
Shinigami Of The Marvel World

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. . Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. . . As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

Cosmic_phantom_19 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

A Journey through the Heart of Seireitei

Leaving behind Byakuya, Blake ventured deeper into the Seireitei, he arrived at the area where the headquarters of the various military institutions were situated.

Observing the layout, he couldn't help but ponder the strategic arrangement of the Gotei 13, the Kidō Corps, and the Onmitsukidō.

The Gotei 13 headquarters stood prominently at the front, while the Kidō Corps and the Onmitsukidō were discreetly positioned towards the rear, their hidden buildings blending seamlessly with the surroundings.

However, setting aside these musings, Blake ascended higher into the sky, seeking a vantage point that would afford him a comprehensive view of the area.

What unfolded before his eyes was a sight of exquisite beauty and meticulous organization, akin to a meticulously crafted work of art.

His attention was immediately drawn to the 1st Division, positioned at the heart of the Gotei 13 Headquarters, overseeing the entire complex with an air of authority.

The grand headquarters building served as a central hub for the administrative tasks crucial to the functioning of the Soul Society.

Within its walls, spacious meeting rooms boasted advanced communication devices, facilitating inter-division conferences and expedient emergency briefings.

Adjacent to the headquarters, the residential house of the 1st Division exuded a traditional Japanese aesthetic, adorned with elegant gardens that epitomized the division's commitment to discipline and reverence for tradition.

Delving deeper, underneath the division's barracks,

Blake discovered the Central Great Underground Prison, a testament to the Gotei 13's dedication to maintaining order and security within the realm.

It became apparent to Blake that the assignment to the 1st Division carried immense prestige.

As Captain-Commander Yamamoto sought exemplary soldiers to serve as a model for the other divisions, the members of the 1st Division held a position of great honor.

With no specific duties noted for the division, their primary role was to act swiftly in times of crisis, making quick decisions and taking decisive action.

The division's ability to assess a situation and mobilize promptly, even before receiving official orders, exemplified their true value within the Gotei 13.

As Blake's gaze shifted beyond the majestic 1st Division, his eyes settled upon the distinct buildings that represented each of the remaining 12 divisions, each one possessing its own distinct character and purpose.

The sight that unfolded before him evoked a profound sense of unity and diversity, serving as a testament to the collective strength and individuality that comprised the formidable military might of the Gotei 13.

His attention was now drawn to the 2nd Division, known as the Stealth Force, whose quarters were strategically positioned near the main entrance of the Gotei 13 headquarters.

This placement facilitated their swift deployment in times of urgency, reinforcing their role as the vanguard of covert operations.

Stepping into the residential house of the 2nd Division, Blake felt a subtle air of secrecy pervading the atmosphere.

The design of the living quarters incorporated hidden compartments and concealed passages, reflecting the division's specialized expertise in espionage and assassination.

Practice rooms within their premises featured intricate obstacle courses, allowing members to hone their skills in stealth, agility, and close-quarter combat techniques.

Within the division's meeting room, Blake discovered an array of state-of-the-art surveillance technology. The room was equipped to monitor and gather intelligence on potential threats, ensuring the division remained one step ahead in their missions.

The 2nd Division boasted a significant number of highly skilled soldiers adept at stealthy activities, making them a formidable force in combat.

Turning his attention to the 3rd Division, known as the Execution Squad, Blake observed the serene and peaceful ambiance of their residential house.

The presence of cherry blossom trees and traditional tea rooms lent an aura of tranquility to the surroundings, offering a soothing respite from the rigors of battle.

The practice rooms within the division were designed to accommodate group training sessions, featuring expansive open spaces that facilitated the refinement of swordsmanship and the mastery of combat formations.

The meeting room of the 3rd Division offered a breathtaking view of a beautiful garden, serving as an inspirational backdrop for discussions and decision-making processes.

Deep within the residential area, Blake discovered a small memorial garden, serving as a poignant tribute to the fallen members of the division.

The garden stood as a testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who had given their lives in service to the Soul Society, an enduring reminder of the price of their noble duty.

Continuing his exploration, Blake's attention turned towards the 4th Division, renowned as the esteemed Medical Relief Squad.

The residential house of the division stood as a modern medical facility, brimming with state-of-the-art technology and advanced healing chambers.

Within its walls, practice rooms were meticulously arranged, providing simulation areas where members could train in emergency medical procedures and combat medicine, ensuring their readiness for any crisis.

