
Shinigami Of The Marvel World

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. . Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. . . As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

Cosmic_phantom_19 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

The Royal Guard

As if a sudden realization dawned upon him, reminding him of the summoning opportunities,

a chance to bring forth another ally to aid in the restoration of the Soul Society.

With a surge of anticipation, Blake activated the summon roulette once again.

Before him, a magnificent roulette materialized

As he watched in anticipation, the roulette began to spin, its illuminated sections flickering and blurring as it whirled with enchanting speed.

As the roulette gradually decelerated, the flickering lights began to stabilize, casting a beam of radiance onto a single section.

With a final, definitive click, the roulette came to a resolute halt, aligning with the section representing division 0.

A surge of excitement coursed through Blake's veins, his heart pounding with the anticipation at the thought of summoning Division 0.

Division 0, known as the Royal Guards, were renowned for their unparalleled strength, wisdom, and unwavering loyalty to the Soul King.

The spiritual energy vibrated within the room forming a small cyclone as Division 0 materialized before him. Their presence exuded an aura of immense power and wisdom.

"Ichibē Hyōsube, leader of the Zero Division," the first member introduced himself, his voice carrying an air of authority. "I am the Monk Who Calls the Real Name."

Blake's heart surged with a mixture of admiration and excitement upon hearing Ichibē's name and an overwhelming desire to shout in awe welled within him, But Blake maintained a composed demeanor, befitting of his exalted title as the Soul King

Ichibē, a true powerhouse on the level of the 'Heavenly Father', rivaled or perhaps even surpassed the mighty Yamamoto, the captain commander himself.

Although the full extent of Ichibē's abilities and fighting prowess remained shrouded in mystery, his reputation as an exceptionally powerful entity was unquestionable.

"Tenjirō Kirinji, Divine General of the East," the second member introduced himself, his demeanor exuding confidence. "They call me the Hot Spring Demon."

"Kirio Hikifune, Divine General of the South," the third member announced, her presence radiating warmth and nurturing. "I am known as the Ruler of Grain."

"Ōetsu Nimaiya, Divine General of the West," the fourth member declared, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery. "They call me the God of the Sword."

"Senjumaru Shutara, Divine General of the North," the final member stated, her demeanor composed and enigmatic. "I am the Great Weave Guard."

Blake's heart swelled with pride as he looked upon the members of Division 0.

The Royal Guards were the embodiment of the Soul King's power, and now they would serve at his command.

"Welcome, esteemed members of Division 0," Blake said, his voice filled with respect and gratitude. "In this pivotal moment, our paths intertwine, and together, we will take upon the noble quest to restore the Soul Society."

With the addition of the Royal Guards to his ranks, Blake felt an indomitable surge of confidence.

The pieces were coming together, and he could feel the tide of change sweeping through this desolate realm.


Within the magnificent halls of the Soul King's Palace, As Blake found himself in front of the esteemed members of Division 0.

Accompanying them a contingent of elite guards known as "Divine Soldiers" following Senjumaru Shutara, who refers to them as the "Blade of the Soul King"

Further, there existed a another group of more advanced elite guards know as "Second-Class Divine Soldiers" following Ichibē Hyōsube, which are referred to as the "Shield of the Soul King"

and he was astonished to find that in both the summons, the shinigami's which are summoned are already equipped with their weapons and uniforms.

Their presence radiated with power and loyalty, standing as the protectors of their king and his family.

Ichibē Hyōsube, the leader of Division 0, stepped forward, his presence attracting attention. "As the captain of Division 0, it is our sacred duty to stand in the shadows and protect the Soul King," he declared, his voice resonating throughout the grand hall. "Rest assured, My King, we pledge our unwavering loyalty and are prepared to lay down our lives to protect you and your loved ones."

Blake felt a sense of relief knowing that he had such devoted guardians who willing to protect him with their very lives.

With their unwavering loyalty, he could focus on his mission to rebuild the Soul Society.

As the conversation continued, Ōetsu Nimaiya, the Divine General of the West and the God of the Sword, approached Blake with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

His presence exuded confidence and mastery.

"I can aid you by forging new Zanpakutō," Ōetsu offered, his voice resonating with assurance. "With my expertise, we will be able to create unique and powerful weapons that embody the essence of each individual."

Blake's eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of unlocking the true potential of the Soul Reapers.

The Zanpakutō, the true manifestation of a Soul Reaper's power,

held the key to unleashing the true essence of each individual's abilities.

The thought of wielding Zanpakutō that embodied their very souls was exhilarating.

It would not only amplify their power but also forge a deeper connection between the Soul Reapers and their weapons, unlocking new realms of strength and skill.

simultaneously, other members also stepped forward.

Tenjirō Kirinji, the Divine General of the East and the Hot Spring Demon, approached Blake with a warm smile. "Hot springs are my speciality" he revealed. "I will ensure the revitalizing and creation of new healing techniques and nurturing a formidable group of healers among the Shinigami's ."

Kirio Hikifune, the Divine General of the South and the Ruler of Grain, stepped forward, her eyes shining with determination. "Hakuda, the art of hand-to-hand combat, will regain its prominence," she declared. "I will train and develop warriors who will excel in this discipline."

Senjumaru Shutara, the Divine General of the North and the Great Weave Guard, added her expertise to the conversation.

Her voice carried an air of grace and charm."Hohō/shunpo, the art of high-speed movement and Kidō are my areas of expertise," she stated. "I shall dedicate myself to honing and refining these essential skills. Our arsenal of spiritual techniques shall be revived and elevated to new heights under your esteemed leadership and I will also ensure that our Soul Reapers remain unparalleled in their casting abilities and possess unparalleled agility."

Blake listened attentively, his heart filled with excitement at the knowledge and different expertise that Division 0 possessed.

With their guidance, the original splendor and unique prowess of the Shinigami techniques and their revered weapons, Zanpakutō, would be revived to their former glory and perhaps even surpass it.

"I am honored to have such esteemed individuals by my side," Blake addressed his newfound allies. "Together, we shall breathe new life into the Soul Society, forging a future where the Soul Reapers stand unwavering at the pinnacle of their power."

Division 0 members nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with renewed hope and determination.

The journey ahead would be challenging, but with their combined strengths, they would reshape the Soul Society and bring it back to its former glory.

Yet, deep within the recesses of Blake's mind, the Bleach System remained a hidden secret, its presence concealed from the perception of others.

Only he could hear the whispering voice, guiding him on his journey, offering insights and opportunities that no one else could fathom.

"It is time for each of you to depart from here," Blake spoke, his tone steady cadence. "Make your way towards the cities entrusted to you, where you shall reside henceforth. Take your time to familiarize yourselves with one another and then start with your own duties, Rest assured, I will call upon you if the need arises," said Blake.

They knelt down in unison, as a show of respect and dedication.

Yes, Soul king", they responded in unison.

Rising from their kneeling positions, they made their way towards the exit.

As the echoes of their conversation began to fade, the grand hall grew silent, and Blake was left alone with his thoughts.


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