The next morning I awoke to the sound of a dog being tortured. I remembered that Karna was given to Ling chan as a tribute, to make her like me even more, muahahaha.
Anyways, aside from psychotic laugh, I got up from the bed and took care of morning routine, after which I came to the shop front and saw Ling-chan taking care of setting up products and bowls.
I also saw what was left of Karna. Honestly, poor dog. He dressed like a princess, I don't even know from where Yun Ling has cloth for things like this. Even the lips of the poor creature were glorified with a lipstick. How the hell?
"Hey, Ling-chan. I couldn't but notice the…things you did to Karna. How come..his nails are polished and painted?"-I asked as I noticed even more atrocities that were done to him.
" Oh, good morning Edo. Karna is just too cute, so I thought I would help her become even more adorable. Doesn't she look even better now?"-she said.
"Ling-chan…you do..know that Karna…is he..right?"-I asked, fearing the answer.
"Wha-But..but I thought that..oh no…"-She started talking only to then look at Karna with pity in her eyes.
" oh, I'm so sorry. Don't worry..from now on I'll make you look the coolest you can, ok? Okay!"-She started rambling how she is going to torture-ahem..beautify Karna further.
Then she looked straight at me with a scary expression.
"*gulp* You know, I remembered that I need to go somewhere…so yeah, bye"-I said as I backed out of the store and started running.
'I'm sorry Karna, I'm truly am.'
Anyways, after I got out of that precarious situation, I dived straight into the forest, searching for demon beasts to hunt. This time though I wasn't roaming in one place as I didn't want to overhunt in one area and get the bosses of that place after me.
You're probably thinking that it's a good way to get a lot of points. Well, not really. The last time I got lucky as it was a group of relatively weak monsters acting a boss, so I was able to deal with them while kiting their aggro. I couldn't do the same with a huge tiger or a bull, who could shred me to pieces if I'm not careful. And let's not even talk about a legend rank beast that could be lurking around here. It doesn't hurt to be careful after all.
Aside from that, everything was going great. My hunting speed also picked up, as now I was used to going after trails of beasts and was able to easily identify them. All in all, I managed to rake in 5000 thousand before I had to go back to the village, for the trading hour.
I noticed that there was still about half an hour 'till the midday, which I didn't really give much thought and decided to go say hi to Ling-chan.
" where is she?"-I wondered. I started to look for her around the house but couldn't find her, so I decided to leave it alone. Of course, I was fearful that something happened to her, but I highly doubted that, as I already made clear that there shouldn't be any shady things going on around this place, so I left it be.
The little wolf, Karna, was happy to see me, as it ran out between some boxes at the back of the building. He looked…weird. Instead of lipstick and princes dress he had a pirate eyepatch on his right eye and black leather cute coat around his shoulders/front hips. I guess, Ling-chan did her magic on him.
"Hell" was written in bold letters across his coat, and that made me smile. Honestly, what was Ling-chan thinking? Karna started whining near my leg, clearly sure that I was a better choice than an overly enthusiastic girl.
"Is there something wrong?"- I asked as noticed the slight limp in its front left paw. I hope she didn't try to turn Karna into a true Pirate. Karna noticing my worry started indicating to follow him, as he started to head to the west district of the village. After following Karna for about 1 kilometre, I came upon a shop.
My following thoughts were in disarray, as I noticed through a window Ling-chan giving bronze coins, the currency of this place, to a middle-aged man that had few of his bodyguards around him. I decided to know what is happening, so I entered the shop.
" Sphhageti of Kong" it read on the sign in front of the door, as I glanced on it.
As I entered one, one of the bodyguards decided that this isn't a place for kids and tried to get me out. I simply broke his elbow.
At his scream, the other uninterested bodyguards finally decided to give me attention and readied to defend their master.
"Y-y-you broke it!"-The first guard uttered.
" I'm gonna say this one time. I don't care that I broke your elbow. So shut up."-I said and smacked him on his head, effectively hitting the off button, if him slumping on the ground was saying anything.
"E-edo! What are you doing here?"-Yun Ling said.
" Hmm, I didn't found you at your shop…"- and now the middle-aged man decided it's a good time to introduce himself.
"Hello, my name is Dong Sing. I am.."-Dong Sing.
" Shut up! No one cares, so act like a person which no one cares about. Anyways, Ling-chan, you better have a good reason why you are giving money to this…man."-I said while giving an annoyed glance to Sing's side.
