
Shinitai negai

This story is about a demon getting killed by a a newly hero and his party he ventures out to create his ow world where he wants to live in peace but multiple challenges keep getting in his way.

Knight_8915 · ファンタジー
92 Chs

What Are They

As the announcer began the countdown, anticipation hung in the air. Everyone held their breath, eager to witness the true power of the Takeshi. In foreign lands, the Takeshi had honed their skills, using dark heroes as training partners and even slaying multiple dark dragons. The audience couldn't contain their excitement as the battle was about to commence. Three... two... one...

Suddenly, a deity descended upon Earth to witness this extraordinary fight. However, as the battle kicked off, it seemed like nothing was happening at all. To the untrained eye, there was no movement, just stillness. Only the seasoned fighters could discern the lightning-fast exchanges occurring before them, and even for them, it was a challenge.

Frustration boiled over in the crowd as they shouted accusations at the Takeshi, believing it to be a scam. Knight's voice cut through the chaos, commanding them to be silent and understand that a fierce battle was underway. The crowd fell into confusion, but Knight directed their attention to the ground, where dents and holes bore witness to the intense clash.

Among the spectators, the Lion's Heart King couldn't help but wonder about the true extent of these generals' strength. Knight intervened, granting enhanced vision and thought acceleration to those unable to perceive the battle with their naked eyes. The crowd gasped in disbelief as they finally comprehended the astonishing spectacle unfolding before them.

In the midst of the fight, Toka struggled to keep up, while Ichimaru seemed to dominate. They returned to their initial positions, and Ichimaru urged Toka to go all out, emphasizing that he needed to give his utmost effort to be considered a general. Toka then employed a skill called "Deadly Mist," vanishing into thin air and reappearing only when striking. Ichimaru appeared to be taking punches without taking any visible damage, but Knight, with his enhanced vision, could discern the true intricacies of Ichimaru's incredible speed.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic god observed with eager anticipation, yearning for a chance to challenge Ichimaru. Ichimaru, however, encouraged Toka to step up his game, showing no sign of yielding in this exhilarating battle.