the anchor keeping the log from swinging into her.

Seeing the log coming from her left, she stumbled backwards in panic so as to avoid the swinging log and this caused her to to step onto a leaf camouflaged hole that gave way as soon as she stepped onto it, making her fall into the big hole I made.

The bottom of the hole was smothered in sap, I walked up to the hole and peeked down into it, trying my hardest not to laugh and instead snorted with a proud look on my face.

At The bottom of the hole sat Sissy with sap covering her and leaves stuck to her body. She looked to her form and took a few seconds to process what had happened.

Suddenly her eye started to see red as they turned bloodshot and she figuratively exploded. She started wildly slashing her knife in the air towards me while shouting.


"First off, Ok, Secondly, Pause that's gay, and lastly you can try, but I'll tell you right now that I'll reverse Uno your ass in everything you throw at me" is what I responded with and started to laugh as she slipped trying to climb back up.


I paused in my laughing and looked to my left at the call of my name, we'll the name I gave to the survivors as I didn't give out my real name, information is the key to all forms of knowledge afterall.

I saw Kate and Connie approaching me with a confused look on their faces, probably wondering why I was laughing so hard to the point I even wheezed once.

As they got closer I told them to look into the hole and they did so, only then did they realise why I was laughing and looked at me surprised, awed, intrigued and Kate was trying to stifle her laughter behind her hands.

They both giggled and I raised my hand to scratch the back of my head and chuckled lightly.

"I SWEAR I WILL GET YOU, YOU DAMN TROLL" Exclaimed Sissy in a fit of rage.

I chuckled again and signaled for Kate and Connie to follow me as we left the big sister of Bubba alone, screaming her heart out for Bubba to help her get out so she can hunt me down.

After walking for 2 minutes, we came out of the forestry and found the slaughterhouse in all its gory glory. There was the occasional giggle here and then on our way there, but when we saw the building in all its glory, Connie flinched slightly as bad memories of her experience there came flooding back to the point she froze up slightly.

I saw this happen in real time and raised my hands to place a them on her shoulders. With Kate comforting her with arubbijg her back and whispering that it's alright.

"Don't worry, your not alone in this anymore, you have friends and family waiting for you to return" I said reassuringly, and rubbed her shoulder a bit before letting go as that was enough physical contact to comfort her.

She shivered and eventually calmed down enough to answer a few questions about this place to see if it was like the Game version or if there were any changes.

"I don't wanna seem like a jerk but since you have a lot more experience in this place than us then could you answer a few questions about this place, if that's possible that is?" I asked gently and crossed my arms over my chest.

She calmed down and answered my questions as I asked.

"So how big is this place, have you got a rough estimate? Also what is blocking the survivors from going over the fenced gates at the exits?" I questioned curiously.

"T-the place should be a few hundred acres of land and and there is a electric wire connecting all around the fences, covering the entirety of the outer walls of the land in electrical fences over 10 feet tall".

"Hoh, then why not dig under the fences and make a gap between the ground and fences in order to escape or find a tree tall enough and get Leland to chop it down, I'm sure the animals that run this place must have an axe laying around here somewhere" I said calmly while coming up with a few ideas to escape from here.

"Or is it that you can't escape from here unless you power up all the generators and go through the exit gates?, or maybe that is the only way out of here and other means of escape are blocked out by the Entity?" I continued my rambling with some valid points.

I paused to look at Connie and Kate, they seemed to be looking at me in bewilderment, I rubbed the back of my head in slight embarrassment with a light blush slowly forming on my cheeks.

"What?" I spoke out in an embarrassed tone of voice.

"N-nothing, it's just that we never really thought about other means of escape as our only choice was the exit gates powered by the generators" said Kate after recovering from her bewilderment.

"Y-yeah ah never thought of looking for other means of escape, always on the run and thinking of the only way told to us to escape from was the quickest and safest" replied Connie with a little dejected look on her face for being stupid.

"Now, now it's not really your guy's fault, you are human afterall and react differently from others in the same or in different situations, our different experiences shape us and our responses to situations in our own unique ways, as we're all different with varying life choices, so you guys responding to getting dropped in this realm by picking the quickest and safest way out is understandable as fear can make almost anyone forget they are human and have a mind that can be used for something apart from processing fear". I said trying to somehow placate her from having a depressive episode.

She seemed to have calmed down from that along with Kate, they looked towards me and..

"Thank you" They said simultaneously as they smiled gently.

I blushed slightly as they looked nice with a genuine smile on their faces, I quickly shook my head to snap out of it and responded.