"Y-Youuuu!"- and of course, he's arrogant with insecurities type.
" I said SHUT UP!"- I hollered, releasing a bit killing intent.
The killing intent I released was a bit different than an average one. That was because I used a bit of the energy straight out of my soul, mixing it with my anger, which I have plenty off, and directing at someone. Normal killing intent would trigger emotions in one's mind, namely fear and submissiveness. My killing intent directly suppressed and scared person's soul. Of which the result is.
*SFX for bodies hitting the floor*
Making people directly faint. Well, that was easy.
"Well, Yun Ling, want to say anything? Maybe explain this?"- I questioned with an angry expression.
"I-I just..I'm sorry."-she said with red eyes and started sobbing.
" Ling-chan, I can't forgive you if I don't know what you're sorry. Tell me, what happened?"
"W-Well, remember when I said I want to make my mark on the world by myself?"-I hmm-ed to that.
" W-Well, at that time I already was in severe debt. I just didn't want to look weak in front of, following that logic, I came here to settle some debts as I managed to make some extra money these days…and then you came..."- she said barely suppressing her sobs.
"Oh god, Ling-chan. I several times told you that if you need something you can rely on me. And don't you say you can't because I'm just a child? You are also, still, just a child. And a child alone shouldn't need to find a way out of problems like this. Look, let's go home, eat some pizza, and you tell me what problems you are facing, okay?"- I said as I grabbed her hands and cupped them between mine. Well, tried to, as my hands are still too small.
" mmm."-she nodded and smiled through tears. Honestly, no child should have to go through that. No child should be presented with such a situation with no exits out. Well, I still should thank the Sing dude for a bonding opportunity.
After we managed to go through the fainted bodies, we came back to the congee shop. Now I have to ask, why does she alone have to face this.
"Ling-chan? Can I ask a question?"-please don't answer 'you just did'.
" sure…"-she said with a meek voice.
I placed a pizza and a couple of Fanta beverages.
"Why..are you alone? Shouldn't there be a parent for this kind of things?"-I asked.
" O-Oh. Well, I have a father..but.I haven't seen him for a year already. He..he didn't come back since the time the debt…started stacking."-Yun Ling said.
Please, please don't say that he's a…
"I have seen him a couple of times, but he…doesn't want to come back…"-The poor girl added.
I get that life here is hard, but to choke your own village until families started to crack? Honestly, what did the chief thing? Oh, wait, he doesn't think. He just 'wants'.
But still, in the novel and manga, Ling-chan had a father and they both were managing the shop. Hmmm.
" So, It's just you in this shop now? Why does it still have 'old man's Yun congee shop' then?"-I asked.
"We-Well, I didn't bother to change the sign…and…and..."-She started to breathe hard.
" Calm down, calm down. Breathe Ling-chan, breathe, I'm still here. You are safe. I'm here."-God, I feel like shit for installing these twisted logic processes into her brain with talking while her mind is in disarray. But if it will help her, then sure.
"*long exhale* I thought that if I don't change the sign..he will come back…one day…and we will be one happy family together.…"-She said while shivering.
Who could have thought that she has so many mental problems? Not like insanity, but more like insecurities and hidden scars. That fucking father of hers, if he can even be called like that, should be nailed to a tree, preferable exotic one, with huge thorns on its bark. Okay, calm down. Just need to make sure she's all mine. God, I feel awful.
" Don't worry, I'm here. You don't need him anymore. You don't."-I said, getting into her mind. Subtle soul energy manipulation also helps.
"I'm here, you're safe, with me here there won't be any debts, no bad fathers and no people wanting to exploit you. You just need to trust me. Do you trust me?"-I repeated, bringing more of my soul energy to bear on her mind, effectively making her very susceptible to any words uttered to her.
" Edo is here, I'm going to take care of you. Don't worry"-I whispered in her ear again and again.
After a while, she finally slept, meaning her natural mind barrier crumbled and needed recuperating.
I know how it looks. I used devious means to brainwash her. Well, it was not really brainwashing. It's more like going around her defences when they are at their weakest and planting suggestion that will over-time grow into full-bloom feelings to me.
Okay, maybe it is brainwashing after all.
But if it makes her not think of her worries and leaves her happy, I'm ready to be a sinner.
For the greater good. Always for the greater good.
Especially when it is my greater good.
I thought that...two chapters a day is a bit much..for I'll update whenever I have free time.
Also, the name of the chapter...find the meme, you get a cookie...