
Shinigami Of The Marvel World

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. . Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. . . As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

Cosmic_phantom_19 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Conversation with Norns

However, as the chaotic thoughts raced through his mind, a sudden realization pierced the haze of confusion.

"I am not an ordinary mortal," he whispered, the truth resonating within his core.

"Yes, I am not ordinary, I am the Soul King."

Blake immediately invoked his reality-altering abilities, commanding to weave a new robe upon his naked body.

The transformation occurred with a swift swish, making him fully clothed and restoring his regal appearance.

Without a moment's hesitation, propelled by an overwhelming urge to distance himself from this disconcerting encounter,

Blake hurriedly fled the confines of the room, his surroundings forgotten in his fervent haste.

His frantic footsteps echoed through the corridors as he raced through the unfamiliar halls,

Finally, emerging from the confines of the building of the what he could describe as palace, he was met with a sight that made him momentarily stunned.

Before him stretched an expanse of untamed wilderness, a vast forest cloaked in a tapestry of majestic and tall trees,

its verdant embrace cloaking the surrounding landscape and veiling the house within its depths.

Blake's thoughts whirled, seeking to assemble the scattered fragments of his recent memories and make sense of his current predicament,

flickers of recollection danced within the recesses of his consciousness.

As he remembered his initial moment of his arrival in Asgard, the fortuitous encounter with Odin in his disguise at the pub, and his indulgence in intoxicating drink and lengthy conversation with Odin played like fleeting flashes in his mind.

It was in that inebriated state that he had traversed the vibrant streets of Asgard, his thoughts consumed by musings of future adventures and about the special mission issued by the system.

Lost in contemplation, he had unwittingly stumbled upon this enigmatic woman, setting into motion a chain of events that now unraveled before his bewildered gaze.

Startled by the sudden recollection of his memories, he panicked and in that frantic state, he instinctively rushed in the forest to distance himself because he also remembered about his sudden teleportation here from the bustling streets of Asgard and he understood that the woman he encountered was no ordinary asgardian, but a wielder of arcane arts, a magician with powers beyond his comprehension.

And while he have quite a few abilities and power but he also understood the intricate nature of magic which is definitely tricky.


Emerging from the depths of the ancient forest, his path led him to yet another palace, a stark contrast to the grandeur he had witnessed before.

The structure stood before him, its weathered facade and unassuming appearance.

With measured steps, he walked forward, approaching the entrance.

When suddenly, a sound came from behind the door.


Hearing such an eerie whispering voice his spiritual sense heightened and he saw a women standing behind the door with half of her face was veiled by a cloth, concealing her features, yet a subtle smile placed upon her lips which looked quite creepy.

Blake turned abruptly, his intention to seek an alternate path and discover his whereabouts and distance from Asgard.

But before he could make his escape, the woman's voice came again.

"Don't run away, young man, Fate has guided us to this meeting, and I hold the answers to the questions that burden you."

Startled by her proclamation, Blake paused and turned his head towards the door.

"Hahaha, it appears I have merely lost my way, no need for concern," Blake quickly interjected, attempting to mask his unease behind a facade of ease.

"Okay, I will just get going" Blake answered with a smile which was not quite a smile.

"Very well," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with an air of knowing. "You needn't worry. I witnessed your arrival, accompanied by Karnilla, and I can tell you your way out."

Hearing it, Blake was momentarily stunned, wait did she named that woman's name

"Karnilla, huh I didn't hear any folklore about any magician in Norse mythology except Loki and Frigga."

Her words echoed within Blake's mind, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Karnilla, a name unfamiliar to him and absent from the folklore and annals of Norse mythology in his previous world.

Perhaps she was lesser-known figure, whose presence was insignificant or she didn't have much impact on the Norse pantheon.

As Blake stepped through the doorway, he was greeted by that eerie woman covering half of her face and wearing a loose blue colour robe with a yellow eye type thing drawn on her cap with a cross.

Without uttering a single word, she beckoned him to follow as she started walking inside, her silent presence leading him forward.

As they traversed the passage, darkness enveloped them, illuminated only by the flickering light of candles that lined the walls.

A chilling breeze brushed against Blake's skin, shrouding the atmosphere in an eerie aura.

"It fells like I have stepped into a set of a ghostly film," thought Blake musingly.

Yet, as they progressed, a sudden transition startled him.

The darkness receded, replaced by a vast, brilliantly illuminated hall that radiated a mesmerizing glow.

