
She's An Ice Storm

First book in the element manipulators series Hi, my name is Danielle and I have ice powers. I don't remember when I got them but ever since that day my life has become more irritating, annoying and exciting . I've helped a lot of people with my powers but sometimes my temper gets the best of me and I kind of lose it. There are 5 elements, namely- Fire, water, earth, wind and snow. We are some of the most important people on the planet but we try not to take privilege in it or at least some of us try not to. "Aiden was running his mouth again and I was getting pissed. I was about to walk away but then he just pissed me off even more and I was not having a good day today. "Too much of a wuss to stand up for yourself? Guess girls really don't hold a candle to boys, Powers or not." He had the nerve to laugh right after that I was just about to hit him with a solid icicle but someone gripped my hand and shoulder to stop me from moving from moving. The ice was melted by now and I knew exactly who it was. "Back down, Danielle. There's no need to get into any trouble today." Follow Danielle on her story. Read to find out more.

Atika_Daniel · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 3

I am not staying here! This counts as kidnapping!"

"Oh, would you calm down? I called your mum and told her you're with me." He rolled his eyes! And calling my mum? I'm going to throw him in a lake! My mum knows about the whole deal we have and interrogated him, he said everything right and now she trusts him. Him and his stupid charm.

"I can't be bothered arguing, let's just go inside."

"The door is that way" I wasn't paying attention and almost walked into a wall.

"I know that."

"Sure you did" I could just imagine the smug look on his face.

After going inside his house I realised how amazing it looked and I also realised that I have never been here before, I guess it slipped my mind.

"Stop daydreaming and come upstairs. We need to take care of that bruise."

"It will be a cold day in hell before I let you help me." Yes, yes I know. I'm overreacting but I don't want his help.

"Well, I'm sure you can arrange that. Now let's go or do I have to drag you upstairs?" I knew he would do it so I just complied and made my way upstairs.

"Which way?"

"The left, then go to the second door and just sit."

I found the door and it was a bathroom. How many hair products does he have? And why does he bathroom look so nice too?

"All right, get on the counter."

"Axel I know you're a hormonal boy but com-" he didn't let me finish because he placed his hand on my mouth

"Stop being a pain. Sit on the counter so I can help your dumb self."

He started doing whatever he was doing so that the bruise would heal and I was sitting there being awkward.

He took like an hour cause he always had to go and do something on his phone. If anyone was a pain, it was him.

Axel finally finished and I was about to leave when he reminded me of the talk we needed to have

"We still need to talk."

"Oh yeah, we do. Did I mention I'm busy today? Cause I'm really busy today, I don't think I have time."

"Yeah sure. Sit down."

I trudged me way over to the couch and sat down, he was about to sit on the other couch but no he wanted to enter my personal space.

"As I said we need to talk. I'm getting really annoyed at how many times I have to stop you from doing something stupid and I'm a bit worried that one day I'll be too late or what-not and I won't be able to stop you."

I knew exactly what he was trying to say and I'm not going to admit it out loud but it kinda hurt.

"We both know what you're trying to say Axe, why don't you stop being a wuss and not sugar-coat it?" I was surprised that he wasn't just giving it to me straight. He usually has no remorse.

He must have been incredibly annoyed at me cause he suddenly blew up "You want the truth?! Fine! You're dangerous! I'm scared for the safety of everyone around you cause I think you're going to hurt them! I wouldn't leave you alone with my mother even if I was forced to. I think, no, I know! You're that dangerous."

I was speechless. This honestly hurt a lot, I know I have a terrible temper but to say he was scared for people's safety and to use his mum too. I respect her a lot, she's known me since I was young and I would never hurt her! Never! Not that I would hurt anyone else either.

"You didn't want me to sugar-coat it right? So I didn't. Now say something would you!" He started out fine but then he started raising his voice.

"Yeah I didn't, you're right."

"Nothing else?"

"Um, I guess not. Well if we're done here I'm going to be leaving"

"Danny" he groaned out


"I didn't mean it like tha-"

"No Axel. You did. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine." I picked up my phone which Axel so carelessly left on the edge of the coffee table and was about to walk out the door

"You can't leave now, it's dark. You can either stay over or let me drop you."

"I'm good, I'm just going to go home now."

He stood up and started walking towards me. "I can't have you going out alone in the dark Elle."

"Oh yeah, 'cause you're scared I'll hurt someone. Don't worry Axel I'll try and control my killer instinct for a small tuk ride." I rolled my eyes, slammed the door behind me and left but not before flipping him off. Of course, I didn't let him see me do it but I did.

I heard the door open and close behind me so I turned around and sure enough, Axel was out the door and walking straight towards me

His fists were clenched at his sides and he looked incredibly mad. "Get your ass in the car right now and I am not asking! Do not make me drag you!"

I just walked away but I heard this sizzling sound, looked behind and jumped out of the way just in time. A huge ball of fire flew past me and now there was a huge hole in the wall where the gate used to be. Axel was standing where he was before gaping at the damage he caused.

There were a bunch of people outside and they were just staring at Axel and me so I decided to fix it. I used my powers to make some ice bricks, a door, and I put it all together then left but not before making sure Axel was back inside the house cause he was still looking at the wall and I was scared he might stay out there the whole night. The tuk ride was uneventful and when I got back home I went straight to my room and got ready for bed.

Before I slept I thought about how Axel was such a hypocrite for telling me I was dangerous and then literally 5 minutes later he almost blasts me with a fireball but no, I shouldn't even be dwelling on this so I just cleared my mind and fell asleep.