
She's That Knight Known as Zero

She had to be strong, she had to work harder than anyone, she needs to always be on guard, she had to keep all the secrets sealed, but would all this be easy? When a lot gets attracted to her without her trying, when a lot watches her closely because she's too suspicious, when even her feelings that she made into stone are being melted. She suddenly appeared in their kingdom 4 years ago. They didn't know who she was or where she came from. But she knows why she's there. One didn't know she ever existed while the other doesn't remember her. She has no identity except for her name. "Just who are you?" "Someone, someone who never should have been born," she answered as once again she tried to stop her sobs from coming out. ***** If you're looking for literally half part is magical and the other half focuses on the character development. Then you are on the right novel. Come and join others in reading the story of a woman who's fate is the worst among all of them, but remains gentle and kind. Do read my other stories: VENGEANCE TO THE ROYAL ONES (COMPLETED) COMING FOR THE LAST FOURTEENTH (COMPLETED) RESTARTING CHAPTER BOOK FINALE (COMPLETED) VERACITY OF THE PAST (COMPLETED) REBIRTH: STUBBORNLY FULFILLING A PROMISE (COMPLETED) LEFT BEHIND BY TIME (COMPLETED) Please support me on this page as well: https://patreon.com/user?u=52128033&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

Llaellen · ファンタジー
312 Chs

Ashamed At Their Excitement

After the short break, the tandem battle continued.

"I'm trembling," Hideyoshi said as they prepare to get up the stage.

"Nervous?" Feena asked beside him.

"Not at all. Excited actually."

"Don't get too excited, you might end up making mistakes," Feena reminded.

"I won't."

"Now, to start our tandem battle. From Raven's team, we have Feena and Hideyoshi. On Kyro's team, we have Natsume and Tadamori."

"Water and Wind versus Earth and Fire. This is indeed a very interesting set-up. Four elements are to be witnessed clashing with one another. Why don't we start it now?"

As the commentator give the signal, both teams members went up on stage.

"Don't be too excited," Raven warned as the other two climbed up the stair. 

They both looked at each other then grinned at Raven.

"They're planning to do something again," Karen commented as she saw their reactions.

"Would another one appear in this battle?" Raven whispered beside Eureka.

"I am not sure. Almost everyone has abilities, I can't sense whether someone has ill intentions or not, not until they really do something," she replied.

The signal was then heard for the start of the battle.

And without delay, Feena and Hideyoshi instantly released 50 % of both their abilities, combining it and throwing it towards the hands of their opponents, who are preparing their own attacks.

"Woah, everyone woah. Did you see that? They did it so fast and wait what ability did they release? No way, there's no way," as the commentator kept exclaiming the whole stadium cheered in awe.

"They actually created a new ability!!"

The excitement on the stage increased, the higher-ups all stood up looking stunned.

"Is that an ice ability?" one of the generals governing the 12 squads asked in shock.

"I suppose looking at it, it is indeed ice. But how did they do it?" another one asked.

"They are water and wind ability users," another one answered.

"Being a water and wind ability user wouldn't simply help you create an ice ability," another wondered.

"Quiet now. We will have answers once this battle is over," the Head Knight spoke while sitting on his chair.

The others started calming down as well and sat back to their own chairs.

While this commotion is ongoing Feena and Hideyoshi took the momentary shock of their opponents to create another ability ball and send it towards their opponents.

This time not just their hands but Natsume and Tadamori as a whole was imprisoned in an ice glacier.

"Those two," Eureka could only massage her temple.

"Why is there something wrong? They were able to imprison their opponents in a flash, isn't that an advantage?" Karen asked looking at Eureka.

"It is a problem. I told them that 70% was the maximum. But they still used 87%. I can already imagine the damage on their hands," Eureka replied with a serious tone.

"Even if they can use their abilities to it's fullest already, would that still be the case?" Karen asked in wonder.

"If they reached the highest possible strength of their ability, the attack would become stronger. But it would still be the same. As you strengthen your powers, your 70% would obviously become stronger," Eureka answered.

She felt another headache coming, "They also have no idea on hos to dispel that."

Raven looked at her, "Is there no way of dispelling it?"

"There is water of course, but do you think Feena could still do it?"

He and Karen looked back and slowly shook their heads, looking at her condition, there is no way she would be able to do it.

1 minute...

2 minutes...

5 minutes passed nothing is happening on the glacier.