"No problem, now why don't we find a generator or some things we can use to aid in our survival as well as locate the others"

At that moment we all heard the distinct sound of five generators being done. This alerted not only us but also the Killers as I can feel them moving towards the locations of the completed generators. I decided to inform the girls that there was at least 3 Killers roaming around.

"From what I have seen and heard, there should be about three Killers moving about trying to hunt us, meaning that it's possible for there to also be more survivors and more generators to complete than normal". I informed them as we speed walked to the slaughterhouse.

"That's possible as we haven't heard the exit gates being powered up, even when all five of the generators have been completed so we need to find the rest or look for tools to help in other means of escape" said Connie thoughtfully. With that plan in mind we fastened our pace.

We quickly found the next generator and started working on it, with the three of us it was done in no time at all. The generator went off signalling its activation and informing all the Killers to our whereabouts, except for Sissy if she hadn't made it out of the hole I dug for her, that is.

We got up and made our way into the slaughterhouse and Kate held Connie's hand so she doesn't tense up or feel scared, I stayed behind them in order to protect them from any sneaky Killers, like Myers, Ghosty, The Pig, Spirit, Wraith etc.

We walked past some poor pigs hooked up in the air and Kate nearly puked from the stench, I gently touched their shoulders to get them to keep going to get the sight out of their vision.

We found the staircase leading to the basement and went down to see if there was any survivors, I could've used my chakra sense but said nope as I wanted to be surprised to see if there was anyone down here or not.

The basement was like the TCSM one with a few hooks like the ones in Dead By Daylight spread out in one or two rooms away from each other. I sniffed the air and smelt blood, they watched as I did so and copied me but came up empty handed as their senses weren't as advanced as mine.

"Someone is down here, I can smell fresh blood" I informed them.

"How do you know?" Connie came in with the enquiry.

"My senses are more honed than a normal human's thanks to some training I did when I was younger, so I can see, hear, smell, taste and feel things more clearly than the average person" I left out the part of me about having a sixth sense and even a seventh, so I'm a little more human in their eyes, just a little stronger is all.

They looked a little impressed and quizzical, probably thinking about how you can train your senses like that but I ignored that for now.

I felt eyes watching us and covertly looked around as if I was searching for anything helpful while shifting random tools and items on thrown about on the floor.

There. The locker in the room next to this one, the locker was facing the entrance to this room so whoever was in there can see us clearly but so could we.

I moved out of sight and signaled for the girls to follow, we went to a corner that wasn't visible and I signaled again to let then know to lower their voices.

"The locker in the room opposite to this one has someone watching us, most likely a survivor, but we can't rule out the idea of it being a killer" I whispered to them.

They nodded and Kate whispered back.

"So how do we find out who it is and are they friendly or hostile?"

I came up with multiple plans to lure out whoever it was, but decided to let Connie take this one as it would help build her confidence in these kinds of situations and lessen her fear of this realm. I looked towards her and spoke out in a hushed voice.

"Well boss, you got any plans cooked up in that brain of yours?"

She hesitated to say it and I encouraged her with Kate's backing.

"Come on, you got the smarts and the looks so you can speak your mind as I know whatever your plan is, it isn't going to be stupid, as that is not what you are, your smart so just trust in yourself and us"

That seemed to help steel her nerves as she told us her plan. We nodded and approved at the simplicity yet cunning nature behind it.

"Alright we'll go with that, any complaints? No? Good, now let's do this!" I exclaimed quietly as we left the room and went down a tunnel to carry out Connie's plan.

-- Secret Admirers POV--

I had been wandering the tunnels for a few minutes, after finding my way down there through a different entrance than the one located inside the slaughterhouse.

I had completed a generator with the help of another Survivor but got separated as Bubba came stomping towards us, so we scattered and went opposite directions, luckily Bubba went after the other survivor, whatever happened to them was none of my concern, they weren't him afterall so I could care less of what happens to them. He's the only one I would assist.

Anyways after a few more minutes I saw the exit/entrance to the upper floor and was about to take it when I heard voices. I quickly hid in one of the lockers in the next room over.

After a few seconds the voices got closer and closer until I saw 3 people enter my line of sight.

One man and two girls.

The man had black hair and dressed in dark purple trousers with a shirtless torso, accompanied by bracers on his arms made up of a steel of some kind and open toed shoes. He had his eyes closed for a few seconds but when he opened them, I could see they were ruby colored, which was interesting.

