
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · アクション
23 Chs


<p>A FRIEND OF A FRIEND <br/><br/> The study was adorned with bookshelves and a large oak desk, giving it an air of importance and authority. As Donald entered, he noticed his boss engrossed in a thick stack of documents, his focus solely on the task at hand.<br/><br/>"Sir," Donald began cautiously, "I have a message for you."<br/><br/>His boss looked up, fixing his gaze on Donald. His stern expression softened slightly, indicating that he was willing to listen. Donald took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to disclose.<br/><br/>"It's about the baby," Donald said, measuring his words carefully. "The mother... Rhida... she's given an ultimatum. Either the father shows up, or she'll... she'll consider terminating the pregnancy."<br/><br/>A flicker of surprise flashed across his boss's face before it became impassive once again. Donald expected an outburst, maybe even anger, but instead, his boss leaned back in his seat and pondered the situation.<br/><br/>After a moment of contemplation, his boss spoke, his voice calm but firm. "Tell her it's a friend of a friend sending me that request. If she asks further, say you're simply passing along the message."<br/><br/>Donald's eyes widened. He hadn't expected his boss to be so understanding and cooperative. He felt a combination of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, sir. I'll proceed as you've suggested."<br/><br/>His boss nodded, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. <br/>Donald turned to leave and turned to him back <br/>" But... Why a friend of a friend?" Donald wanted to leave and not ask considering his boss's aura but he can't control<br/>his curiosity <br/>Iver looked up at him, still leaning on his chair <br/>" I only have one childhood friend which is Drex, if she finds out, she will find him and the plan will be ruined, but since it's a friend of a friend, she will find it very hard to find out since Drex have a lot of friends" Iver explained and Donald nodded <br/>Iver smiled and Donald noticed that he gave him a questioning look <br/>" Heard of him? I mean Drex?" Iver asked and Donald shook his head <br/>" When you meet him, tell him I will like to have a drink with him," Iver said and also smile <br/>" I almost forgot I have that stubborn womanizer childhood friend" <br/>" Tell her, what I told you. It's the friend of my friend" <br/><br/>Donald nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of discretion. <br/>Time would tell when the perfect moment would arise to reveal the truth, but for now, they would keep their secret hidden, biding their time until the circumstances were more favorable.<br/><br/>It was the weekend, Rhida and Elina went to the hospital, and their friend, Anne's son, Ken is getting discharged today. Getting discharged, they cook his favorite and throw a small among themselves to congratulate him on fighting well for his life. Anne was glad to see her son looking healthier and stronger after his time in the hospital. She couldn't contain her joy as they all gathered in Ken's room, surrounded by the comforting aroma of his favorite dish. Rhida and Elina had prepared a mouthwatering feast for Ken, who smiled from ear to ear at the sight of the delicious spread.<br/><br/>As they sat down to eat, Anne couldn't help but feel grateful for the support and love her friend that is like family to her had shown throughout this challenging time. She raised her glass and proposed a toast to celebrate Ken's recovery and the strength that he had shown. Everyone clinked their glasses together and joined in raising a toast to Ken's health and happiness.<br/><br/>In the evening, Iver was at his study when he receive a call, and Donald who was around the whole time bring the phone. It was his sister who just arrives from the Uk because of her project at school.<br/><br/>Iver smiled as he listened to his sister's voice on the phone. He missed her so much and was thrilled that she was finally back home from the UK. They chatted about her project, catching up on each other's lives. <br/>" Let's have a drink together to celebrate my homecoming!" The voice shouted from the other end rather teasingly and with rejoicing <br/><br/>Iver hesitated for a moment, as he was engrossed in his work and didn't want to leave his study. However, he realized how much he have misses his silly young sister<br/><br/>"With pleasure! Small miss" Iver exclaimed, a smile forming on his face. <br/>"I can't wait to see you, big MR" she replied in a mockery<br/><br/>She shared the name of a trendy new bar in town that she had heard great things about. They agreed to meet there in an hour. Iver quickly tidied up his study and got ready to leave, his excitement growing with each passing minute.<br/><br/>He threw the car key to Donald and they drive away. <br/><br/>When he arrived at the bar, Iver found her waiting at the entrance, a wide grin on her face. She hugged him tightly, not caring about the curious looks of strangers passing by. Iver smiled and felt a wave of warmth and happiness, realizing how much he had missed her<br/>" Did you realize you are hugging the mighty Iver?" Iver said mockingly and she released him, pushing him back and she went to the bar. Iver smiled, ran his hand in his hair, and follow her. Donald also follows him silently<br/><br/>Inside the bar, they found a cozy corner and settled in. Iver's sister, Ella, ordered their favorite drinks, and they toasted their reunion. The conversation flowed effortlessly as they shared stories and updates on their lives. <br/><br/>" Miss Flirter how many guys have you flirted with at Uk with your face," He asked teasingly<br/><br/>" I don't have to flirt with anyone with my looks, the boys crawl over me themselves", She said with a proud aura and Iver shook his head <br/>" Talk for yourself, get someone to date, and be free from the rumors," She said <br/>" Everyone believed you are gay, get one, or have you gotten one?" She asked and he smiled, her eyes widened <br/>" Who... Who... Tell me... Tell me" She said, shouting almost killing herself with curiosity <br/>" She is with my child," He said, sipping his drink <br/>" HUH? SHE IS PREGNANT???? FOR YOU? HOW??????" She shouted, almost not believing herself and Iver smiled again <br/>" I will tell you later, still on edge now," Iver said and looked at his sister who still has a dazed expression on her face. Still not believing anything. He smiled and continue his drinks<br/><br/>As the night wore on, they laughed and reminisced, creating new memories together. