
She Calls Me Eyebrows

173J is a demon, soul collector from the Underworld who falls in love with a woman named Hannah. She also happens to be a direct descendant of Wolf- one of the highest-ranked demons from his realm. J, as he is called, tells us his story as it unfolds- of love and friendships and all the truths he has known that turned out to be lies.

passmemycoffee · ファンタジー
29 Chs

15- We're Friends

Half expecting her to say no, she follows me quietly up, her tiny hand still in mine. As soon as we were outside my office, I push her against the wall attacking her beautiful neck, tasting the bitterness of the perfume she'd sprayed on her soft flesh. It does not hinder my movements. My tongue darts out tasting from the base go straight up to her ear where I nip the lobe. I hear my teeth clash against her earring and my excitement grows.

Greedily, I move onto the front of her throat where I feel her inner groan vibrating against my mouth. I excitedly dip my hand into my pocket, fumbling with the key card, almost falling into the room as the door clicked open. Kicking it shut with my foot, I hear her bag fall on the floor. I don't bother with putting on the lights.

Pulling off my jacket and suit vest, I throw them on the back of one of the seats and open my belt buckle. I don't get further than that as the magical woman pulls me down on top of her, as she settles on the longest couch. Pulling up her short white dress higher, I nestle myself between the junction of her heated thighs and once more ravish her swollen mouth. This time my tongue dives in too. The woman moans and the delightful sound sends adrenaline pumping in all the right places. Her legs wrap themselves around my slim waist, her hand guiding me to the zipper on her sleeve, to unzip her out of her dress. I have never seen a dress like this before. I kiss the exposed part of her arm as I pull the zipper down. The woman bit down on her lip, which I barely make out in the darkened room, exposing her perfectly aligned teeth. Tempted as I am to use my demon vision just to see the sexy reaction, I cannot scare her nor risk exposing myself. Instead, I kiss her graceful neck again and she moans out, "Hmm J," sending my secreted hormones to the roof.

My phone vibrates in my pocket then distracting me. I should not have looked at the screen for the woman got up then. I should not have taken the call but I did as it was Jace. It could be an emergency. By the time I say that I would be down in a minute when Jace stated it is an emergency- my demon hearing- the woman had vanished.

The rest of the night I cursed Jace in my mind, for he had called me about a client that wanted to say hello. Jace explained to me that the man would be my biggest customer that's why he called and I assured him, it was fine but I am certain my facial expression said something else.

I leave at my scheduled time giving instructions to Jace for the security team. I wanted no mistakes so I had hired almost double the security that was actually needed and the rest I would do through my laptop or phone.

A shower later, my hair still wet and I am on the balcony with only sweat bottoms on when I hear Hannah coming in. Outing my smoke in the ashtray, I walk downstairs to confront her. She yelps when she sees me, almost falling over, in the hallway. I am too mad to laugh.

Clearly out with that boyfriend of hers, I note as I see her clad in nothing but and an oversized jacket and her hair in a mess. Her feet and legs are bare. Her toes were painted purple and looking- what? Why am I thinking about her cute toes? More description? Huh, okay a long-sleeved, flannel Sherpa-lined plaid hoody.

"Where are you coming from?" I ask her softly.

Her doe eyes look at me all innocent. "By a friend-" she starts to explain to me and I look at my watch. 2 am. I have been home almost two hours now waiting for her.

"Don't lie to me!" I thundered and seeing her jump, I lower my bass. "I asked you to come to my opening, didn't I?"

She shakes her head yes.

"What happened?"

"I came," she mutters.

"You did not, don't lie," I say in a very silent tone, for I literally am so close to strangling the little liar. Yes, I am back to calling her a liar -for she is one.

"But I was. You just-" she hesitates, "didn't see me."

"I am mad enough to report you," I threaten her as I listen to the lies spearing out of her mouth.

The look she did with her eyes is back- where she opened her eyes like saucers, and her lying mouth said," You didn't say I had to be seen so I did not tell you."

If I did not know a lie when hearing a lie- I flare my nostrils and turn away from her not even curious as to why she was hiding her knapsack from me behind her back. I saw it in the mirror behind her. I turn back to go to the kitchen for a water bottle as my throat is parched but she jumps back as if scared. I halt my steps looking at her. Her eyes do not meet my face but at my chest.

