
Shadows of the Thirteenth Floor

Do you believe in things that science can't explain? Young architect Alex moves into an ordinary high-rise apartment, only to discover an impossible thirteenth floor. There, he encounters the enigmatic Kai, a boy who can manipulate shadows. From that moment, Alex's life changes forever. A time-bending elevator, whispering walls, an infinity pool that drowns in other realities, secret rooms leading to alternate worlds... This building hides secrets beyond imagination. As Alex and Kai explore together, they uncover not only the supernatural truth of the building but also develop feelings that transcend friendship amidst life-threatening adventures. However, as their investigation deepens, they find themselves entangled in a grand conspiracy that threatens the fate of the multiverse. A mysterious Architect, a scientist hungry for power, dangers from the void... Perils lurk at every corner. Alex must confront his inner fears and master his newly awakened abilities. Kai must reconcile with his dark past. Only by standing together can they face the surrounding dangers and save the residents of all timelines. In this fantastic world where science and magic coexist, where reality and dreams intertwine, can love conquer destiny? Is the truth salvation or damnation? When the clock on the thirteenth floor strikes thirteen, all will be revealed. This is a tale of courage, trust, and sacrifice, A journey across time and space, deep into the soul, An ode to love and hope. Are you ready to step into this world beyond imagination? The elevator doors are about to open. Thirteenth floor, welcome.

BlakeinDark · SF
46 Chs

Chapter 28: The Mind Library

Since Alex and Kai experienced that heart-stopping time trap, they increasingly felt the mystery and danger of Silver Moon Apartments. Late this night, Alex was awakened by a strange whisper. The sound seemed to come from within the walls, carrying a hypnotic rhythm.

"Kai, did you hear that?" Alex whispered, gently nudging Kai beside him.

Kai immediately sat up alertly, "I heard it. It seems to be coming from the corridor."

They carefully walked out of the room to find a glowing pattern on the corridor wall, like a winding river flowing in one direction.

"Follow it," Kai said softly, "but stay alert."

They followed the light to a door they had never seen before. The door was carved with complex runes, glowing faintly in the darkness.

Alex took a deep breath and pushed the door open. A warm current of air rushed towards them, mixed with the smell of ancient books. They entered the room to find themselves in an enormous library.

Countless bookshelves extended to an invisible ceiling, with books emitting a soft glow and floating in the air. More strangely, some "books" seemed to be made of light or smoke.

"What is this place?" Alex marveled.

Just then, a familiar voice sounded: "Welcome to the Mind Library."

They turned to see Leo's apparition floating in mid-air.

"Leo, this is..." Kai began to ask.

Leo smiled and explained: "This is one of the most mysterious places in Silver Moon Apartments. Each book represents the memories and experiences of a resident. The stories of everyone who has ever lived in Silver Moon Apartments are preserved here."

Alex curiously reached out to touch a floating "book", and suddenly, a series of images flashed through his mind. He saw a young girl's excitement when she first moved into Silver Moon Apartments, the happy times she spent here, and her reluctance to leave at the end.

"This is amazing," Alex said softly, "Can we see everyone's memories?"

Leo's expression turned serious, "Theoretically yes, but be careful. Immersing yourself in others' memories can cause you to lose yourself. Moreover, some memories might contain dangerous information."

Kai looked around thoughtfully, "Leo, does this library have any special purpose?"

Leo nodded, "Besides preserving memories, the Mind Library has another important function: it can predict the future."

"Predict the future?" Alex and Kai asked in unison.

"Yes," Leo explained, "By analyzing the memories and experiences of all residents, the library can calculate possible futures. But this ability must be used cautiously, as knowing the future might change present actions, leading to self-fulfilling prophecies."

Just then, a commotion came from deep within the library. Books began to fly about restlessly, making rustling noises.

"Something's wrong," Kai said alertly.

Leo's expression became grave, "It's the power of the Void. They're trying to invade the Mind Library. If they succeed, they'll gain access to all residents' memories and Silver Moon Apartments' secrets."

Alex felt a wave of panic, "What should we do?"

Leo pointed to a huge book in the center of the library, "That's the core memory of Silver Moon Apartments. You must protect it. Use your powers to create a protective barrier."

Alex and Kai exchanged a glance, then clasped hands tightly. They closed their eyes, concentrated, and imagined a powerful barrier enveloping the entire library.

Slowly, a golden light screen spread from them, encasing the central book and surrounding shelves. Just then, a dark force surged in like a tide, crashing against the light screen.

"Hold on!" Leo shouted, "Your power comes from your connection to each other and your love for Silver Moon Apartments!"

Alex felt Kai's hand trembling, knowing he was also exerting all his strength. He recalled every beautiful moment they had in Silver Moon Apartments, remembered all the residents who had helped them. These memories gave him strength.

The dark waves crashed again and again, but the light screen never broke. Gradually, the Void's power began to weaken, finally retreating completely.

When everything settled, Alex and Kai collapsed on the ground, exhausted. Leo floated to their side, a satisfied smile on his face.

"You did it," he said softly, "The Mind Library is safe."

Alex struggled to sit up, "Leo, why did the Void's power suddenly attack here?"

Leo's expression turned serious, "Because they know the Mind Library might hold the key to defeating them. Now, I think it's time for you to know some things."

He floated towards the central book, waved his hand lightly, and the pages turned automatically. An image rose from the book, showing the scene of Silver Moon Apartments' initial construction.

"Silver Moon Apartments is not just a building," Leo explained, "It's a powerful magic array, designed to seal the power of the Void. But as time passed, the seal has weakened. Your appearance might be the key to reinforcing the seal."

Kai frowned, "But how do we do that?"

Leo smiled, "The answer is here, in the collective memories of all residents. You need to learn how to use the Mind Library, to draw wisdom and power from it. This will be your strongest weapon against the Void."

Alex and Kai exchanged a glance, feeling both excited and a bit uneasy. They knew a greater challenge awaited them.

"We'll work hard to learn," Alex said firmly.

Leo nodded, "Good. Remember, the Mind Library is not just a treasury of knowledge, it's also the heart of Silver Moon Apartments. Protect it, and it will protect you."

As they left the Mind Library, Alex felt the entire Silver Moon Apartments trembling slightly, as if responding to their determination. He knew that from today on, their connection with this magical building would be even closer.

And in some corner of Silver Moon Apartments, the gears of fate were quietly turning, preparing even greater challenges and adventures for these young guardians.