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing minute. <br/><br/>Back at home, Iver reflected on the evening with a sense of contentment. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he had his sister by his side, supporting and loving him unconditionally. <br/>Has he was recalling the events, Donald came in <br/>" It's from Rhida sir" Iver jerked up, as if he has been expecting that. He smiled and gestured to Donald to pick it up. <br/>" Donald I'm craving some sweets, please come over" <br/>" Ok," Donald said and she cuts. Donald looked at his boss who quickly take his pullover<br/>" I will drive her today, don't worry I will tell her you are sick. In case she called you, tell her the same" Though Donald was surprised he nodded and watched his boss rushes out of the room <br/>Iver smiled, he has been expecting the day to come so he could spend some time with her and watch her as she eats the food she was craving greedily and smile. He can't wait. <br/><br/>This was highly unprofessional and could potentially jeopardize his job, Iver couldn't resist the opportunity to spend some time with her. As Iver made his way toward the exit, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He knew he had to maintain a professional demeanor, but being able to fulfill Rhida's duties for the day gave him a chance to get to know her on a more personal level. He knew that this unexpected turn of events could either strengthen their relationship or create complications.<br/><br/>Getting to her house, Rhida was shocked to see the mighty Iver stepping out of the car Instead of Donald. She watched him as he opened the door and gestured for her to come in. She shifted back, rejecting his gestures and he walked up to her <br/>" I came here per your child's father's order so please don't think of me as a boss, treat me the way you treat Donald" Rhida's eyes brighten and without letting her say another word, he grabbed her hand, and take her gently into the car. Rhida was shocked and she didn't know what kind of feeling she felt now. Her cheeks were red <br/>' Oh no Rhida, get a hold of yourself, it's just a touch. He didn't even feel anything. He is gay anyway' Rhida thoughts and looked away, trying to avoid eye contact with him<br/><br/>On the drive to Rhida's destination, Iver carefully considered how he would approach the situation. He decided it was best to maintain a friendly and casual tone. <br/><br/>" The father of your child, I know him and he sent me here to satisfy your cravings since Donald was sick" <br/>Rhida's eye lit up if the person can order the mighty Iver around then who is he? Is it someone higher with irreversible authority? <br/>She looked at him and their eyes met. She tried to look away but it was so hard <br/>She was so angry at herself, she looked away; all that mattered now was to find out about the father of her child. If he is married or not or someone with a dark side, for him not to show up <br/>" Is he by the way... Married?" She asked and Iver chuckled <br/>She looked at him angrily, he didn't have any idea what his chuckle did to her now. She didn't like the fact. He is gay anyway so she needs to get rid of the feelings now <br/>" he is single" He said with a short answer and looked at her, her face was filled with curiosity <br/>" Is he plump?" she asked and Iver chuckle again <br/>" We have the same shape, everyone says he looks like me," Iver said and Rhida nodded <br/>" Sir is he..." <br/>" Continue that formal tone and I'm going to shut my mouth," He said and Rhida looked down at her hands <br/>" What should I say..." <br/>" Just Iver," He said, and Rhida looked up <br/>" Huh?" <br/>" Not ready? I don't know about him either"<br/>" Ohhhh ok IVER! " She shouted as if she was being forced and Iver smiled. <br/>She asked about what the so-called father was like and Iver told her joining some made-up stories for her not to know he was referring to himself. <br/><br/>As they arrived at the sweets shop, Iver noticed her face lit up, smiling."Hey ready to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours?" He could see the excitement and anticipation on her face, which only made Iver more determined to make this an enjoyable experience.<br/><br/>They entered the shop together, and Rhida's eyes were instantly drawn to the display of mouth-watering desserts. Iver couldn't help but chuckle at her child-like enthusiasm. "Take your time, I want you to indulge in every bite." He whispered to her, his hot breath touching her and sending shivers down her spine. She looked at him meanly but he turned his back on her <br/>'How can he torture her like this when he doesn't feel anything!'<br/>" Such a bad bully," she said and turned back to the desserts<br/><br/>As Rhida carefully selected her treats, Iver watched her closely, his heart skipping a beat with each smile and every expression of delight. Her happiness was contagious, and Iver couldn't help but feel a sense of joy knowing that he could contribute to it, even if it was in a small way.<br/><br/>They found a cozy corner to sit in and enjoy their sweets. As they savored their treats, Iver took the opportunity to engage her in conversation. They discussed their hobbies, shared funny anecdotes, and bonded over their mutual love for desserts. Iver felt a strong connection forming between them, and he couldn't deny the growing attraction he had toward her. <br/>" Craving for more?" He asked and Rhida shook her head. He was sad, knowing what was next. <br/>" You are free to call me whenever you are craving something," He said and take her phone, dialed his number <br/>" You can also know more about the father of your child. What did you think? It's like killing two birds with one stone right?" He asked and Rhida smiled.... That smile, made him lose his mind. He found himself wanting her more and he wished he could stay with her longer but she told him she was ready to go home which make his heart sink<br/><br/>As Iver dropped Rhida off at her home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing and excitement for what might come next.<br/><br/> Iver stare at the house for some minutes and watched as Rhida enters. He longed for her, wanting to make her his...</p>