
She Who Called Wolf

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Maybe we're not as different as you think." ~~~ Lydia isn't who she thinks she is, nor is she who her father says she is.  She's been lied to and by the one person she thought was supposed to care about her.  He wants her to be a hunter and has trained her to hate wolves but once the wolf Lydia killed took the form of a human boy, she was forced to abandon everything she once thought she knew.   She didn't know of shifters until an argument with her father left her bruised and running through the forest, and into banned territory no less. Lydia wandered up into possession of the notorious Alpha Lucian of the shifters pack.  There, Lydia learns more about herself and the secrets her father has been keeping. Alpha Lucian is a merciless man who succeeds with efforts. But he is also the lonely Alpha without a Luna.  Despite that Lucian does not want a mate, he no longer believes in mating, or a bond at first sight as he calls it, and prefers desire over a intimacy. Lucian has been disconnected from his wolf for many years after an incident of the past which caused them to lose their Luna. However he is left speechless when his wolf finally awakens, every hair on his body in shock once his possessive wolf feels an instant connection to the young girl.  The only problem is… She is forbidden. ~~~~~ I flinched but was pulled back to him, "You may only be  a girl, Lydia. But it is your heart that shows who you are. You're lost, broken, once a scared girl who called wolf but no one listened. You're traumatized by the rage of your memories, by hate, but it is that which leads you to insanity." He stared into my eyes, his grip on my wrists tightening, "I wish to figure you out, little sheep. I will be the one to listen to you. I wish to see past this skin and see you, until we are not different but one. Please be one with me, Lydia." He whispered and my eyes widened. ~~~~~ ***Expert*** Her eyes met mine and I felt my pulse quicken, it felt as if electricity was coursing through my veins. Those green saddened eyes ignited a flame inside me, one that grew stronger seeing her in despair.  Whatever this feeling is, I do not like it.  Longing and emptiness.  I didn't know what was happening. My chest burnt and I clenched my fist. It felt as though I was fighting for control over my body—to not go after her. She was so tiny and looked like a scared little girl with her knees clutched to her chest. And for a second I wanted to pull her against me and hold her as she cried.  The voice in my head continued to scream, 'Save her!' Those two words sounded repeatedly. Could this control be…my wolf? No, it couldn't be, my wolf and I have been disconnected for years. He couldn't possibly be back. Why was he back?  The aching feeling in my chest did not cease and his voice screamed even louder. 'You must not let her die, Lucian!' ____________ Cover is not mine, credit goes out to the rightful artist. [1-2 chapters daily] [Warning: This book may contain mature content.]

Lucid_dreamss · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Problem [Part 2]

Father also did not find it as important for me to cook a proper meal as he always had money to buy. 

'What do I do?' I looked over my shoulder feeling even more pressured as the women all grabbed the dishes, some watching from afar and awaited mine. I opened each container, I only recognized basil and parsley as they were herbs and I often used them for medicine or in my tea, so I put them aside as they weren't needed but as for the others I was clueless. 

"Girl, it is time to serve." I heard someone call and knew it was directed towards me. "Others are waiting for their soup." 

I chose what to add based on scent, not knowing what else there was left to do. I simply choose which one smelt the best and which had a good texture, such as choosing the dry spices over the rough twigs. 

I smashed it finer with the knife and scraped it all into my palms. I dropped it into the pot and stirred it. 'That looks alright to me.' But I couldn't be certain. I lifted the bottle of salt and sprinkled quite a lot. 'Salt makes soup better, right?' 

I stirred it a few more times before I turned it off. I put on the gloves Cora left and lifted the pot by its handles. I followed behind the other woman down the corridor and into the dining room. 

The table was filled with people and food and lastly it was I suspected to provide soup to the empty bowls. Some either choose the boiled eggs and sausages while others preferred the soup. 

I placed the pot on the table and served the first man in front of me, putting two full spoons into his bowl. 

"Finally." He licked his lips, obviously triggered by my late coming. The man had a round stomach which took up the space from his legs and  touched the table. "Thought I would have to eat my hand off." He snickered and glared at me. 

I walked past him behind his chair just when he choked. The man spewed the soup out of his system and pounded on his chest as she coughed. 

'Oh, shit.' I immediately rushed to his side, left the pot on the table and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, sir?" I asked, concerned but he slapped my hand away. 

"What nonsense is this?!" He screamed, wiping his mouth into his shirt, "Were you trying to kill me?! This must be a joke." He looked at me, "Is this what this is? Are you a mole trying to poison us?" He barked and I took a step back. 

I bowed my head, "Forgive me, sir. It is nothing like that—" I heard hurried footsteps running toward me and glanced to my side to see that it was Cora. 

 "Sorry I took longer than I thought I would. My friend was exhaustingly stubborn." She said to me and then turned to the table, "I heard a commotion. What's wrong, Daniel." She asked the man who continued to wipe his tongue. 

"This soup is disgusting. How dare you prepare this and further have the guts to put such nonsense in my bowl.."

"The food?" She looked behind me and folded her lip into her mouth, understanding instantly. However she did not try to conceal herself from the situation by saying that she was not involved with making the bad soup. "We apologize. It was a misunderstanding that will not happen again. As you know Lydia is a newcomer and felt very pressured." She explained, " I will get you another serving." 

Cora followed me to the corridor and chuckled nervously, brushing her palms with her eyes low, "Sorry I never intended to take so long."

I shook my head, "You couldn't have known that I am possibly the worst cook."

"Best way to describe yourself. Self aware, at least you admit it, though that does make that terrible salty and inedible thing you made any better." 

I turned and saw that it was Adam, his hands in his pants pocket with the same nonchalant look on his face." Looks like you're on cleaning duty from now on."

" Asshole, much?" I crossed my arms, "And what do you do despite walking around and being insulting. And why did you even try it?" 

Jason appeared behind Adam's shoulders and squeezed them, "Adam here isn't a morning person, plus he's got a love for food. Only food. Knowing that the entire source of food has to go to waste, a shame right. It's like being stabbed for Adam here." 

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, you're not a good cook so what? I'm on my way to make myself some coffee, you want a cup?" 

"I think I really need that right now.  That's also the only thing I'm good at making to be honest. I think I can also make a good barbeque." I shrugged. Being as close to the forest I was at home, father took hunting rather seriously so on many occasions I was asked to prepare wild meat. 

"And with what seasonings?" Adam teased and I sighed.

"I know quite a lot of seasonings. Just not the ones here."


Well I guess I'm on cleaning duty now. Cora said she would teach me around the kitchen and on their spices as well. Hannah showed me the cleaning products as though I was clueless. "You do not need to explain to me what a sponge is." 

"Alright then just don't screw this up as you did with cooking earlier." 

I went straight into the cleaning, taking a sip on the coffee Jason made me. It was not how I usually have it, I personally have it black but Jason's was milky and bitterly sweet with sugar. Still I drank it. I began cleaning the small pedestal table, wiping it with the cloth when I heard the doors burst open abruptly. A wolf ran inside, heaving heavily and carrying the Alpha bloody on his back.