
She belongs to the Demigod

You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.” – Barbara De Angelis _______ Finding a gorgeous demigod in a cave deep in the forest of her Pack was something Emerald had never expected to find. Their meeting was catastrophic as secrets and lies flew all over the place the minute they saw each other. After discovering why he was being held hostage in her pack and what happened to him, Emerald swore to make his cold dark heart become human again but what happens when Feelings suddenly get attached? A weak wolf and a demigod was a pairing no one saw coming and could bring about destruction to the whole realm. Was it a risk they were willing to take? Excerpt: “Don't touch me! I'll stab you in the back the minute you turn your back on me!" Emerald screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks but he just stared at her expressionlessly. “You can't tell me not to touch you when you're my woman, Emerald" She glared at him then punched his chest. “You tricked me! I hate you, let me go!!" Damien grabbed her hand as his eyes glazed over with anger. “You can hate me all you want but the fact still remains that you belong to me and if I have to tie you down to stop you from leaving, I would!"

Blossom_Harold_1 · ファンタジー
41 Chs

A vision

One of the guards rushed up and grabbed her arm before she fell then stared at her with worry in his eyes. If anything dared happened to her, they were dead.

"Are you okay, miss Aurora?" Aurora shook her head to get rid of the image in her head. She must just be imagining things…. Right? But It all felt so real though. Whoever that person was, it was like they were connected somehow.

"I'm okay. I just had a slight headache, that's all." The worry didn't wipe off the guard's face.

"Maybe we should go back? If you're feeling some kind of way then…." The glare she gave him immediately made him shut up. They hadn't even walked that far away from the pack house and he wanted them to return? No way was happening.

"I'm fine, I just had a minor headache." The guard glanced at the other guards for help but they all just stood there with no reaction which made the guard sigh before slowly letting go of her arm.

"Yes, Miss Aurora," She turned away from him and took a deep breath before walking towards the carriage.

As they rode towards the pack square, her mind kept drifting off to that figure. Her mind couldn't just have made up such an image, could it?

She massaged her temples slowly because her head was starting to ache with all the thinking. The guard seated beside her noticed this but decided to ignore it since she said she was alright.

As soon as they got to the Pack square, A sense of nervousness washed over Aurora. She watched girls and boys her age laugh and chat with their friends which made her smile sadly.

Because of her condition and all the bad things Veronica had said about her, No one in the pack wanted to be seen with her, talk less of being her friend. She was the pack's outcast and anyone who was seen with her was automatically named an outcast too.

"Are you ready to get down, miss Aurora?" She slowly turned to the guard and then nodded.

"I'm ready," The guard immediately climbed down and then opened her door before lending her a hand to get down. She slowly climbed down and then took a deep breath as she glanced around.

She sighed when the other eleven guards appeared behind her and she knew for a fact that she was drawing attention to herself but what could she possibly do?

"Aurora? What are you doing here?" She turned to the voice and saw Veronica and her minions behind her.

"I'm here for the parade just like you." Veronica scoffed.

"Are you sure you can stand it or am I going to have to pick you up from the ground again because you fainted or something?" Her friends laughed like she said something funny but Aurora just shook her head.

"Enjoy your day," Aurora murmured then walked away with the guards.

"Try not to faint before the parade starts." Aurora sighed as she heard one of Veronica's minions yell and everyone around laughed like her sickness was a joke to them.

"Don't let what they say get to you, Okay?" She turned to the guard beside her and smiled.

"Thank you. Why are you being so nice to me? Out of everyone, you're the one that has been showing concern ever since we stepped out of the pack house." The guard furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why? You expected me to be mean to you because you're sick?" Aurora nodded then got to him to whisper into his ear.

"The other guards don't seem to like me." The guard chuckled.

"They don't hate you, they just don't…. Care. By the way, my name is Steven," Aurora smiled.

"And I assume you know who I am," Steven nodded.

"Yes, the infamous sick beloved daughter of the Alpha. Everyone knows about you." Aurora smiled and was about to say something when someone called her name but this time it wasn't Veronica but someone she didn't know.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she turned to the girl who was standing with a few other girls and boys.

"Yes, may I help you?" The girl nodded.

"Would you like to hang out with us?" Aurora gasped as she stared at the girl with wide eyes.

"You want me to hang out with you? Aren't you afraid you'd become an outcast?" The girl scoffed.

"Forget about that. The parade is about to start so let's go," The girl grabbed Aurora's hand before she could say anything.

"Oh, can you tell your guards to back off for a while? Everyone might feel intimidated by them and would not want to hang out with you." The girl uttered and the others nodded in agreement with her. Aurora pursed her lips and then turned to her guards.

"You can watch me from afar but I would like to be on my own now." This was finally her time to make friends and she wasn't going to let these Guards ruin that. Steven stared at her with a frown and wanted to say something but she raised her hand to stop him.

"I would be okay and if I'm not, I'll mind link you." After much contemplating, Steven nodded and then backed off. She smiled at him before walking away with the girl and her friends.

As they walked away, she noticed they were all giving her side glances which made her furrow her eyebrows.

"Is there something on my face?" She questioned and they immediately turned away without answering her. The girl beside her giggled.

"Sorry, we are not just used to seeing you. You're that mysterious sister that everyone knows but never really sees… you know?" Aurora nodded. She knew exactly what the girl was trying to say. She was always in her sister's shadow so no one noticed her.

After that, they all went silent as they walked toward wherever they were leading her to. Aurora furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed they were walking toward the forest.

"Where are we going?" She questioned but the girl didn't reply which made Aurora pause. She was about to turn around when she was suddenly pushed to the ground. She grimaced as she glanced at her palm. They had already been bruised by the granites she fell on.

She raised her head and stared up at the girl who had led her here with wide eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" She questioned but the girl just giggled.

"Well, we were told to show you your place which is on the ground because you're dirt." She signaled towards a guy and he handed her a bottle filled with rotten milk and before Aurora could say anything, the girl poured it on her head.

Aurora gasped while all of them laughed like she was some kind of freak show.

"Now, you finally know your place. No one wants you here so run back to your father and mother because no matter what, you'll only be a freak show and an outcast in everyone's eyes." Aurora clenched her fist as she cried. What did she do to deserve this?

She turned to the girl with a glare and then pushed her leg before standing up and running away before any of them could stop her. She could hear some of their footsteps behind her but she didn't dare turn around. She didn't know where she was going but anywhere was better than there. She picked the wrong day to wear a satin gown.

After a while, she paused to catch her breath when a cold breeze suddenly washed over her, making her shiver. She turned in its direction and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw a cave. It looked sinister and no one in their right mind would ever try going in there but why did it feel like the cave was calling her?

She glanced behind her and noticed they weren't following her anymore and she let out a sigh of relief before turning back to the cave.

"What's the worst that could happen…. Right?" She muttered to herself as she took slow steps inside the cafe.

The sinister feeling omitted from the cave was supposed to make her turn around but for some reason, it made her more curious.

She glanced around as she walked deeper into the cave. It didn't look special, it just looked like every other cage out there till she got to a door. She furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered what a door was doing in the middle of a cave.

She pushed the door open and gasped when she took in the picture in front of her. Shackles, Blood, a figure she couldn't see but unlike the vision that crossed her mind earlier, she could see the figure and he seemed to either be asleep or dead.

She didn't know where the bravery came from but she was about to take a step forward when the figure raised his head and she couldn't help but let out a gasp when her eyes connected with his light silver eyes as his deep husky voice ran throughout the cave.

"You shouldn't be in here"...