
Shinitai negai

This story is about a demon getting killed by a a newly hero and his party he ventures out to create his ow world where he wants to live in peace but multiple challenges keep getting in his way.

Knight_8915 · ファンタジー
92 Chs

Last Transgression: All Deaths Into One

Tobura had gone completely berserk, absorbing all the magic in existence, causing the Earth itself to wither and die. My powers were absorbed by Tobura, and he evolved into Infinite Tobura, standing before me, ready for a showdown. As he absorbed more energy, his influence spread like a devastating domain, shattering everything like fragile glass.

I began to crack, just like the glass around me, and before I knew it, I was gone again. But when I finally regained consciousness, I found myself back at the Takeshi tournament. This time, I intervened before Menma and Nabe could even begin their fight, recalling all the times I had died at the hands of my generals.

With determination, I ascended towards a mysterious deity and unveiled their identity—it was Kronos. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, fury lacing my voice. "You've got some nerve twisting the timeline like that," I added, frustration evident in my tone.

Kronos responded with an aggravating remark, seemingly unfazed by my anger. "I did what I had to do," he said, his intentions clear. "You're stronger than Zeus, and you're not even a god. I can't let you become one."

I retorted firmly, "I don't want to become a god. It's too much work." But Kronos paid no heed to my protests; he wanted me dead. He tore open time rifts in space, and from them emerged all the super-strong Takeshi combatants: Infinite Tobura, Shadow God Tende, Blood God Lycone, the Magic Goddess Nabe, Trickster Misugu, Chaos Menma, Fire Demon Katsu, Time Disrupter Isagi, Frost Demon Toka, and the King of Gods, Ichimaru.

They all stood before me, a formidable assembly of power. The weight of their previous victories over me bore down on me. I had to make a choice, and it had to be the right one.