
She Strikes Back: The Heiress’s Epic Revenge

With no surname of her own, Rosalie was raised as a nobody among the commoners in the orphanage. She pushed herself to become a genius guild master in the backstreets of her kingdom and achieve one goal: find her family and reunite with them. Her efforts finally bore fruit when her informants discovered a young lady who looked exactly like Rosalie and had the same rare pink hair. That girl was Elara Highmore, the sole heiress of Count Highmore. The revelation was a blow that shattered Rosalie. Not only did she have a twin sister, but the Count family — who had the means to find their lost daughter if they wanted to — had purposefully abandoned Rosalie in the orphanage. She was heartlessly replaced by her own twin, an heiress living a blissful life a few blocks away from the information guild. "Why did I have to live a life of poverty when I am a true heiress to the Count’s family?" Rosalie’s voice shook with betrayal as she asked her gathered informants. But none of them had any more information to give her. Determined to make a comeback and seek revenge on those who wronged her, Rosalie decided to kidnap Elara Highmore and blackmail the Count. Never could she have imagined that when she finally entered Elara’s room, her twin would be dying all alone with nobody around her. “Elara!” Even with the firm lock on her heart, Rosa was deeply shaken by the loss of her twin. She regretted coveting Elara’s life and decided to punish whoever it was that murdered her. Assuming that the culprit was someone in the Count’s manor, Rosa held her breath and waited for someone to knock on her sister’s door. Soon enough, someone did. “My Lady, you must come out and meet your guest this time. I assure you it is not your fiancé, the Marquess, so you do not have to pretend to be sick! We can’t dismiss a Duke from seeing you, after all, can we?” The maid giggled shamelessly on the other side of the door. A fiancé her twin sister didn’t want to meet, a maid who looked down on the Count’s sole heiress, and the only Duke in the kingdom coming unannounced and seeking an audience with Elara while her parents were not present. Rosalie was certain that one of them was the murderer. “…Tell him that Elara Highmore will be right there to meet with him,” she declared. Not long after, the entire kingdom fell into chaos with the scandals that swamped most of the noble houses. And Lady Elara Highmore — who was in the middle of all those scandals — vowed to destroy everyone who came her way. There was one exception to that rule: Duke Kael Dragomir who had a revenge plan of his own. Can mortal rivals become trusted allies? Will two people driven down the same dark path be able to gain each other’s trust and find the keys to unlock each other’s hearts?

MerrySweet · 歴史
7 Chs

The Duke’s Offer

Could they be lovers?

It was Elara's first encounter with royalty, yet even a royal bastard carried an aristocratic air. She concealed her curiosity, framing her face in an innocent expression as he turned meeting her gaze for the first time.

"Lady Highmore," the Duke's voice was deep and low. His sharp hazel eyes seemed to see right through her facade. But Elara maintained her composure. His next words would define the Duke's relationship with Elara, and every gesture she made had to be calculated.

"Your Grace, to what do we owe the honor of your visit?" She smiled sweetly and adjusted the shawl above her night gown, successfully drawing his eyes there.

He gave her a polite bow, "May we speak privately?"

It was a blunt breach of noble etiquette, but they were already in a private setting since no one bothered accompanying Rosa to meet the Duke. Nevertheless, she gave him a nod gesturing towards a more secluded corner where a coffee table and two vintage chairs were positioned.

"Take a seat, your Grace."

Kael Dragomir pulled out one of the chairs for the Count's daughter and waited until she had seated herself before taking his place opposite her. He let out a long breath that altered the appearance of his hazel eyes; they now glinted with a spark that reminded Rosa of the fires she used to light for warmth in the streets.

Leaning back in his chair, he began, "Lady Highmore, I'm aware of the late hour so I'll be direct. I learned of your engagement today and I understand it must be causing you great distress. I offer my assistance in ending this arrangement. Your suffering must be brought to an end immediately."

Rosa's heart raced. The Duke's unexpected offer coupled with his composed demeanor suggested this was his first meeting with the Count's heiress. Given Kael Dragomir's spotless reputation, the Marquess must be bad news. Suspicion gnawed at her. If my intuition is right, then the murderer must be the Marquess.

She reached into the pocket of her nightgown and retrieved a handkerchief she had stashed there then pretended to dab at her already dry eyes, it was the perfect display of a helpless damsel.

"Your Grace, I appreciate your concern, but I cannot accept your help because of my complicated situation."

Kael's expression darkened, a flicker of frustration crossing his chiseled features.

"Lady Highmore, will you reconsider?"

The sharpness in his tone suggested personal interest. Kael Dragomir must be an enemy of the Marquess, she concluded.

"I appreciate your offer, but I am not yet ready to involve anyone else in this matter. I must tread carefully."

Kael's expression became unreadable. His fingers drummed on the chair a few times before he nodded.

"As you wish, Lady Highmore. Should you ever change your mind, know that my resources are at your disposal."

She suppressed a scoff. As a guild master of information herself, she wondered what 'resources' the bastard son of a king could possibly offer.

"You should come to find me at any time." He continued, "I would never turn a blind eye to your suffering. Together, we can form a partnership that accomplishes our mutual desires."

His words lingered in the air, and that spark of fire behind his hazel eyes was both alluring and dangerous. Rosa briefly wondered what kind of man the Duke truly was, but she pushed aside those thoughts. This man is of no use to me.

She stood up from her seat. "Thank you, Your Grace. I must decline once more. Please excuse me; someone will escort you to the door."

Leaving the drawing room, Rosa approached the first maid she encountered and instructed her to escort the Duke until she confirmed he had left the manor. Afterward, she ascended the grand staircase to her twin's now empty room. Once inside, she quickly discarded her nightgown and entered the adjacent bathroom to take a shower. Despite trying both faucets and waiting, all she managed to get was cold water.

"In what world does the sole heiress of a Count shower in cold water!"

But the chill helped clear her mind, and as she dried herself, Rosa surveyed her surroundings with a critical eye. The first thing I need to do is confront the maids and assert my authority. Finding a bell by the bed, she gave it a sharp shake and waited with her eyes on the door.

It took an unusually long time for a maid to arrive, and when she did, her expression spoke volumes of boredom.

"You called for me, my Lady?" she asked, sounding much like the maid who had informed Rosa of the Duke's presence earlier.

"Help me dry my hair," she replied calmly.

The maid complied but her rough handling of Rosa's hair was horrible. She tolerated the first tug on her locks, but by the second and third, she clenched her fists fighting the urge to slap the maid away. Calm down. Maintaining her twin's submissive reactions was crucial if she wanted to uncover the murderer after all.

"Enough," Rosa said coldly, "My hair is dry enough. You may leave."

The maid curtsied and departed with a faintly amused smile lingering on her lips. Rosa watched the door close then turned to the mirror with a dark smile of her own.

"Well, I'm just getting started. Let the game begin!"