
'First things first'

He turned his head side to side as if looking for something that it made me look too, "Well, there's no other bed here and I don't want to sleep on the couch either. I only laid there earlier because you were sound asleep and was lying diagonally across the bed." My mouth gapped. I must've looked like an innocent virgin with my expression right now—it's not like I mind sharing a bed, matter-of-factly, I'd gladly share a bed with this… perfection of a human being, but aren't nobles sleep separately from their spouses? At least, that was what I remembered in his case.

"Well, if you don't mind a smaller room, I can have your study renovated and turned into your own bedroom."

"No, no, no. That won't be… necessary." I waved my hand, "My governess slept with her husband together in a room too..."

"You saw your governess sleeping with her husband in their room?" Even if I couldn't see his face clearly, by just his tone, I know that he's already thinking I'm weird.

"What? No! She told me about it."—yes, yes. Ingrid told me about the basics of marriage in the days I was waiting for someone to take me to this island.

"Oh," was his only response and I want to pinch myself so much. "So, do you want your own room or…" he asked after a few seconds.

"Sleeping in one room, and in one bed is perfectly fine with me. Yes, just perfectly fine. Perfect." Yes, it's perfect. It should be perfect. Why would I want to pass on waking up to him every morning? I'm not from a noble family, so we don't adhere to the rules and regulations surrounding nobilities, but since I'm going to be one after our wedding, I might as well brush up on the matter—"I just thought that nobles only share a room to consummate the marriage and to produce an heir." Yes again, I was told that since most noble marriages are arranged either to legitimate one's status or for political gains; the couple need not sleep in the same room unless they have to.

And as if he read my mind, Count Astor said, "We're not marrying to strengthen my legitimacy or for political gains. We're marrying because I need to silence some insects," he paused, "constantly buzzing in my ear. Plus, this is the only floor with rooms reserved for me. The others are already occupied since the Keep is already packed with my men." He whispered something in the middle of his explanation, but I was too preoccupied of my own thoughts to pick it up.

"First things first," I raised a hand between us, "it's nice that we're having a casual conversation like this, but don't you think we would be able to converse better with some light? It has gotten dark. I was expecting Jane or a maid to come knocking earlier, but no one came. It's quite hard to discern our intentions when I can't even see your face properly."

"Ah…" he turned away from me and fished something out of his pants' back pocket. "Back in the north we couldn't afford to light fires at night especially when we're out scouting. I got accustomed to the dark that Jane or the others don't light this room unless I asked to," his tone changed. It was less authoritative, less demanding, and more… normal.

"It must've been rough…" I found myself saying, and for the first time since starting the conversation, I moved from my spot and followed a few steps behind him as he trailed from one candle to another.

As the warm glow of the candles started to fill the room, it was made clear to me just how handsome this Count really is; well-defined jawline, thick, well-shaped brows that added depth to his already alluring gaze—and his lashes… how can such a man have longer eyelashes than mine? And his lush black hair… I haven't seen a lot of people with hair as black as the night sky. How nice would it be to run my fingers through it as I saddle hi—

NO, ISADORA! Oh, my Heavens! Stop the perverted thoughts already! Ugh!

But wait… why do I get the feeling that I've seen him somewhere? If I talked to him just even once, with those features of his, I would've remembered him immediately from his voice, but since he's been in the war for ten years, it's highly unlikely. So… where?

I stopped from my tracks again and followed him with my eyes. I'm certain that I saw him somewhere. Not in Vlona, that's for sure. In the Capital? The City? With looks like that, he'd be the talk of the ladies. There's no way I'll miss him.

"Is that enough light for you?" he kidded after blowing the match for the last candle near the bed and when a smile popped into his face, I gasped and pointed at him rather rudely.

"Y-YOU!" My voice was louder than I wanted. And yes—him!—oh-my-gods-and-goddesses-of-all-the-heavens-there-is-i-know-i-have-sinned-a-lot-but-thank-you-for-giving-me-this-man-for-blessing-me—wait. Just wait, Isadora Montcroix. If he's who I think he is, then I'm not sure if I'm being truly blessed or not. I had imagined a comfortable married life, is that too hard to give to a sinner like me?

