
Shadows of the Thirteenth Floor

Do you believe in things that science can't explain? Young architect Alex moves into an ordinary high-rise apartment, only to discover an impossible thirteenth floor. There, he encounters the enigmatic Kai, a boy who can manipulate shadows. From that moment, Alex's life changes forever. A time-bending elevator, whispering walls, an infinity pool that drowns in other realities, secret rooms leading to alternate worlds... This building hides secrets beyond imagination. As Alex and Kai explore together, they uncover not only the supernatural truth of the building but also develop feelings that transcend friendship amidst life-threatening adventures. However, as their investigation deepens, they find themselves entangled in a grand conspiracy that threatens the fate of the multiverse. A mysterious Architect, a scientist hungry for power, dangers from the void... Perils lurk at every corner. Alex must confront his inner fears and master his newly awakened abilities. Kai must reconcile with his dark past. Only by standing together can they face the surrounding dangers and save the residents of all timelines. In this fantastic world where science and magic coexist, where reality and dreams intertwine, can love conquer destiny? Is the truth salvation or damnation? When the clock on the thirteenth floor strikes thirteen, all will be revealed. This is a tale of courage, trust, and sacrifice, A journey across time and space, deep into the soul, An ode to love and hope. Are you ready to step into this world beyond imagination? The elevator doors are about to open. Thirteenth floor, welcome.

BlakeinDark · SF
46 Chs

Chapter 33: The Underground Chamber

Since Marcus joined their team, Alex and Kai felt the power of Silver Moon Apartments growing stronger. However, this magical building seemed to always have new secrets waiting for them to discover.

Late this night, Alex was awakened by a strange vibration. He sat up, finding the entire room trembling slightly.

"Kai, wake up," Alex gently nudged Kai beside him, "Do you feel that?"

Kai immediately opened his eyes alertly, "Yes, it feels like it's coming from underground. We should check it out."

They quickly dressed and quietly left the room. The corridor was silent, with only the runes on the walls faintly glowing.

When they reached the lobby, they found Marcus already waiting for them.

"You felt it too?" Marcus asked, a worried expression on his face.

Alex nodded, "Yes, it seems to be coming from underground. But doesn't our basement only have one level?"

Just then, Leo's apparition suddenly appeared. "Children," he said seriously, "Silver Moon Apartments has sensed an abnormal energy fluctuation. You must investigate."

"But how do we get down there?" Kai asked, "The elevator only goes to the first basement level."

Leo pointed to the ancient grandfather clock in the corner of the lobby, "The answer lies there."

They walked to the clock and examined it carefully. Suddenly, Alex noticed the clock hands formed a strange pattern.

"Wait," he said, gently turning the hour hand, "I think I know what to do."

With a soft click, the wall behind the clock silently slid open, revealing a dark passage.

"Wow," Marcus marveled, "I've lived here so long and never knew about this mechanism."

Kai looked cautiously at the dark passage, "We need to be careful, who knows what's waiting for us down there."

Alex took a deep breath, "Alright, let's go together. Leo, can you come with us?"

Leo nodded, "I'll do my best to guide you. But remember, my power might be limited that deep underground."

They carefully entered the passage. As they went deeper, the temperature around them began to drop, and the air was filled with an ancient scent.

Finally, they arrived at a huge circular room. The walls were covered with complex runes, and in the center was a massive stone platform with seven crystal balls of different colors.

"What is this place?" Marcus asked softly, his voice filled with awe.

Leo's apparition floated around the room, "This is the core chamber of Silver Moon Apartments. It connects to seven different worlds."

Alex approached the stone platform, carefully observing the crystal balls. Each sphere seemed to contain a miniature world in motion.

"This is incredible," he murmured, "Can we enter these worlds?"

Just then, the entire room suddenly shook violently. One of the crystal balls — one emitting a red glow — began to shake violently.

"Watch out!" Kai shouted, pulling Alex back.

The red crystal ball suddenly burst, and a powerful energy wave surged out. The energy coalesced in the air, forming a rotating portal.

"Is this... a door to other worlds?" Marcus asked in surprise.

Leo's expression became grave, "Not just that. That world is in danger. If I'm not mistaken, the forces of the Void have begun to invade there."

Alex and Kai exchanged a glance, both seeing determination in each other's eyes.

"We have to go help," Alex said firmly.

Kai nodded, "That's right, we can't just stand by and watch."

Marcus hesitated for a moment, "But... how do we deal with the Void forces? We don't even know what that world is like."

Leo floated in front of them, "Remember, each of you has unique abilities. Alex's spatial control, Kai's shadow manipulation, and Marcus's memory ability. United, you are the most powerful force."

Alex took a deep breath, holding Kai's hand, "We'll go together. Marcus, will you join us?"

Marcus looked at Alex and Kai, then at the rotating portal. Finally, he made up his mind, "Alright, I'm in. After all, we're a team, aren't we?"

The three of them stood before the portal, feeling the energy waves coming from another world.

"Ready?" Alex asked.

Kai and Marcus nodded.

"Then, let's go," Alex said, taking the first step.

They stepped into the portal together and were instantly sucked in by a powerful force. The scenery around them began to change rapidly, and they felt as if they were traveling through endless time and space.

Finally, they crashed onto a crimson land. Looking up, they found themselves in a completely unfamiliar world. The sky was an eerie purple, with two huge moons hanging in the air. In the distance, a massive black castle stood on the horizon, emanating an ominous aura.

"We... we really came to another world," Marcus marveled, his voice filled with both excitement and fear.

Kai looked around vigilantly, "It seems this world has been severely eroded by the Void forces. We need to be careful."

Alex nodded, feeling the energy flow of this strange world, "We need to find this world's guardian. Only by cooperating do we have hope of stopping the Void's invasion."

Just then, a terrible roar came from the distance. In the sky, a group of black creatures was flying towards them.

"Looks like our arrival has been discovered," Kai said, his shadows beginning to writhe uneasily.

Alex clenched his fists, feeling the power surging within him, "Then let's show them the strength of Silver Moon Apartments' guardians."

Marcus took a deep breath, readying his ability, "We can do this, right?"

Alex and Kai smiled at each other, "Of course, we're the best team."

As the enemy approached, the three stood back-to-back, ready to face their first battle in this strange world. They knew this was just the beginning of their new adventure, with more challenges and wonders waiting for them to discover.

And in the underground chamber of Silver Moon Apartments, Leo's apparition watched the rotating portal, his eyes filled with both worry and anticipation. He knew that the fate of these three young people concerned not only Silver Moon Apartments but the future of the entire multiverse.