

Josephine_Njuguini · ファンタジー
30 Chs

She is the one


Dan told Joel to drive faster because Sarah might get them on the way, having Sarah in one room with his mother was one of the worst things he never wished to happen, but it was too late for that. He could not stop her.

They got home then he went straight to his room then he pretended to be sleeping, ten minutes later, Sarah arrived with her three friends. She was driving a Lexus Suv car which was red in color.

She parked the car next to Dan's car then they went inside the house.

"Look at who is here, Sarah, what a surprise visit, how are you?" Mrs. Mary welcomed her with a hug.

"I am fine Mummy, I am so sorry I didn't tell you I was coming. I was just roaming around when Dan told me he was feeling unwell so I had to come and check on him. How are you doing anyway?" Sarah replied.

"Oh, I knew he was not feeling well, he has been acting strangely and thank God he listened to me when I told him to give you a call if he wanted to talk to someone because he barely talks to us. Thank you for coming, my daughter. Please have a seat." Mrs. Mary said. She was very happy to see Sarah, she never even bothered to ask her about her friends who accompanied her or even to introduce herself to them.

"So is he still sleeping in his room? I need to see him." Sarah asked.

"Yes, I think he is in his room, you can just go upstairs, I think you know his room." Mrs. Mary replied, serving the three with some fresh juice.

Sarah left the two ladies in the sitting room and went to look for Dan upstairs in his room, she carried the test kid with her.

She knocked at the door four times but no one responded, Dan was not sleeping, he just didn't want to open the door so he pretended to be sleeping.

"Hey Dan, Daaan, Dannn" She started shouting, still knocking at the door. Dan had to respond because she was now shouting at the door.

"Who is that shouting at my door? What do you want?" Dan asked pretending he doesn't know who is at the door.

"Come on Dan, you mean you sleep that deep? Open the door, it's Sarah." She replied.

"Oh, Sarah, I told you not to come, but you never listen to me anyway. Okay, I am coming down in a minute." Dan did not want to let her in.

"You don't need to come downstairs and I am already here, Just open the door so that we can talk. You know some things are better not said in public." She replied.

"You know I can't have you in here given my condition right now, you can mess things up. I don't want to start imagining how it will be once I open that door." Dan was now trying to make her happy for her to understand.

"Okay, you win, come downstairs then. But don't think you've escaped this." Sarah accepted and she went back to the sitting room where her friends were watching Maria TV program on Citizen TV channel.

Dan came five minutes later, he greeted the ladies and then introduced himself.

"Ladies, you all look gorgeous, they call me Dan, and Sarah is a friend, a family friend I mean." He introduced himself to the two ladies.

The two ladies looked at Sarah in shock, Sarah had earlier told them that Dan was her fiance....