
She's That Knight Known as Zero

She had to be strong, she had to work harder than anyone, she needs to always be on guard, she had to keep all the secrets sealed, but would all this be easy? When a lot gets attracted to her without her trying, when a lot watches her closely because she's too suspicious, when even her feelings that she made into stone are being melted. She suddenly appeared in their kingdom 4 years ago. They didn't know who she was or where she came from. But she knows why she's there. One didn't know she ever existed while the other doesn't remember her. She has no identity except for her name. "Just who are you?" "Someone, someone who never should have been born," she answered as once again she tried to stop her sobs from coming out. ***** If you're looking for literally half part is magical and the other half focuses on the character development. Then you are on the right novel. Come and join others in reading the story of a woman who's fate is the worst among all of them, but remains gentle and kind. Do read my other stories: VENGEANCE TO THE ROYAL ONES (COMPLETED) COMING FOR THE LAST FOURTEENTH (COMPLETED) RESTARTING CHAPTER BOOK FINALE (COMPLETED) VERACITY OF THE PAST (COMPLETED) REBIRTH: STUBBORNLY FULFILLING A PROMISE (COMPLETED) LEFT BEHIND BY TIME (COMPLETED) Please support me on this page as well: https://patreon.com/user?u=52128033&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

Llaellen · ファンタジー
312 Chs

I Hate It

"Did something happen to Azusa?" Mamoru asked Raven, all of them are currently training with each other. They have decided to stop training their abilities for now and train their weapons.

Raven looked at him asking what he means.

"She seems mad at something, or at someone," Mamoru replied returning his gaze to Azusa who is currently sparring with Feena.

The four of them then looked at the girls.

"I'm not sure, I can't see her mad though," Hideyoshi replied.

"Only those who watches someone closely would understand what Mamoru is talking about," Theo then commented at the side.

"Wha- *sighs* I don't want to argue with you about that anymore," Mamoru replied.

Theo and Hideyoshi decided to tease him for the past few days especially after he had went out of his way as to bring Azusa some medicine for her bruises after their meeting in that diner.

"So when will you confess?" Hideyoshi teased even more.

"When will you confess then?" Mamoru retorted.

"Who knows," Hideyoshi replied.

"Tsk, then stop teasing me when you yourself couldn't even do it," Mamoru replied.

"She is mad," Raven decided to butt in before their talk goes somewhere else.

"Huh?" Mamoru was taken aback by his sudden answer.

"You asked if she is mad. Yes she is mad."

"Why? What happened?"

"That is..."


Eureka stayed quiet, but before Azusa could say aother word, she faced her and, "I hate it."


"I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, how many times do you want me to tell you to stop befriending me. We can be both knights, I can be your trainer, but other than that there's nothing more I can give."

"But that's..."

"I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, we can do this all day until you understand, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I ha-"

"ENOUGH!!" Azusa shouted, "Fine I no longer care, go on and live your life on your own. See you on trainings then miss knight."

She then walked away leaving the other tow behind. It was truly painful hearing her words, her monotonous tone and serious aura.

"You really know how o hurt others don't you?" Raven commented as he watches the leaving Azusa.

"We can only hurt others in order to save them from greater pain."

(End of Flashback)

"Waaah that's painful," Theo commented after hearing the story.

"And yet, I think I understand where Eureka is coming from," Hideyoshi commented.

"Indeed, she had been telling all of them to let her be, in different ways, but those girls are the ones who just won't give up," Mamoru added.

"But isn't Eureka at fault too? Why would she push them away when all they wanted was to be her friend? Shouldn't she just be happy?" Theo asked hearing their comments.

"It's her secrets," Hideyoshi started.

"All her secrets are both big and small. Pushing everyone away would save not just them but her as well from the pain once everything is revealed."

"But, if you truly are friends, shouldn't you be accepting what ever flaws your friend has?" Theo continued asking.

"There are secrets that will hurt no matter how close you are," Raven answered.

The other three looked at him, his words felt like he knows something.

"Do you know something?" Mamoru asked.

"Her family will get hurt, those around her will feel belittled, even those who would treat her as their friend will change, who knows how other reactions those around her will have once her secrets are revealed?" Raven replied.

