
She Who Called Wolf

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Maybe we're not as different as you think." ~~~ Lydia isn't who she thinks she is, nor is she who her father says she is.  She's been lied to and by the one person she thought was supposed to care about her.  He wants her to be a hunter and has trained her to hate wolves but once the wolf Lydia killed took the form of a human boy, she was forced to abandon everything she once thought she knew.   She didn't know of shifters until an argument with her father left her bruised and running through the forest, and into banned territory no less. Lydia wandered up into possession of the notorious Alpha Lucian of the shifters pack.  There, Lydia learns more about herself and the secrets her father has been keeping. Alpha Lucian is a merciless man who succeeds with efforts. But he is also the lonely Alpha without a Luna.  Despite that Lucian does not want a mate, he no longer believes in mating, or a bond at first sight as he calls it, and prefers desire over a intimacy. Lucian has been disconnected from his wolf for many years after an incident of the past which caused them to lose their Luna. However he is left speechless when his wolf finally awakens, every hair on his body in shock once his possessive wolf feels an instant connection to the young girl.  The only problem is… She is forbidden. ~~~~~ I flinched but was pulled back to him, "You may only be  a girl, Lydia. But it is your heart that shows who you are. You're lost, broken, once a scared girl who called wolf but no one listened. You're traumatized by the rage of your memories, by hate, but it is that which leads you to insanity." He stared into my eyes, his grip on my wrists tightening, "I wish to figure you out, little sheep. I will be the one to listen to you. I wish to see past this skin and see you, until we are not different but one. Please be one with me, Lydia." He whispered and my eyes widened. ~~~~~ ***Expert*** Her eyes met mine and I felt my pulse quicken, it felt as if electricity was coursing through my veins. Those green saddened eyes ignited a flame inside me, one that grew stronger seeing her in despair.  Whatever this feeling is, I do not like it.  Longing and emptiness.  I didn't know what was happening. My chest burnt and I clenched my fist. It felt as though I was fighting for control over my body—to not go after her. She was so tiny and looked like a scared little girl with her knees clutched to her chest. And for a second I wanted to pull her against me and hold her as she cried.  The voice in my head continued to scream, 'Save her!' Those two words sounded repeatedly. Could this control be…my wolf? No, it couldn't be, my wolf and I have been disconnected for years. He couldn't possibly be back. Why was he back?  The aching feeling in my chest did not cease and his voice screamed even louder. 'You must not let her die, Lucian!' ____________ Cover is not mine, credit goes out to the rightful artist. [1-2 chapters daily] [Warning: This book may contain mature content.]

Lucid_dreamss · ファンタジー
21 Chs

The Alpha [Part 2]

HIS ARMS DROPPED TO MY neck, "I'm not going to ask again. Who are you and why were you in my forest?! You do not belong in the crescent prowlers clan." He glowered and stood with my neck clenched around his tough palm. Veins ran up his arm and I stared down at him. He was strong, strength is expected from an Alpha. 

I scraped his hand on my neck, struggling for oxygen under his hold. "I-I don't know. Please, I do wish to be a threat." My lungs spasmed, "I'm just lost!" I said louder and he dropped me. I groaned when my knees collided with the rough concrete surface. I felt empty, the pain coursing through my body was numbing but not enough to stop my thoughts. 

'My father abandoned me after he filled my head with lies and now I am in the presence of the things I have learned to fear the most.'

He gripped my hair in his palms and pushed my neck back so I'm looking at him. "Why?" Was all he asked.

"My father abandoned me. I had no way else to go so I ran." I twisted the truth slightly, tears running down my face from the reminder. He wants me to prove myself to him. He wants me to get him the Alpha. I can't do that.

I know I did not exactly answer his question but I thought there was nothing else to add. I knew nothing about the Crescent Prowlers. I did not mean to enter his territory.

He clenched his jaw, searching for a lie in my voice before letting go of his grip on my hair and turned his back to me abruptly,"You leave now." He said over his shoulder, no emotion in his eyes and then he passed the men in the door,"Remove the chains."

The two men walked over to me and I furrowed my brows at them, pulling my knees to my chest. 