As Blake stepped into the meeting room of the 4th Division, he was struck by its adaptable nature. Designed to transform into an emergency triage center if the need arose, it served as a versatile space for critical decision-making.

Furthermore, the residential area of the division boasted extensive libraries and research laboratories, providing a fertile ground for the study and development of advanced healing techniques.

The 4th Division played a vital role as the primary medical facility within the Seireitei and the larger Soul Society.

Beyond their duties of treating the injured, they also carried the responsibility of various manual labor tasks, including the cleaning of the Seireitei.

Divided into specialized teams, the members utilized their spiritual powers not only for combat but also to tend to wounds and provide relief to their comrades.

Their unique abilities and dedicated training enabled them to act swiftly and precisely in times of crisis, administering emergency first aid and transporting the injured to the General Emergency Relief Station.

Moving forward, Blake's attention was captivated by the enigmatic aura surrounding the 5th Division, known as the Special Operations unit.

The residential house of the division emanated an air of mystery, with concealed entrances and hidden passages, alluding to the clandestine nature of their operations.

Practice rooms were thoughtfully designed to accommodate various combat styles, reflecting the diverse skill set possessed by the highly trained members of the division.

Guided by a captain who excelled in all aspects, including battle readiness, the 5th Division fostered a gentle atmosphere where camaraderie thrived among its members.

This division held a reputation for nurturing soldiers of immense talent, attracting individuals who demonstrated exceptional abilities.

As he continued his exploration, Blake stealthily made his way through the premises of the 6th Division, known as the Combat Unit, where Byakuya and his team were resting.

Respecting their need for respite, he moved silently, concealing his presence as he traversed the area.

The residential house of the 6th Division stood as a grand mansion, a symbol of the noble Kuchiki Clan's elegance and prestige.

Within the practice rooms of the 6th Division, meticulous care was given to their maintenance, offering spacious indoor and outdoor training areas specifically designed for the refinement of swordsmanship and Zanjutsu, the art of sword-based techniques.

The division's meeting room bore witness to intricate artwork and displays of ancient Zanjutsu techniques, invoking a profound sense of tradition and excellence.

Regarded as a model division by every Shinigami, the 6th Division garnered respect for its unwavering adherence to rules and regulations and Captain Kuchiki, renowned for his strict demeanor, ensured that any member caught breaking the rules faced swift and severe punishment.

Proper greetings and respectful conduct were upheld as foundational principles, emphasizing the importance of building strong relationships within the division.

Quietly slipping away from the 6th Division,

As Blake ventured further, he found himself in the presence of the 7th Division, known as the Reserve Forces.

Within the division's residential quarters, a palpable sense of readiness and preparedness prevailed. Members of the 7th Division remained on constant standby, ever vigilant and poised to lend their strength and support whenever the call of duty arose.

Serving as a steadfast pillar of stability and flexibility within the illustrious Gotei 13, they stood as a dependable reserve, ready to bolster the ranks during times of heightened demand or unforeseen circumstances.

The residential house of the 7th Division was thoughtfully designed with a communal living concept, fostering camaraderie and cooperation among its dedicated members.

Practice rooms within the division offered a diverse array of training equipment, catering to various combat styles and weaponry.

Within the division's meeting room, a friendly and welcoming atmosphere prevailed, serving as a platform for open discussions, idea sharing, and team building exercises.

Moreover, the residential area boasted a spacious courtyard, serving as a gathering place for division members to engage in training exercises and friendly competitions, further strengthening the bonds of camaraderie.

Moving forward, Blake's path led him to the 8th Division, also known as the Investigation Department.

The residential house of the 8th Division exuded the ambiance of a traditional Japanese tavern, where a lively and relaxed atmosphere pervaded.

Practice rooms within the division provided dedicated spaces for training in Hohō, the art of high-speed movement, and tactical positioning.

The meeting room, with its comfortable and informal setup, served as a conducive environment for casual discussions and the sharing of intelligence.

Additionally, the residential area housed a cozy library, filled with books encompassing various historical and cultural aspects, enabling division members to broaden their knowledge and deepen their understanding.

As Blake soared through the expansive expanse, traversing the vast array of divisions, a sense of weariness gently settled upon his being.

The strain of his endeavors weighed upon him, despite the gradual restoration of his formidable power, which now stood at a commendable 28%.

Yet, no weariness could extinguish the unwavering flame of excitement that burned within him. For within his heart burned an insatiable curiosity and a relentless thirst for firsthand experiences, beckoning him to witness the minutiae, the intricate details that breathed life into each division.

As he moved forward.....


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