
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · ファンタジー
23 Chs

The End of A Decade


The countdown has begun.

Chiron's reign is coming to an end and the games are about to begin. No one expected the oldest sibling in the Cavallo family to succeed, but his choice of Hand was perfect.

Raff of House Lycan was initially seen as weak and not much help.

They were wrong.

Their underestimation of him, led others to underestimate Chiron, and that was everyone's mistake.

The boy, 15 at the time, was one of the youngest of the siblings. Cannon fodder. Expendable. They never believed they would win the throne. The Lycan line hadn't seen the throne in over a century. Whether it be due to pride or weak blood, we'll never officially know.

What we do know, is that Chiron with the aid of Raff became last decade's winner. Chiron ascended to the throne and the Lycans became the next ruling family.

Now that Chiron's decade was up, the heirs of House Lycan can take to the games.

Many minor Houses have been sending their children to take up a new House name over the past year. For the rules state that "one must represent a High House."

The High Houses then get to pick through the children offered, and if chosen, they are branded by the House. They're not adopted, oh no. Because that would put them in line for the throne. Instead they are tattooed like a guild member. Showing the whole world which House chose to accept them.

These children then get put forth as potential Hands. Reservoirs of power, to be wielded as the Heir saw fit. They also doubled as stand ins. The High Houses wouldn't need to sacrifice any of their Heirs to get their name next in the running. Obviously they could if they chose to do so, but this gave them a large alternative.

And when the House head came directly to one's home to ask for their children, it was hard not to accept.

That is how my siblings and I find ourselves in the back of a blacked out van, rolling through the cobblestone streets of the Capital.

Avé and Alek were the ones House Inyoni came to ask for. I came along to ensure their safety. Couldn't have them killed before they could even try to compete.

As much as I don't want them to become Hands to some stuck up Heir, there are some massive benefits. Secured payment, housing, status. All that good stuff. Hands were rarely released, but even if they were, they could come home with a large payment, as the wielders of the Hand had to pay a certain amount for sudden termination of their bond.

They'll both probably become Hands. Our family is one of the only ones with Manipulator blood. And I know that probably sounds terrible, but you've got the wrong idea. A Manipulator can summon or become any weapon, whereas the rest of the population were just Conjurors; people who could only summon or become one weapon, and one only.

That on top of their transformations, and they're practically the package deal. Avé's a mechanic in training, and Alek is a linguist in training. They're both assets in their own ways.

I as the eldest have to take over the family name, so becoming a Hand would not be the best choice if we want to keep the Koyal name alive. Especially since, like I said earlier, Hand's are usually bonded for life.


The sky is getting darker as we pull into the heart of the Capital. The lamps are lit and the traffic increases. Wildlife is close to none, unless you count the poor bushes that line the fronts of people's houses.

The twins are fast asleep, and for that I'm thankful. They're going to need their strength. Being pulled in to be a Hand this close to the beginning of the games does not bode well. They won't have the preparation many others will have.

Stupid High Houses. Don't they want an actual chance at winning? If they wanted the twins specifically they should have pulled them sooner.

They'll just look pathetic if none of their House's candidates get chosen.


"Please Karin, I need them."

"I don't understand Zephyr. Why now? The games are in 3 weeks. They'll never be fully prepared!"

"I know. I wish it didn't have to be this way. I didn't want to even ask, but I have no choice."

"Really. In a kingdom full of eligible teens, you cannot find even one to carry your House name?"

"Not one's that will make an impact like your children will."

"That is not an excuse Zephyr."

"I know. Please Karin. If they don't get selected, I will bring them straight back. If they want to continue training with me they can as well. Just because someone is not chosen at the official start, doesn't mean they can't be called upon later."

"No. It is not my decision to make. The twins are old enough to decide for themselves."

"What about your eldest?"

"Planning to leave me with no children I see."

"Karin, that's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant Zephyr. As their mother I will support them whatever they choose. So. Ask. Them. And not as the Lord of House Inyoni. As their uncle who wants what is BEST for them. If you try to sway them-"

"I won't. I promise. I just needed your permission."

"We'll see now won't we."