
Shigo No Fukkatsu

A boy travels to the spiritual dimension when he gets the pendant of destination and falls in love with his spirit guide-a princess....but after their love grew she was killed by some unknown creature ..this story is yamada's adventure to revive his love.To do that he need to defeat the demon king.

SpencerRoyle · ファンタジー
1 Chs


My life was normal and boring until that one day.....the day I got the mysterious red pendant. I was one weak fighter in this rushing world with selfish kings. I was always neglected for being weak. I lived in a hell on earth. The pendant made my life beautiful but not for so long. I got that pendant from an old lady in the market. I bought it at home and slept wearing it. And when I woke up it felt weird and different but I knew it was not the human world. I was wandering this different place, I thought it was a dream but it was not.

When I saw glowing light I went and touched it...suddenly a four-limbed and black-skinned monster with one eye bit my hands off. I was running for my life but it was very fast and humongous. When it came very close to me(literally killed me) it blasted off. That is when I saw a girl with white hair and blue eyes landing on the ground and said, "Oh I think I left you alone for too long...thank god you didn't get your soul eaten". I asked who she was and she replied, "You have consciousness, oh that's great" and she continued, "I am your spirit guide Yuko" She was gorgeous and she was so powerful.