He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines
Chapter 6): Frank The Plank (1)
(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)
{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}
Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]
This is the last chapter of this week! See you all again Monday!
Thursday found Carl walking down the hall with Sophia who had taken to them being friends, "So you have no friends at all?" Carl asked with a raised brow.
"Well I have friends but they aren't really friends anymore, most are just people who talk to me at school." Sophia said with a sigh as she looped her arm through his.
"Ahh, and being the social outcast you are. You decide to make friends with your tutor, smart." He said with a light smile as he didn't want to pry into her business about why her friends distanced themselves.
"Please, I can make plenty of new friends, I mean come on look at me." She said gesturing to herself, "I just don't see a point, the moment they come over it will happen all over again."
Carl nodded, it must not be easy for her to make friends seeing as they would drop her seeing her father and realizing what he did, it made sense most likely parents telling them to stay away. Or it was the fact that people talked enough about the house that they didn't want to associate with the girl who actually lived in the house, so of course she would find it hard to make friends.
Carl was kind of in the same boat but not really, his was more of the fact that he was a menace and they were waiting for him to snap, calling what he was now the calm before the storm. Which he couldn't really blame them for, if he hadn't taken over this body he was sure that the old Carl would have ended up in jail or dead by the time he was sixteen the way he was going, not that it still wasn't a possibility now though.
People did stupid shit as kids and teenagers, so he couldn't fully say that he also wouldn't end up as someone who would be in jail or kid, he would have to roll the dice and see.
"So...want to see 'The Scissoring' with me this weekend? I mean if you got nothing else planned." She asked nonchalant as he somehow ended up walking her to her class.
He raised a brow but nodded, "Sure, why not. What day?" He sixty bucks to spend by the time Friday finished so he would have enough money to pay for his ticket to get in.
"Awesome. Well since I am inviting you then we will make it Saturday, also don't worry about paying as I will do that too. You can come by my place by six-thirty then we will go." She said with a smile that lit up her face.
Carl nodded, "That sounds fine to me. I will see you at lunch, okay?"
She nodded happily before walking into her classroom, they had also taken to eating lunch together since he claimed that table and she just always ended up sitting next to him, it just became a thing. He didn't mind though, so far Sophia was the only person who didn't annoy him at school, everyone else had become annoying to him that was a student here.
That might have to do more with the fact that they were all children though, even though most were slightly more mature seeing as in the Southside you had to grow up depending who your parents were. That wasn't the thing for all of them though, some of them didn't have to which made for him ignoring them the most as they saw him as a latchy kid more then anything, which wasn't wrong.
After suffering another day of school Carl found himself pushing Sophia who laughed while standing on his skateboard, around them other kids were walking out and staring at the two. It wasn't hard for him to figure out why though, he had heard some things throughout the day about Sophia and him becoming friends, some people even making fun of them.
"Are you two going to go make out on her mother's overdosed body?!" Little Hank said with a laugh along with the people around him.
Sophia tensed because there were six of them, two girls who Carl ahd heard earlier in the day talking about her, along with four boys who were led by Little Hank. Carl just raised a brow at them his hands holding Sophia's hips to keep her steady on the skateboard, "Come on let us pass, we don't have all day like you Hank." He said with a sigh.
"Why would I do that Carl, it's not like you have anyone waiting for you at home but that slut sister of yours. Hey, you think if I pay enough she will let me lose my virginity." He said laughing along with the rest.
Sighing Carl released Sophia who shook her head, walking with purpose he threw a punch that connected with the still laughing Hanks jaw, the kids groan while falling to the ground. Carl didn't have time to walk away as the friends with Hank went to attack him making him groan, at least they knew to go at him all at once rather then alone.
Seeing them rush him he groaned before hitting the one who got the closest to him, but that allowed two more to get hits in on him in the stomach and back asking him groan. He got another hit to the face as he was taking the pain, before he knew it lil Hank was back up and helping his friends kick him to the ground, which made him roll into a ball.
Carl wasn't on the ground long though as Sophia rushed over hitting them on the back with the skateboard, she got two of them and one in the face before they ran away. Laying on the ground Carl groaned as he now supported a busted lip and bruised ribs, kids in the Southside sure were ruthless even if they were just kids.
"Hey are you okay?" She asked setting the skateboard down and checking his face over.
He laughed but winced as it hurt, "Yeah I am fine, though I really want to get somewhere and sit down now. My ribs don't feel right."
She nodded and helped him to his feet, the two of them began walking towards her place makes him chuckle some, "Really I get hurt and you still want me to tutor you, how heartless are you?"
She hit him lightly on the shoulder, "Shut up and come one. My mom is a nurse, she can help you out."
"Your mom is a nurse? How did I not know that?" He asked surprised, sure it had only been two days since he had met the woman but he was sure he would have discovered that already.
"Because you never bothered to ask. Now let's get you home before you bleed out everywhere." She said pulling him along as they neared her house.
"Oh please, I am sure you would love to see me bleed out all over the ground." He said with a small chuckle as they entered her house.
"Shut it, idiot! Mama!" She shouted as they entered the house.
"Sophia, deja de gritar. Te juro que puedes despertar a los muertos con tus gritos." Her mother spoke coming around the corner but gasped seeing him, "What happened Carl?!?"
"Oh you know, I started a fight with a wall, and obviously the wall won." He said with a laugh and wince as they lowered him on to the couch.
"Carl stop that, mom it was some other kids who were bullying us. They took it further saying something about his sister causing a fight." Sophia said before rushing out the room and returning moments later with a first aid kit, "Here Mama."
Carl sat back and let Mrs. Vegas do what she wanted to him, it was nothing serious looking it over just the busted lip and a bruised rib that was hurting him a lot, it would get better though. Mr. Vegas came in soon after with a raised brow as he saw them, "What happened?"
Sophia went on to explain it again to her father who looked pissed by then end, Carl would like to think that it was because he was starting to care for him, but he knew it wasn't that. Instead it had more to do with people picking on his daughter, Carl was sure that if the kids were of legal age then they would have something serious to worry about, but thankfully they were just kids.
"Good looking out for my little girl.....I have something for you." Mr. Vegas said nothing else as he walked out the room but came back soon with a bag in his hands before setting it in front of him.
Carl raised a brow but opened the bag, inside was everything he needed to make donuts, the foods of the gods, "Umm, what's this?"
"You were saying you loved to make them right, well let your food do the talking boy. You can use our deep fryer tonight to make them, anything else you need?" He asked with a raised brow.
Sophia looked excited as she grabbed his arm tightly, Carl was shocked but happy he wanted simple first so he just asked for the additional ingredients for glazed and chocolate donuts. Nodding Mr. Vegas walked off.