Changing my mind about the water, I head back upstairs to the balcony for it bothers me that she seems frightened. I take out another cigarette and light it, pulling hard as I try to calm my nerves. I am on my second one when she creeps up behind me in tears.

The f*ck why? I never threatened her nor harmed her in any way. Could it be a delay in fright since knowing my true form? A few months delay?

Her face irritates me even more with the tears. Why do I even care whether she came or not? I just thought we could have had a different kind of relationship going, you know? I was bored-fed-up really of the same old sh*t; of a new house and a new owner who feared me. Although it was fun, I would prefer a friend or two in this world. After all, I spent more than half my time here in her residence.

And maybe thinking I was better than mortals so they weren't worth much of my time- no longer held much appeal to me.

I want a bonding friendship. A real one.

"I was there look," and she pulls out her phone and tries to show me something but I turn away. I am over it. I will just do my job and protect her as I did the others. Maybe a good conversation or two at times, a drink here and there- should I cut Jace off as a friend too or should I continue on with my goal with him? She grabs my arm and pulls me back to her.

"Look," she says pushing the phone in front of me.

I still ignore her and then I hear her shouting from the phone. "-so, I am with V, you can ask her." Then booming music where I can't even make out the song playing and then I hear V, "Yes, she's here, so believe her. We can't find you, but we saw you earlier by the bar then upstairs- "

Did they see me with the woman? I grab the phone and stare at the screen just as V screams, - "There you are-" but the phone's camera was blurred and then the video ended as Hannah came on the screen and waved at the camera.

Pressing replay on the video to see any sign of the woman but no visual.

So, she was there after all, I look down at the short girl as I lean on the railing of the balcony, the cold night's air cold on my skin. I love it. I will not get sick, no matter how long I stay out here.

"I'm sorry," I say to her now.

She wipes her tear-stained face and says nothing.

"I called you-" I try to explain my side to her," But you did not pick up."

"I was inside the club."

I nod my head.


"Since opening," she says and walks away.

Feeling stupid and guilty I call behind her, "Hey Hannah, I would not report you. I just really wanted you there with me. Thanks."

"Really?" she looks surprised as she turns back around.

"Yeah, I was a jerk, but I really wanted a friend by my side. Technically you weren't by my side but thanks anyway." Longing is what I feel inside. I want what I see Hannah and her friends doing…I mean I do go out and have a blast with my very adult companions and our naked times but when I look at Hannah and her friends…it has depth.

I want depth.

"Hey J," she says startling me, for it is the first time she called me by any name. Normally she just speaks to me. And I feel…warmth with the small display of the one single letter. "Next time you need me as a friend, just ask nicely."

"You mean if I open another restaurant or club, you will be there?" I joke, smiling, stretching my cheek up on one side of my face.

"Right next to you."

I look at her in astonishment as she walks down the hall. I follow her, saying "Hey can you live here and not disappear all the time?"

She stops in front of her bedroom door and looks back at me from where I halted a few feet behind her. I scratch my head as I feel that I have overdone it and say, "Ah, thought I would give it a shot being as we seem to be getting along well."

Letting out a small laugh, she pushes open her door a bit. "We had an argument, you apologized and I accepted- it's okay. That's how humans usually work."

Argument or not she was around every day for the next five whole days and everything was going well until she told me "Your friend dropped by."

"Which?" Please let it be K and not… "Did you let him in?" I hoped it really was K, Darcus had said yesterday that there was a team going around pretending to be soul collectors but they weren't. They were stealing them. I had requested that Darcus put a distracting spell on the house for I was a bit concerned about Hannah's safety. You can never be too sure about whom to trust. He had said he would look into it.

"The one that is obsessed with V but he left when I said you weren't here- He always leaves when you or V isn't here."

Yes, I had to have 'the talk' with him about it. While we were teammates in the same area too, I told him that he should not come into my house when I wasn't there. I had said my housemate was uncomfortable with it. Yes, well, I had to use Hannah for I couldn't very well tell him me, could I?

"Thank goodness. Don't let anyone in. Not anyone saying they are my friend especially, okay? Even him."