That's right. I've seen this man somewhere. And it's in one of the places that I'm pretty sure I'm not even allowed in.

I'm not good with directions, so I got lost in the many hallways after finally finding the powder room when I attended the royal debutante ball. I entered a flight of stairs though I forgot if I went down or up the stairs to the powder room. I must say, the lack of servants on that particular floor was unsettling. I twisted a number of knobs but almost all except one was open, so I entered hoping to find someone to guide me. What welcomed me instead was a simple, plain room with hardly any decor or anything that showed someone slept there.

Out of curiosity, I looked around the room and found a small portrait of a happy family; the king, a woman that's clearly not the queen, and smiling black-haired boy. Then it struck me—it's the fifth prince that was sent to war four years back!

My sudden silence after that exaggerated surprise must've confused him as he walked towards me in a haste, asking, "What's the matter?"

"You're the fifth prince… Leon Salvatore Leighwell." I said almost in a whisper as I slowly took back my hand. "I remembered seeing a smiling portrait of you and I found it refreshing since all night during the debutante ball all I've seen were portraits of the royal family with hardly any expressions on their faces." He didn't give me any response and we stood facing each other in silence.

"Is that… a bad thing?" he said in a soft voice, one that doesn't even suit his overall appearance or someone who was on the brink of death every day in the north, that I almost died from the adorableness. 

"I… N-no, no. It's not a bad thing. I mean, yes, yes. Not at all. Hmm-mm…" I ended with an awkward laugh as I struggled where to place my hands.

"Good," he said and took a step closer. "I don't want you to be on your toes just because of who I am." I tried hard not to look when his hand moved to touch the ends of my hair. "Because you see," his voice did a three-sixty, from soft-adorable to husky-manly-sort of really sexy, inviting tone, "I now realize why people call you the Enchantress of Vlona." My jaw almost fell on the ground as my breathing hitched. He kissed the ends of my hair and moved another step closer; his big, rough, but warm hand on my cheek, and his thumb did these little caressing motions at the side of my lip.

From a puppy to a lion? Really? They're not even the same species!

Series of events ran through my mind and it only stopped when his thumb slowly traced my lower lip as his gaze narrowed on mine—asking, demanding, but then he said, "I bet you've heard this a lot, but staring at you like this makes me want to skip the wedding and go straight to the good part," I felt the warmth of his breath with a faint scent of alcohol on my ear and when he moved an inch closer with that sly smile, I just snapped.

I slapped him so hard my hand was stinging. 

"I almost fell head over heels for you but thank you for bringing me back to reality." I said plainly as I turned my back on him to walk back where the couch was. It's not the first time I slapped someone, and surely not the first time I was subjected to such treatment, after all, I'm not called the Enchantress for nothing. 

I guess I was overwhelmed with everything so far, that it felt like I'm on to a fresh start—but once again, men will always be men. I came here thinking I finally have something to take my mind off of him, but every time something like this happens, my thoughts go back to that one person who didn't saw me as a trophy to obtain or a doll to relieve their sexual tensions on.

"I'm sor—" I didn't let him finish. I'd say I'm disappointed but that's on me. I should've known better than be fooled by good looks and soft glances. 

"Sit," I demanded, pointing at the couch opposite where I sat. "You shouldn't be sorry for the things you did out of your own volition. You did and said that because that's what you wanted to do and speak of. I slapped you because I felt insulted, and wanted to slap you as a response, so I'm not going to apologize for hurting you because that's what my intention was. I'll be honest and say I was disappointed with the way you acted just now, but I commend you for being honest with your thoughts." Leon sat in front of me and listened. Gone was the crazed look he had in his eyes earlier and I almost laughed. He turned back to being a puppy. I feel like teasing him, but that wouldn't be nice since I'm here giving him an earful because of his attitude.

"I'm tired of playing mind games," I continued. "So while I'm in our home,"—his eyes widened when I made a point to emphasize the word 'our home'—"I'd like us to be honest with each other. I don't want to be like one of those couples who like to keep things to themselves. If there's something you like or you don't like about me and you feel like you needed to point it out, then tell me. I'll do the same with you." He only nodded as a response, and I somehow found it cute. "With that said, be honest with me…" I smiled at him as I trailed my way to his side, "do you want to make love with me right now?"