Blinking to adjust his vision

As Blake stood in the brightly lit hall, his eyes adjusting to the sudden change, he found himself face-to-face with the enigmatic trio of women in the center.

The eerie woman, who had guided him to this place, was now seated amongst the other two, all three donning the same mysterious robes.

He moved forward, drawing himself closer to the trio

When suddenly, The third Norn, Urd, leaned forward, her voice carrying a tranquil yet enigmatic tone. "We are the weavers of fate, the keepers and guardians of the past, present, and future."

Hearing this Blake's heart skipped a beat as he comprehended the magnitude of this encounter.

The Norns, synonymous with the Greek mythological Moirai, were fabled to possess the power to shape destinies and determine the course of mortal lives.

And in rare instances, even the threads of the gods' own fates could be influenced, albeit to a limited extent.

Caught in the tide of revelation, a fleeting thought crossed Blake's mind, causing a brief disorientation. "Am I now among the Greek pantheon? Have I been whisked away by some divine being?"

"well, that women was really had the type of body and figure befitting of goddess." Blake thought about Karnilla and started make his own fantasies."

Yet, suddenly another realization hit him like a bolt of lightning.

Standing before the Norns, the weavers of fate, they might already know that I am not from this world, a stranger in their mythological world.

Panic gripped him as he considered the potential consequences. "Have they divulged my presence to the haughty Greek gods?, and they decided to kidnap me here."

"Dammit, I didn't even have restored my full power till now and they will surely chew me alive and torture me to know about my past world."

"I have to run from here first and find a way to contact ichibe or I will really gonna die but what the hell did they capture me for, even I don't know how the hell did I got transmigrated here."

Frantic thoughts raced through his mind, conjuring scenarios of torture and relentless interrogation.

He felt a deep sense of vulnerability, knowing that his powers had not yet fully returned, leaving him defenseless in this foreign domain.

In an attempt to regain composure and calm himself down, Blake asked the Norns with trepidation, "So you possess the power to see the past, present, and future, and thus shape and change destinies of mortals."

But to his surprise, they retorted with a resounding "NO."

Confusion etched across his face as he questioned their assertion. "No, but aren't you known as the Norns or the weavers of fate? Aren't you capable of influencing the courses of mortal lives?"

However, before he could utter another word, Skuld's voice cut through the air, filled with anger. "Silence, mortal! How dare you question and defy us? Listen and heed our words."

"And when did we claim that we have the power to alter mortal destinies?" Skuld's voice resonated with an air of annoyance.

Hearing 'mortal' word, Blake was momentarily stunned and thought 'What mortal?', did there brain got short circuit or what, can they not know about me that "I, am the Soul King".

Blake thought proudly momentarily forgetting the precarious situation he was in,

However, Blake maintained his silence, eager to grasp the truth about the circumstances.

When suddenly, Verdandi, the second Norn, broke the silence, her voice carrying an air of clarity. "We cannot perceive your existence, nor can we discern your past, present, or future."

"So speak, who and what are you mortal." demanded Skuld.

Perplexed, Blake stood in silence, his mind racing to make sense of their words.

When it dawned upon him that these three women had led him astray and were wasting his time till now.

"What in the world? If they cannot perceive my past, present, or future, then why the hell did you bring me here." Blake's thoughts seethed with a mix of irritation and confusion.

A sly grin played upon his lips as a thought sparked within his mind. "Ah, you poor hags, your inability to discern my fate, destiny, or the intricacies of my being may be due to my unique privilege as a traverser. Or perhaps it is the presence of my system, an extraordinary force hailing from realms beyond your comprehension."

When suddenly Blake's mind raced and he asked "wait a minute, did you just say that you can only see the past, present and future and not weave or control the destinies of mortals?"

"Yes" Replied Skuld.

Blake's disappointment was palpable as he grappled with the truth. "Damn it, what a deception! The tales and legends surrounding these three women have clearly exaggerated and overhyped their abilities. I had foolishly overestimated their influence," he thought ruefully.

"So, if it wasn't at the behest of Zeus, Hera, or Poseidon, why did you bring me here? Why did you kidnap me?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity and a tinge of suspicion.

"No, No one kidnapped you, mortal. It was you who arrived here alongside Karnilla. And as for the gods you mentioned, they belong to the Greek pantheon and you are currently in asgard" replied Verdandi.


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