
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 14 -- Armor

Laura noticed the expressions of everyone and was surprised to see how deep in thought they where. She no longer saw students, she now saw men and women ready to fight for the safety of the human race.

Linda stood up to talk and she immediately drew the attention of Lex. She was wearing a tight red sleeveless dress which reached just under her knees. Lex could not stop staring until Adam nudged him from under the table.

"Laura do we have any information than could help in the mission?" she asked.

"Yes we do , you all go change first and come back here for the mission briefing. And I'm sorry for messing up your weekend, you guys look like you had plans "She said after noticing how everyone was dressed.

"It's ok Laura, humanity is more important" Lex said as he stole a glance at the leaving Linda. He didn't know if he was reassuring Laura or convincing himself. Ever since he found out that he was not human, Lex didn't know where he stood in the grand scheme of things. He would fight for the human race but he did not know how far he would go for them.

Their uniform consisted of blue and white camouflage pants and vests with different designs. Lex and Adam had flame designs on their uniform , Tina had water bubbles , Linda had tornado designs , Michael had thunder and Jennifer had Rocks. The uniforms where made using the special leather from a three headed cow and it was the first time for the students to ever wear them.

"Before i brief you guys there is an important issue we need to get out of the way" Laura said with a serious face.

"I am sick and tired of calling you guys 'students' , we need a name for your group " She continued with a smile.

Adam immediately stood up , but before he could say anything , he was cut short.

"We are not calling ourselves 'flame family' Adam" Laura stopped him , causing the group to release a few laughs.

"How about 'ultraforce' " Michael suggested.

"We are not superheroes Mike " Jenny commented

"Cursed" Lex suddenly said after a few minutes of silence. No one disputed the new name.It seemed deep down they all knew what that name symbolized. Laura smiled and gave a small nod to Lex before beginning the mission briefing.

"The small village of Rion reported some beasts attacking the settlement since last week, but at that time the beasts where manageable and the resident hunters easily took care of them. However about a week ago the quantity of beasts doubled before tripling 3 days ago.

The beasts have been identified as a pack of earth Lions consisting of more than 10 specimens in the first rank. Earth lions just like their name suggests are a type of lion magical beast.They are extremely fast on the ground and have really tough skin. Earth lions specialize in physical attacks while in the first rank. Rank 2 or higher earth lions gain the ability to control the earth element.

No one has yet to see the pack leader but it is believed to be a rank 2 beast of the same kind. If you meet the leader you immediately hide and call me to your position is that clear?"

"Yes commander" team Cursed replied in unison.

"We leave in 5 minutes prepare your equipment." Laura ordered.

Since 'Force' was limited, it was mandatory for every soldier to also carry a melee weapon in case they run out. Surprisingly all members of team Cursed, except Tina, had chosen the Long sword as their melee weapon. Tina had chosen a sniper rifle instead. It was ocean blue in colour and was as long as she was tall.

Lex used his system to Inspect Tina's gun:

'System Inspect'


Obsidian sniper

Rank 1

Element : Water

A sniper made from the horn of a water unicorn.

Can shoot compressed water elemental 'Force' at

12 000 km/hr.

Durability 10/10

+10 Speed


Guns which used to shoot bullets where long deemed useless when the elves arrived. The bullets where not powerful enough to damage elven skin. In order to pierce elf skin the bullets had to travel at a speed of at least Ten thousand kilometers per hour, and normal bullets cannot survive at that speed. So that caused the use of specialized elemental bullets powered by the 'Force' of a Cultivator. A fire elemental Cultivator can never use a water elemental weapon to it's full potential.

Lex then inspected his own sword as he strapped it onto his back.

'System Inspect'


Long sword (Obsidian)

Rank 1

Element : Fire

A flaming sword made from the bones of a fire

elemental magical beast

Durability 10/10

+10 Strength


The other long sword users had the same sword just varying in elements. The flame long sword was maroon but turned a bright red when powered by fire elemental 'Force'. All swords where specialized to be the exact same length as the height of the Cultivator. These swords also gave a +10 boost in Strength, so Lex's stats while with the sword where:


Name : Lex Black

Race : ?????

Rank : 1

Force : 38 / 38

Strength : 46 (+10)

Speed : 30

Endurance : 42

Mind : 10

Elements : Fire ; Darkness ; Light.

Fire element -> Lvl 2.

Darkness element -> Lvl 1.

Light element -> Lvl 1.

Skills :

Absorption Lvl 1

Flame blast Lvl 1

Scorching blade Lvl 1


Magical equipment or beast equipment are any type of weapon or armour made from magical beasts . They give different bonuses just by being on the body of a Cultivator.

Five minutes later Laura came in wearing her equipment. She donned a silver scaled amour that seemed to reflect light. It was tight at the right places and Lex noticed Adam and Michael stealing a few glances at Laura's figure.

Lex decided to satisfy his curiosity and inspected Laura's armour.

'System Inspect'


Silver viper armour

Rank 3

Element : Wind and water

A set of armor made from the scales of the silver

viper snake. It's scales can temporarily blind

nocturnal beasts.

Durability 10/10

+30 Strength

+35 Speed

+45 Endurance

Special skill : Immunity to poison


Lex was shocked at what his system was telling him about the armour, it was by far the strongest equipment he ever saw. He could not even imagine how expensive the armour could be.

While Lex was still in a moment of shock , the rest of the Cursed group saw him starring at Laura and naturally thought he was lusting on their teacher , friend and commanding officer.