
She tempted the devil

The throne of hell has been long contested by Lucifer and Satan .Both had their era that they ruled. Lucifer ruled at the beginning of human history and Satan ruled till the end of world war 1 and 2. The prestigious title of the Devil was only shared between these two brothers,who were actually twins and were sometimes mistaken as one entity. Lucifer was the demon of pride and Satan, the demon of wrath.Both were powerful so they had every right to rule the empire of demons. Well,everything was rosy until the demons make a declaration .Pride and wrath were no longer the sins that ruled the world,lust was.Yes, the demons wanted Asmodeus, the youngest prince of hell to take the throne. But wait,did they expect Lucifer to swallow his pride or Satan to act like he was not enraged by their demand. Asmodeus,the MC was definitely not into the whole becoming the Devil thing but Lucifer offers him the throne in return for a soul.The soul of the only one not corrupted by Asmodeus' lust which the dominated world at that moment.He is not interested in the throne but is moved by the challenge. Who is that mortal,who dared tempt the devil.She is Maria, an innocent young virgin lady who decided to live a celibate life .Oh that decision would never hold,hell no,not with the god of lust around.

MBU_Overlord_6594 · ファンタジー
141 Chs


I confronted Samson, my eyes blazing with fury. "Tell me the truth," I growled, my voice low and menacing. "Where is my mother?"

Samson smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Ah, Daniel. You really don't want to know the truth."

My grip on his collar tightened. "I have a right to know," I snarled, my teeth clenched.

Samson shrugged. "You don't have the heart to bear it, Daniel. Trust me, it's better this way."

My face twisted in rage. "You're lying bastard!" I bellowed, shoving him against the wall. "You're hiding something from me! Tell me the truth!"

Samson's expression turned cold, his patience wearing thin. "Enough, Daniel," he snapped, pushing me away. "You're like a dog with a bone. You just won't let it go."

My eyes flashed with anger. "I won't let it go because you're hiding something from me!" I shouted, my fists clenched.

Samson's smile was icy. "Very well, Daniel. If you want to know the truth so badly, let's settle this once and for all." He cracked his knuckles, a menacing glint in his eye. "Let's have a little chat, hand to hand."

I was determined to win, to get the truth out of Samson. But he was a formidable opponent, and I knew I had my work cut out for me.

I stared intently at Samson in the dimly lit warehouse, my eyes blazing with fury. My gun still trembled from the previous encounter, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Samson sneered at me, his eyes glinting with amusement, as he cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

My eyes narrowed, my mind racing with determination. "You're on," I snarled and without warning, I charged at him, my fists flying in a flurry of punches.

Samson dodged and weaved, his movements eerily fluid, as he countered with a swift kick that sent me crashing into a nearby crate. The wooden box splintered beneath me, its contents spilling out in a chaotic mess. I sprang to my feet, my face set in a fierce snarl. I lunged at Samson once more, but he was ready.

With a swift motion, Samson grabbed my wrist and twisted it, sending my gun clattering to the ground. Our faces were inches apart as we engaged in a brutal hand-to-hand combat. Punches flew, kicks landed, and we crashed into the walls, the floor, and the crates, sending debris flying everywhere. The warehouse echoed with the sounds of our struggle, the creaking and groaning of the old structure mingling with our grunts and snarls.

In a sudden move, Samson slammed me into the wall, his forearm pressed against my throat. My eyes bulged, my face reddening, as I struggled to break free. But Samson's grip was unyielding, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity. "You're no match for me, Daniel," he hissed, his breath hot against my ear. "You're just a foolish mortal, daring to challenge a real-life Devil."

With a surge of adrenaline, I managed to break free, my fist connecting with Samson's jaw in a satisfying crunch. We stumbled back, gasping for breath, our eyes locked in a fierce stare. The fight was far from over.

My fist still throbbed from the crunching impact on Samson's jaw, while his eyes blazed with an unholy fury. The warehouse around us was a battleground, crates shattered, and debris scattered everywhere. The air reeked of sweat, blood, and the acrid smell of splintered wood. My chest heaved with ragged breaths as I faced Samson, my eyes locked in a fierce stare.

Samson's grin twisted into a grotesque smile, his teeth stained with crimson. "You think you can take me down, Daniel?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "I'll show you what it means to cross a real-life Devil."

With a sudden lunge, Samson slammed me into the wall once more, his forearm crushing my windpipe. My vision blurred, my consciousness flickering like a dying flame. But I refused to surrender. With a Herculean effort, I broke free, my fist connecting with Samson's temple in a vicious hook.

Samson stumbled back, his eyes unfocused, as I seized the momentary advantage. I unleashed a flurry of punches, each blow aimed at Samson's face, his chest, his gut. Samson's laughter echoed through the warehouse, a maddening cackle that sent shivers down my spine. It was as if he didn't feel pain at all.

We crashed into the walls, the floor, and the crates, our bodies a blur of motion as we exchanged blows. The warehouse became a maelstrom of chaos, the sounds of our struggle mingling with the creaking and groaning of the old structure.

In the midst of the mayhem, my thoughts flashed back to my mother, to the terror in my eyes the day I saw her unconscious body in Samson's hands vanish into the darkness. My rage reignited, fueled by a burning need for justice. I would not back down, not now, not ever.

The fight raged on, the outcome hanging in the balance, as Samson and I clashed in a frenzy of fists and fury. The warehouse was a battleground, the two of us locked in a struggle that would only end when one of us fell.

My determination hardened into a fierce resolve. I would not rest until Samson spilled the beans and the truth about my mother's disappearance was revealed. The fight was far from over.

I charged at Samson again, my fists flying, my body fueled by even more rage and determination.

We clashed again, our fists flying, our bodies crashing into the walls and crates.

The warehouse echoed with the sounds of our struggle, the creaking and groaning of the old structure mingling with our grunts and snarls.

At first, it seemed like a evenly matched fight, each of us trading blows and neither gaining the upper hand.

But then, suddenly, Samson's expression changed. His eyes narrowed, his face set in a cold, hard mask. And with a swift, precise movement, he struck me on the acupuncture points namely the Zhongzhu point, the Hegu point, and the Quze point, effectively paralyzing my body.

I felt a searing pain as my muscles went limp, my body crumpling to the ground. I tried to move, to fight back, but I couldn't. I was trapped, helpless, as Samson raised his fist and landed a merciless sucker punch to my face.

I crashed to the floor, beaten and broken. As I lay there, I heard Samson's footsteps echoing through the warehouse, growing fainter as he walked away. But then, he stopped. He turned back to look at me, and for a moment, I saw genuine pity in his eyes.

"Forget you ever met me, Daniel," he said, his voice cold and detached. "And if you ever come looking for me again, I'll show you no more mercy."

And with that, he turned and vanished through the door into the cold night, leaving me screaming on the floor, my body broken and my spirit crushed.


But it was too late. Samson was gone, and I was left alone, my only chance to find out what happened to my mom slipping away into the darkness. I screamed and screamed, my voice hoarse and raw, my body wracked with sobs.

"Why?" I screamed, pounding my fists on the ground. "Why did you do this to me? I just wanted to know the truth!"

But there was no answer. Only the echoes of my own screams, and the cold, dark silence of the warehouse.