

"Mom."Alexia called, she was super excited to share the good news with her mum. It's been a week since she took the entrance exam and she lost all hope that prime wood would even accept her, she must had done so poorly that they couldn't even send her the rejection letter.

"Yes darling, am down stairs. "Her mom, replied, she hurried down stairs excited to tell her mum that she passed.

"Mom I passed, fuck yeah I passed". She shouted happily skipping around barely noticing her dad smiling at her and also not noticing she used the swear word which her mom strongly prohibited.

"Congratulations darling am so happy for you". She Hugged her daughter happily, deciding to over look the swear word that came out from her daughters mouth. It just seems no matter how many times she reprimanded her daughter or tell her to put a pound in the swear jar she was still gonna keep saying it.

"Am also very proud of you". A voice from behind her said, causing her to turn around with curiosity.

"Dad," she screamed, and flung herself into his arms, "I had no idea you where coming home today, how was the business trip? Did you get me that outfit? How did the case go? Was Netherlands cold? Was_.”she was interrupted by her fathers voice.

"Slow down,how many questions do want me to answer at a time.”

She laughed at her fathers confused facial expression and raised up one of her eyebrow like she was thinking of what question to ask him first. "Why wasn't I aware you where coming home today?.”She pointed her fingers at him trying to give her best threatening facial expression.

He chuckled at her reaction " well your mom wanted it to be a surprise and something about me to catching you always banging your head on different surfaces.”

She smiled sheepishly "I really wanted to pass and the banging of my head didn't go in vain , not only did I pass they also offered me a scholarship but it isn't a full scholarship. So dad you don't have to worry about any problem of paying big amounts of money just basic stuff like uniform books and so on."

Her Mum was shocked to the core, she was sure that her daughter would pass in fact she new her daughter would pass, but not so well to be given an admission with a scholarship.

"Am so proud of you". Her dad says, wrapping his hands around her in a warm hug. His was genuinely surprised, he didn't have a nerdy daughter who got straight A's and don't socialize she was a kind of A and B student who’s mood decided if she wanted to party.


"So what do you say, let's go to our favorite cafe and celebrate.”Alexia was on the phone with her closet friend Maddie . She couldn't believe both of them where able to pass the entrance exam, but she got a scholarship that was just the difference. Alexia really needed to celebrate this.

"Definitely I'll you see there at 4.”Maddie responded. Alexia looked at the time on her new iPhone 14 ultra pro max, that her dad bought for her from his trip from Netherlands.

"shit, it's 3:48 is this girl crazy". Maddie cursed loudly, stretching her head towards her door to see if her mom was there or had heard her curse.

She jumped of the bed and sprang into her wardrobe determined to look flawless in just a few minutes.

"Mom can you drop me off on your way to meet aunty Lara". Her mum lifted one of her eyebrow , looking narrowly at her daughter.

"Where's your car, don't tell my you bashed it again". Her mom glared at her waiting for her reply.

"Know i didn't bash it, it's white and it's dirty old rusty and rickety and it's like what?! A 1460 model nobody drives it anymore". She replied in a duhh tone.

Her mum sighs. "Just be in the car in 3 minutes". She rushed up stairs and put her big white T-shirt that reached just below her knees and white denim bum shirts that she had spread on the bed in her room, yeah you could say she was a sucker for white.

"Alexia get your fat ass here now, or am leaving you" Her Mum yelled, "am coming" Alexia yelled back and ran she jumped a flight of stairs and narrowly missing death.


"Wait I have to use the toilet I'll be right back". Alexia said, she walked through the back door that showed the toilet sign for female, she suddenly started feeling weird while sitting there like she was getting wet Not that kind of wet.

She walked into one of the cubicle and lifted of her white shirt only to see blood on her white bum shorts, good thing she had this white big T shirt on but in few minutes it'll also be dripping blood.

She took out her phone and texted Maddie

M:):situation, nature struck please save me ASAP(1).

10 minutes later

“Okay bring out the tucked part of your T-shirt and cover your skirt on the count of three you run and grab the hoodie the taxi would be here any minute” Maddie said.

“Okay Maddie , so let's rehearse the plan again.Am going to over to tell him ,with my best acting skills that's there's a scorpion on his hoodie , hopefully his going to pull it and throw it and run , while I grab it run to that direction hide inside that coffee stand wear the cardigan while you stop a taxi and I get in, right?.”

”Wait, why don't you do it yourself , you made the plan” she eyed Maddie, but as soon as those sentences left her mouth she instantly regretted it and it wasn’t Maddie that was stained it was her.

“That's because, by the time i run outside that and you came out , your white T-shirt will be red and we are probably never going to see him again maybe his parents are moving to Netherlands . Who knows ?”

“Without further Adieu let's get this over with.” She clasped her palms together and took a deep breath .

She hurriedly walked to the guy and tapped on him furiously.

“There’s a scorpion on your hoodie”. She yelled, attracting the attention of everyone in the cafe, that served hot coffee in the afternoon.

Alexia tapped on him harder when he tried to ignore her, it was clear that he was obviously ignoring her .

He turned around to meet her gaze,she was quite taken aback by the enchanting greek god in front of her, he had blue yellow green and amber color of eyes.

He had heterochromia(2) eyes, she realized.

“I love Scorpions by the way I wonder how they got on me in such a clean and spacious environment”. She was probably going to die from embarrassment, even the boy sitting with him was trying to contain a laugh but his blue eyes shook with full amusement.

She was about to run out of the shop, like her tail cut fire. She then thought, there’s no need to run out of embarrassment I’ll probably not see this people again.

She grabbed the hot coffee the boy with Heterochromia eyes had been drinking and poured it on his head.

“Fuck Fuck!.” He yelled. He took of the hoodie faster than lightning, trying to separate his white T-shirt that he had won underneath from his skin.

She grabbed the hoodie ready to make a run for it but the boy with blue eyes who had been trying his best not to laugh at her grabbed her hand.

“Let me go.” She yelled, Maddie grabbed a random person drink and poured it on his head but thankfully it was ice tea but pain made him let go of Alexia’s.

“Run .” Maddie yelled, we ran like never before, then hid in one of the corners of a building.

“Am I stained.” She asked, turning around for Maddie to check.

“Just a little read spot but nothing this black hoodie can’t fix right.” Maddie smiled widen when she saw the hoodie.

“I guess so. I’ll put it on right now”

(1) ASAP- as soon as possible.

(2) defect in the eyes. Mixture of some crazy colour.

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