"You do know something, don't you? Hideyoshi replied after hearing his reply.

"I might know at the same time I might not, everything's overwhelming even for me if what I know is the truth," he answered.

"But you better not ask me, I won't answer, after all everything's still speculations," he then said to them.

The other three could only keep quiet, they know they really won't get anything from him even if they pester him.


"Here," after their training Azusa went into the cliff where Hideyoshi would usually train. She just thought she need some air. She is truly hurt by what Eureka had told her. Even during their training she couldn't calm down.

She raised her and looked up at Mamoru who was passing her a drink. After all the training, she had felt him approaching so she was not shocked when he suddenly spoke near her.

"Thanks, what brought you here? Do you need some air too?" She asked accepting his offer.

"No, but you seemed that you need a shoulder right now, I can only offer mine though," Mamoru replied sitting beside her.

"What do you mean, I'm fine-" her words were stopped when he patted her head.

The tears she thought she wouldn't shed come rushing like there's no tomorrow. Mamoru pulled her and let her cry on his shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" he then asked.

"Is it because you were hurt? Or because you're crying for someone else?"

"I was hurt, but then I could only cry for her. The life she's threading is just too painful."

"Then you know why she's doing it?"

"I don't, I don't understand. That's why I'm crying, because I don't understand where she's coming from when she chose to push everyone away."

"You'll end up hating her though, if you keep on trying to get close to her then be hurt by her words."

"Then what am I supposed to do? Every time I looked at her back, what I can see is someone who needs to be watched over, or she might suddenly disappear from our sights."

"She won't, all of us will make sure that she won't. We don't need to vocally tell her that she is our friend and act like she's just another knight or a trainer. But we would be watching over her. We will make sure that she wouldn't do anything so excessive. We'll become stronger in order to support her. So will you stop crying now? And lighten up?"

Azusa looked up at him, "You've really matured," she then commented.

Mamoru looked away, "What do you mean by that? I am always the same."

"Back when we were kids, you'd always do things without thinking it over. Or at times you would be so aloof that no one could approach you. You were on the same boat as Raven," Azusa laughed as she wiped her tears, feeling better.

"When we were kids?"

"You guys really don't remember that once in your childhood we were all together, don't you?" Azusa commented drinking what was given to her.


"*shakes her head* Well I was spending a lot of my time back then before reuniting with Karen and Feena reminiscing about the past so I obviously remember. But you guys went on with your life, adding to the fact that we only spent a few months together, you obviously would forget about it."

"Seriously? I really can't remember," Mamoru scratched his head trying to remember but to no avail.

"Time sure flies so fast, I wonder what would happen to all of us in the future?"

"Whatever might happen I am sure of one thing," Mamoru then looked at her.

"We will still be together… all of us," Mamoru then added, he wanted to end it with together but just couldn't.

Azusa's heart skipped when he said together looking straight in her eyes, but was a little bit disappointed when he added 'all of us' in the end, but never the less she smiled thinking how they will still be together, "That's right together."


The door towards the room suddenly opened when Raven felt his body relaxing so much, it feels like he's about to fall asleep.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!!" he heard that shout before his mind cleared up.

After their practice he went ahead and went to the sauna. He was feeling strange for the past few days, and felt like if he go to there once again he'll find out why. He could stay in the sauna for a whole day already and he doesn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"What… happened?" he asked as he looked at Eureka who suddenly came in and shouted.

"You have finished the first part of your training, and when your strength grew your body had the sudden urge to release it, if I hadn't woke you up you would have burned this place down," Eureka said tossing him a cold water.

"Cold water?"

"You need to calm your body," she replied as she gestured him to go out.

"But I don't feel anything," he replied.

"Then why don't you drink the water you're holding now/?"

Though baffled, Raven drank the cold water.

"It's hot," he remarked when his tongue was burnt.

"Your body is releasing it, I didn't notice it but were you feeling strange this past few days?"

"Yes I have been, and I thought that coming here would help me."

"It won't. Since your strength have improved what you need is to release it somehow. Obviously at the beginning your body won't be accustomed to it, though you yourself won't notice it."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" he asked when the water his holding boiled.

"Go and train with your father using your ability."