One of the girls had red auburn hair, she had a black head band, a light pink patterned shirt that was scrunched up from the front into a knot, light blue booty shorts with a patterned belt, a bracelet on her right hand and lastly she wore cream coloured beach sandles.

The other girl had blonde wavy hair, covered by a red beanie, a green, black and white patterned long sleeve shirt that exposed the tattoo on her left arm, a necklace of some kind, dark grayish to black skinny jeans and knee high cowboy boots.

They were talking about something and then moved away after the man looked through some trash and entered the deeper side of the room, most likely in search of other things.

I waited a few minutes and they came back out and went down the tunnel, after a few seconds I contemplated on whether to leave or not but just as I was about to, I heard running and the two girls came running back without the man in sight.

Some noise was coming from the direction they left like metal hitting metal, they definitely ran into a killer and the man stayed to hold it off.

The girls separated and ran to different lockers, with the blonde running to my locker. Shit.

I clenched my fists as I readied myself to meet her and run as soon as she opened my locker, the seconds counted down in my head as she reached for the locker door and I shifted slightly to jump out the second it opens.

As soon as the door opened I bolted and pushed her out of the way, while running towards the exit. I was close to getting out when I heard a chainsaw from up above.


I turned around to find another locker and hide but it was too late as some stomping came from both directions, from the stairs and the tunnel.

'No choice' I thought as I reached onto my side and pulled out a makeshift flashbang increased from some parts I found in the basement.

As soon as the stomping got louder and I saw the feet of Bubba, I threw the flashback down at his feet as it set off a second later, this caused him to cry in distress and anger at losing his vision. I was about to run past him but he swung his Chainsaw out and I barely had time to dodge at it knicked the top of the roof due to how tall he was.

After nearly dying I felt hope slipping away as I thought of other ways to escape and glanced back at one of the lockers I knew the redhead was hiding in.

Making my mind up, I ran to the locker with Bubba now chasing me after recovering and pulled on the door to expose the girl in hiding.

It's either me or her and unfortunately I'm not too keen on being disfigured and dismembered today.

She looked on in shock and fear as Bubba paused in his hunt to look at her, his face lighting up in recognition and excitement, he moved towards her and was about to grab her as I ran ahead and out of the area.

Leaving behind the two teens and the Cannibal.

-- MC POV --

I watched from behind a wall as Ada Wong burst out from the locker she was in stroking my none existent beard.

'Hmm so Resident Evil has already arrived to this realm, meaning Jill, Claire, Leon, Chris, Sheva, Rebecca, Wesker and Nemesis should already be here, I wonder if there's more from that world besides them, maybe Mr.X and other characters are here like, Ashley, Ethan, Rose, Mia, the Dimetrescu sisters and Mommy D, as well as others' I thought nodding to myself sagely.

'This realm is ever expanding so who knows what other world would be introduced besides the ones I was currently acquainted with prior to my death' I continued as I observed Ada's actions.

Seeing her throw a flashbang and run towards Connie's locker, I sighed having seen this coming from a mile away.

'Welp this is Ada we're taking about, she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice Leon so if she could live and played with his feeling for years while disregarding hers' I got ready as she ran past and pulled the door exposing Connie to Bubba.

Watching him stand there for a few seconds and get all excited I made my move as Ada left.

Rushing forward as he reached for her, I gave a roundhouse kick to his head that made him fly backwards into a breakable door, causing him to break it and fall a few more meters into a wall.

"Woah there buddy, didn't your parents ever teach you its not polite to touch a girl inappropriately if you don't have any romantic relations with her." I said as I landed and put Connie behind me and gestured for Kate to come out of hiding and join her.

She did so and I checked to see if they were harmed, seeing that they were as fit as a fiddle, I told them to run and find the exit gates as the last two generators should be close to completion.

With some hesitation they did as they were told with Connie hugging and squeezing my back and letting go to run away.

"Be Safe" "Take Care" They said together and left.

I looked at them as their feet disappeared up the stairs and looked back at Bubba who was really angry and was having a tantrum like the man-child he was.

"Damn, first Sissy and now you, looks like I'm gonna be bodying and upsetting your entire family if this keeps up" I said with a grin and no fear, for what is there to fear from a Chainsawman, when I am a Ninja God?.

He seemed to get even more upset at the mention of his Sissy and family and raised his Chainsaw and starting revving, to which I returned with a crack of my knuckles and neck.

"Come, let me show you my prowess in Mortal Kombat" I said with a come and get it gesture as he ran to me, Chainsaw swinging wildly.