


The wizarding public was rather less blasé about Dumbledore's crimes than the Gryffindor students were; they certainly weren't wondering what Harry Potter's personality would be like now or whether Severus Snape would be more patient with his students. Instead, what Severus had endorsed to Harry had begun – people were questioning people in positions of authority.

"I always said that Dumbledore was bad news!" Fudge preached to the patrons of a Knockturn Alley pub. "He always acted so perfect, but I was right when I accused him of wanting to take control away from the Ministry! As Minister I abided by the public's wishes, basing my actions on the results of public approval tests – and look where that stance got me! Kicked out of office! Tell me, does that sounds reasonable to you? No! And if Dumbledore was so bad," he said, puffing out his chest, "then who says that this time traveler is any better? Yes, he killed Lord Thingy," he ignored the barman's snort at his inability to speak the true name of the mass murderer, "but then he went and turned everything on its head! Ruining honest men and changing our world anyway he likes! How do we know that we don't have another Dark Lord on our hands?"

Most people in the bar seemed more annoyed at his rant than anything else, but Fudge was only one person with this attitude – there were many others in Britain wondering about the integrity of the Lord Potter-Black, and some that were actively afraid of the amount of power he wielded. Then there were those that had figured out that he had gotten vaults full of gold by killing one man – and that they could do the same by killing him.


Sirius strode into the Ministry of Magic flanked by Remus Lupin and Harry Potter-Black, their capes billowing out behind them. Even the normally meek werewolf was dressed like a Pureblood, and the three of them cut an impressive picture as they made their way to the courtroom. That the Black Lord had no Auror guards was a testimony to the fact that everyone already believed Sirius to be innocent.

When they reached the courtroom the three of them strode right in, Remus giving Sirius's shoulder a brief squeeze before heading up to the public booth, Harry going to his seat in the Wizengamot ranks, and Sirius walking right over to the accused's chair and sitting in it, crossing his legs casually at the ankle and leaning back to wait for the trial to begin.

Then he stiffened, a growl escaping him at the sight of Peter Pettigrew being led into the room.

"Sirius," a warning voice rang out, and it was with no little difficulty that Sirius remained in his seat, crossing his arms to keep himself from going for his wand. Usually the wand was taken away from the accused before he – or she – entered the courtroom, but nobody had stopped to take his, which definitely was fine by him. Oh, how he wanted to kill the rat… but he hadn't two years before and he wouldn't this day, either. That didn't mean that he'd let the man out of his sight, however.


"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," Harry smiled at his Head of House, letting go of the chair he had rested a hand on for the brief conversation. "The trial shouldn't take that long, but I'll make sure to be back in Gryffindor Tower before curfew."

"I will be very much surprised if the trial lasts till then," the Transfiguration professor replied blandly. "However, I would appreciate your return before curfew, Lord Potter. You are aware that as a legal adult most Hogwarts rules no longer apply to you?"

"Yeah; Harry told me," the teenager nodded. "And please, calling me Mister Potter is fine. Being called Lord Potter is just too strange."

McGonagall inclined her head. "Very well, Mister Potter. If you do not wish to be late to the trial you will need to be on your way," she added with a glance at the clock.

"Right. Thanks again, Professor," Harry said, hurrying out. He couldn't apparate yet and according to Hermione house elves couldn't enter the Ministry – he wasn't sure why she knew that trivia, but supposed she must have come across it while researching for S.P.E.W – so he had the choice between flooing from the Three Broomsticks or taking the Knight Bus. He supposed flooing would be faster, but he could call the bus from the Hogwarts gates – not that he enjoyed either form of travel, if he was honest. Humming slightly as he jumped down three steps he decided that he'd choose when he reached the gates.

By the time he reached the Hogwarts gates, however, the question of how to get to the Ministry had become pressing – for by that point he was sprinting full-out for the exit, breathing heavily as another spell narrowly missed him.

"Too afraid to face us like a man, Lord Potter?" one of the pursuing men sneered, but Harry could hear that he, too, was short of breath.

Oh, yes, because four against one is SO fair, Harry thought snarkily, instead firing a few spells over his shoulder without looking back. The gates were so close, tall metal rising before him as he careened ever closer…

Then he was through them, bringing his wand forward to hold it up in the air, hoping that it would call the Knight Bus even though he'd had his wand out already for a different purpose, and to his relief the purple bus promptly came screeching into view. With no time to slow down Harry ran right into the door, jerked it open and threw himself inside the bus.

"GO!" he screamed, turning and casting a Stupefy at the nearest man before banging the door closed, seeing the man barely deflecting the spell with a shield as the bus screeched into movement, throwing Harry back into the first bed. "Sorry, Stan," he laughed breathlessly when he saw that he'd knocked over the conductor with his abrupt entrance. "In a bit of a hurry there." Trying to catch his breath, he said more politely to the driver, "To the Ministry of Magic, please."

"Blimey!" Stan exclaimed, pulling himself to his feet and dusting himself off, nearly falling over again when the bus gave an almighty lurch. "What was they after you for, eh?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Harry before realizing who he was and going more bug-eyed than Harry had ever seen anyone look. "Why, you're Harry Potter!" he cried, and Harry couldn't help but grin.

"I figure that's why they were after me, too," Harry replied amicably, trying for dignity despite the fact that he was clinging to the bedpost for dear life. "Maybe I need a bodyguard," he joked. Either that, or a lot more dueling practice. Maybe Harry can give me some tips...

Stan just nodded emphatically, still appearing overwhelmed when Harry handed him his fare and stepped off the bus at his destination. Sighing slightly, Harry straightened his clothes and ran a hand through his hair, ignoring the Muggles' odd looks at his Hogwarts robes as he walked right up to the disguised entrance to the Ministry of Magic and slipped back into the wizarding world.