
shin from black

shin fuji just transfer to sunset academy although a school for the high well smart and mighty shin isn't there for academy his on a mission to find his brother who've gone M.I.A in the school for over a year now

takamichi_sora · アクション
13 Chs

chapter 5


wow so the student council president is here I've only seen her in the school's website she's apearantly a second year like me but she's in class C while am in B what she doing here I didn't want to waste more time that I have already I should get out of here.i stated walking away when someone called out

" hey you there" of course it was the president

"yes may I help you?" I asked while Turing my head to look at her

"so you dare walk away from me when am here such boldness that big offence"

"really now since when is walking away from u a crime I've got noting to do with you and you weren't talking to me so..." suddenly someone interrupted me

" you dare talk back at the president by the way you act am sure your new here aren't you?" it was the girl from earlier

" an so if I am she wasn't talking to me"

"it alright Irina let him go his just a newbie here let not give him a hard time my sincere apologies"

"it alright,hey Asuna what we taking from the teachers again?" I asked Asuna

"oh just the books from the earlier classes we need them for our coming test this Wednesday" she said

so me and Alice went in to pick the books

"so Asuna I see you've got a reliable new partner hmm well seeing as they are new they doesn't know what kind of person you are" the president said.

hmm now am suspicious of what she has to say

"enough u don't have time for this shin if you guys are done let get going"

"oh why the temper I just wanted to have a friendly chat that all"

"there's noting friendly about your chat with me just let me be and leave my classmate out of this it between you and me"

"oh cause last time what you did cost you ur classmate and friend trust what a shame"

"ok that enough"a voice from behind said it was Minato

" ok miss president I think you've said enough now,so let her to am sure you have a lot of students council work to cover"

"hmm Minato your still around" another boy said approaching us his voiced sounds like someone who was hostil to us or rather Minato him self

"sato of all people why you" Minato said with look of disgust on his face

seems like the atmosphere is getting dark and face what the issue with this guy's as much as I like to find that out I think where drawing to much attention to our self and the teachers don't seem to want to interfere

"ok I think we should be going now" the one who spoke this time was Alice seems like she could read the room to

"your right let get moving" I said and we stated walking then suddenly someone held me on my shoulders I turn to see it the boy Minato Menton earlier sato

" may I help you with something" I said

" we where having a conversation so you can't just rudely interrupt by saying let go" he said with a smiling face

" yh your right it was rude of me but you can't consider that a conversation just now"

"your right but is still rude to leave with out the president's permission" he said gripping my shoulder more

" hey your hurting and you should know I don't like pain very much" I said to him with a face that had no emotion to it

" such a big talker"



there I was watching the drama unfold right before my eyes if a fight breaks now will be I'm trouble for going agents a member of the student council so I wanted to stop this as soon as possible

"ok I think he gets your point can we go know" I said sato turn his gaze at me and moved closer

" what a beautiful person you are have you every consider joining the student council" he said trying to touch my face i wanted to move back when minaro grabbed his hand

"don show your perversity in public"

" alright alright" sato said as Minato let him go he stared walking away then he stopped

"but there's one I have to do" he then throw a spinning back kick which was aimed at minatos head the out of nowhere shin blocked the kick just in time for hitting Minato

" oh so u blocked it ur quite fast" sato said, and his right I didn't even see when shin came from and blocked the kick

" just basic athletics and work out I can teach you if you want"

" your arrogant brat your quite interesting et meet up again some other time miss president let go oh and miss Alice was it let has a talk some other time" he said and they all left

wow talk about overconfidence ha I didn't wish go get Tangled up with such people but what can I do is part of my mission

"alright let a move on and Minato are you ok?" Asuna asked

looking at her she's still shaken by what just happen get me wondering what wrong with her and the president and the class in general

" yes am fine it all thanks to shin here"

" it noting am just glad your safe" shin replied

" you where pretty fast there and you said you didn't do sports"I said

" I never said I didn't do sport i just don't have time for it anymove" he replied back

but still that speeed it to fast for just a basic athletics move shin fuji you are quite interesting

"alright now that where don here let get a move on


"sato why did you engage in physical violence" the president asked

" call it a habit I wanted to finally put an end to Minato's and render him unable to interfere with us again"sato said

"yes but you know that won't have been the best solution but your attack was perfectly excicuted a blow directly would have affected Minato badly" Irina said

" yes but it was stoped by that boy shin and the look in his eyes it clearly said test he wasn't a normal everyday student and the strength behind his block and speed he is something"

" oh are your afried now sato?"the president

" please nonsense miss president it just got more interesting shin fuji some what kind of man you are"


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