They restrained me by grabbing my arms and I heard a key jingle as he unlocked the chains. As soon as the chains fell I elbowed the man holding me to his stomach and stood quickly onto my bare heels. 

I was about to run but the man behind me gripped my shoulders, tugging me back. 

"Let go of me!" I shrugged his hands off and turned, thrusting my knuckles into his cheek. However it wasn't enough to keep him off of me, he balanced himself rather quickly and so did the other. They both held onto me. 

"Fighting will only be useless." They escorted me through a metal door and while being carried down a set of stairs I understood his true meaning of 'leaving'. 

They carried me to  yet another dark room but I did not bother to fight as it only weakened me. They dropped me against the floor and I looked above and saw multiple tools designed for harm on the shelves at the wall next to me. 

There was also a chair in front of me and my head turned to the door when I heard an argument. 

"Please Alpha, you know how I am, I just don't think I can accept that she spared me and you're going to," She paused, "At Least let her go. She would not be our clan's problem, it'll be up to her whether she makes it out of this forest alive or not—"I noticed her voice. 

"Please Alpha, I just—" The Alpha burst into the room with that girl I met at the bunker trailing after him. 

"Humans do not deserve to be spared!" He  snapped at her and she cowared back, slowly. He then took the seat in front me, our eyes connecting. Both of us showed similar glares. 

"Goodbye human." He stared down at me when he clicked his fingers. It echoed through the small room and a ball got caught in my throat when a man entered with a black wolf contained by a leash in his hands.

The wolf was aggressive, attempting to lunge every second and even snapping at the man himself. 

"You failed to give me any true information about yourself and even seemed to have attacked my men." He gestured to the one I elbowed to the gut, "No answer requires death." He snarled and I shook my head at him.

"Please, no, I'll answer honestly. I'll answer whatever questions you ask...please." I pleaded but he remained cold. 

"I gave you an opportunity, it no longer remains." He said before he clicked his fingers again. My eyes widened when the man released the leash, everything in slow motion at that point in time when I turned onto my chest, attempting to stand but the wolf was fast and I felt its teeth enter my calf.

A suffocating scream rolled off my tongue.

The skin of my fingers slid against the floor when it dragged me, stretching my skin even more until I was screaming. I changed position onto my waist and kicked my uninjured leg out, scoring right in its face. The wolf whimpered and stepped back giving me time to maneuver across the floor. 

But it showed its long canines again and I slammed my back against the corner, breathing hard with tears clouding my eyes. 

As it neared I thought about how differently my life would've played out and even wished that my father would somehow care for me. The marks he left on my body pained all over again and my eyes dropped the line of blood my calf left across the floor.

 My body shook violently, my lungs struggled to keep up with my attempts to take in the air.  

My eyes burnt with tears.

I locked them onto his. 

The wolf pounce at me and I held my hands to my face awaiting death when…

"Stop!" His voice echoed through the room and I saw him through my blurred eyes. His gray fur toppled over the black wolf and as they rolled, they snapped at each other's necks. 

The black wolf kicked sporadically with his back against the floor but it wasn't enough. The Alpha opened his mouth and clamped his jaw down into the wolf's throat. Its whimpers filled the room but eventually died down once the Alpha twisted his head, snapping its neck brutally until its body laid lifeless. 

I cried, my chest rising and falling harshly, slamming into my diaphragm with every contract. The Alpha turned to me and I raised my hands in defense when he began walking toward me. I watched as he transformed, his hands changing first until his entire body landed naked and bruised in front me. With blurred eyes, I instantly looked away from him but I felt his warmth almost immediately when he neared.

His breath was on my lips and his bare chest radiated heat, our hearts beating together as of how close he was. His fingers inched toward my face slowly and I cringed backward slightly, not knowing his plan but got surprised when his thumbs caressed either side of my cheeks.

He wiped the tears from my face and narrowed his eyes at me, his eyes stared into mine. "You're eyes," He breathed out and tilted his head at me. His thumb then brushed across my lip when he asked, "Who are you?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lucid_dreamsscreators' thoughts