
Chapter 110

"Officer, I think you have already checked the surveillance near the site of the incident. After we left the boxing gym, we didn't stay for long and didn't have any interactions with those kidnappers, let alone the possibility of collaborating with them,"

Della stated factually. "You can also check our social communication and bank accounts, which should prove our innocence."

As for some people's unfounded accusations, it can only be said that their delusions of grandeur are too severe.

Hearing Della's words and seeing her composed behavior, the police highly appreciated her.

They did indeed check these things and knew that Della and Andy were innocent. Asking them to come and assist in the investigation was just a formality and not mandatory.

"Miss Della is right, you have nothing to do with this kidnapping case," the captain said, turning his gaze to Ethan.

"Mr. Ethan, it's your turn now," the captain said.