"Kaoru if you want them to die you can leave them there. With how the other two used their abilities, I presume that those two students wouldn't be able to break that ice from within and in another few minutes those two would die of suffocation," the Head Knight said to Kaoru who's beside him.

Kaoru runs towards the commentator's place and grabbed the mic.

"Referee the fight ends here," announcing at the same time instructing some fire ability user instructors to go down immediately and melt the ice.

Going back to their teammates. The other two grinned as if saying we're the best. But before Raven could open his mouth to reprimand them.

"YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE THE SAME! MURDERERS!" Kyro came shouting towards their side.

"With what you used it is obvious you want to kill my teammates."

"I admit that my team went overboard but neither they nor I have any intention of killing anyone," Raven sighed and answered calmly.

"No intention? You used such high ability, huh? You should be disqualified."

Just then Kaoru and the Head Knight came to their place.

"Kyro is correct, that is overboard. Such attacks should not be used on this battle, if you had disintegrated it at two minutes then it would be calculated as your win. I'm sorry but in this fight, you are disqualified. Natsume and Tadamori is the winner," Kaoru informs them.

"Kyro, go back to your own side, the match is not yet over."

"Their whole team should be disqualified," Kyro was adamant.

"Do you really want to end it now?" The Head Knight suddenly asked.

"Sir Yukimura," Kaoru looked at him.

"I am asking you now. Do you really want to end it here?" Yukimura looked at Kyro indifferently.

Kyro, who can feel the pressure coming from Yukimura's eyes, looked at Raven.

Then went into deep thought before replying, "No, Please allow us to continue."

He then turned his back and went to their side.

"I need to speak to you once this is over," looking at Raven then at Eureka before turning on his heel, going back to his seat in the stands.

"Kaoru if we win this it will be a tie. What will happen then?" Eureka asked before Kaoru could follow Yukimura.

"There would be one final battle. Each team will send out their most capable member to have another individual battle," he answered before returning as well.

"We are so sorry. We never thought that it would be an overboard attack. We got too excited," Hideyoshi spoke when the others left.

Both he and Feena are dejected.

"Excitement aren't always the reason for doing things, you were warned from the get go and here you are doing the opposite. It may be something new but that doesn't mean you should not follow what was instructed to you. You are also heavily damaged," Eureka spoke sternly.

"If this is a fight then are you going to the next battle with that kind of arms?" she added before turning away.

They have no rebuke and the way she spoke they even felt ashamed at their excitement.

"Just go to the clinic for now. Both your hands are a mess," Raven followed.

Looking at their hands, it is indeed a mess. They have fractured their arms and some broken bones on their fingers together with some wounds.

Seeing their condition, they could only follow their leader while Karen went with them. They all left wishing the other two good luck.

"Will your squad 2 still be reachable?"

Eureka asked Raven, who is standing there with a very serious face.

He was stunned she actually asked if their dream squad was still reachable despite the stern voice she had used.

Nevertheless, he still answered, "It is, what we showed here are each of our capabilities. Winning this battle is the ticket and what we show is the deciding factor."

"That was indeed something. They showed us a never before seen attack and showed us its strength. Too bad it was overboard, therefore, they are announced disqualified, giving the first tandem battle win to Kyro's team."

The commentator started announcing again moving on from what had happened. After saying that Feena and Hideyoshi are disqualified, different reactions could be heard.

Some were happy, the others devastated, while the others contemplating how did they manage to create such an attack.

"This gives Kyro's team 3 points. Will Raven's team tie it up in this next battle or will Kyro's team sweep the floor and win 5 to 1? Let's not wait any longer. Why don't we start the final battle."

The crowd cheered more as the last two members of each team climbed the stage.

The crowd was divided into two cheers, some for Kyro's team while the other for Raven's team. Some are still mocking Eureka while the others are cheering for her.

"Finally I would be able to avenge my brother, you murderer," Kyro said with a glint of hatred in his eyes.

This battle is indeed not for killing but if he can win easily against Raven and make him lose face and embarrassed then half of his revenge would be complete. The other half, he could just do it once they graduated.

"He really do loves you, don't he," Eureka commented before walking towards the other opponent.

"You can duel on your own. I'll accompany the other one."

Raven just nodded looking seriously at Kyro.

"Hiro finally, your big brother can avenge you," looking up in the sky Kyro murmured.