

In the wild world of old-school mafia survival, where the big shots ruled the roost and the government played cozy with the fallen bigwigs or the weaker links... A powerhouse mafia clan with Vixen and her crew: Isabella, Raven, and Seraphina. But here’s the twisted rub—these girls were victims of their own father, Vito Moretti's incеstuous sexual behavior, Vito Morеtti, a man who didn't give a damn about family boundaries. So, Vixen, the rebel, decides it’s payback time. She discovers this whole hidden society thriving within the mafia, and guess what? She dives right in, dead set on climbing the ranks and tearing down her own family's criminal kingdom. But dang, just when Vixen’s about to spill all her family’s darkest secrets to the world, cue the dramatic entrance of a mysterious figure from the shadows - some creepy villain Hold onto your hats, 'cause here’s the gut punch: her father’s twisted actions were all part of someone else’s sick game plan, a puppet master pulling strings in the shadows with their own perverse agenda. And bam! They drop this bombshell about having some secret weapon that could turn Vixen's world upside down. Cue the creepy smile and the ominous whisper, "Hey, remember, revenge always comes with a price." Drama, suspense, and plot twists—this tale's got 'em all!

DaoistYjFEDm · 都市
92 Chs

Rats in a Maze

Nico's jaw clenched as he stalked through the mansion's ornate corridors. Guiseppe's news about the delayed cargo unsettled him, but not as much as being under Vito's roof again. This den of iniquity made his skin crawl.

Turning a corner, he nearly collided with Raven. Her dark eyes flashed. "Well, well, if it isn't Vicenzo's prodigal son, t's my beastly dad!", she purred mockingly.

Nico bristled. "I'm no one's son here, "he spat back.

Raven clicked her tongue. "Temper, temper. Watch yourself, boy. You're on thin ice in this house."

Clenching his fists, Nico bit back a harsh retort. Antagonizing Vito's daughter in her own home was foolish, no matter how her barbs needled him.

Raven leaned in close, her voice lowered. "I know you've got some new scheme brewing with dear old Dad. What's it this time?"

Nico met her accusing gaze unflinchingly. "Whatever shady deals your bloodsucking family makes are your business. I want no part of it."

Raven scoffed. "Sure, you're just an innocent bystander. Not like our families have faced off as mortal enemies for generations. But I guess even vipers can make deals with devils."

"Believe what you want," Nico said dismissively. "Just stay out of my way."

He moved to step past her, but Raven grabbed his arm, nails digging in. "Don't get too comfortable here. We are all pons here, boy." Stressing the part 'boy', mockingly.

Wrenching free of her grip, Nico walked on. The hatred in Raven's eyes troubled him. Perhaps she was right not to trust so easily. In this viper's nest, one false move could prove deadly.

Around the corner, he paused, steadying his breath. Their exchange left his pulse racing. Raven had a way of getting under his skin, try as he might to seem unaffected. He despised showing any weakness here.

A flicker of movement caught his eye. One of Vito's men stood at the end of the hall, hand resting casually near his hip holster. The message was clear: Nico was being watched closely. Clenching his jaw, he continued on. No privacy existed within these ornamented walls.

Meanwhile, Isabella sat braiding Seraphina's golden hair as they lounged on her bed, reading poetry together.

Isabella smiled down at her little sister. "Another stanza, my songbird?"

Seraphina nodded eagerly. Isabella's lilting voice soothed her soul.


Oh my darling, your beauty left me awestruck,

My heart raced when I first heard your sweet voice.

Your smile lit up the room like a lightning strike,

Leaving me breathless, with no other choice.

The moment our eyes met, I was mesmerized,

Lost in your gaze, my feelings realized.

Your laughter was music, your presence, a drug,

I was hooked - what luck to fall for your hug!

I thought I had my heart locked up tight, But you picked the lock with your radiant light.

My defenses were no match for your glow,

Into my heart love's seeds you bursted open...

Seraphina sighed dreamily. "How romaaantic. I hope someone writes verses for me one day."

"All in good time, songbird," Isabella murmured.

Before Seraphina could continue again, Raven burst into the room in a fury. "It's Nico!" she fumed, pacing like a caged lioness. "That worm dares strut around like he owns this place!"

Isabella met Seraphina's worried eyes and gave a gentle smile. "Calm yourself, Raven. Getting riled up won't help."

Raven clenched her fists, quivering. "I can't stand him being here! His presence just adds to Father's vile air, like a noxious cloud."

Rising, Isabella stopped Raven's frantic movements, hands firm on her shoulders. "Caution over rashness. Patience over fury. Our focus stays on Vixen."

Raven's lips twisted bitterly. "Patience gets us nowhere. Vixen needs action!"

"Peace, Raven," Isabella murmured. "Your fire aids us, but blind rage will not."

"C'mon Rav, pull in some ice," Isabella soothed. "That boy is but a pawn in Father's games, not the true enemy."

Raven scoffed bitterly. "A viper's still a viper. You're too trusting, sister."

"Perhaps trust is what we need most in these twisted times," mused Isabella. "Stay vigilant, but do not close your heart. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that."

"Ooooo, Raven, you're such a mood killer!" Seraphina whined. "We were just getting our poetic juices flowing and you had to go and stomp all over our vibe.

Raven crossed her arms defensively, "..."

At that moment, their dear Cocoon peeked in, announcing dinner with a playful air. Her kindness was a balm to their bruised spirits. She was the closest they had to a mother now. Her silver hair and warm eyes conjured bittersweet memories of their own mama, gone too soon.

Cocoon's soft voice lifted the gloom permeating the mansion's walls. "Come, my lovelies, let's enjoy a meal together before the night grows long. I thought to steal the show from the cook, rushing to come tell my sweethearts... Perhaps I miss your pretty faces. " She winks.

Linking arms with Cocoon as they went to dine, Isabella felt the woman's tender strength flow into her. Though merely their nanny, Cocoon nurtured hope in their oppressed lives. If any light could pierce this darkness, it was hers.

At dinner, Nico sat apart, hyperaware of the suspicion clinging to him. Raven's hostility remained palpable, while Isabella and Seraphina ate silently. Vito was absent, at least today was a free day from his disgusting aura.

Only Cocoon seemed at ease, keeping up a gentle patter to fill the tense quiet. Nico both pitied and admired her perseverance. She was either very brave or very foolish, refusing to be cowed by the viper's nest she served.

Cocoon smiled warmly at Nico from across the table, as if she knew she was in his head. "It's good to see you here, Nico. I know there is tension, but this house could use some fresh energy."

Nico met her kind eyes with surprise. He had expected hostility from everyone during this visit.

"Things have gotten quite dreary around here," Cocoon continued, passing a bowl of roasted vegetables to Seraphina. "Perhaps your presence will stir some new life into these dusty halls."

Nico chose his words carefully. "I did not expect such a...gracious welcome. But I am grateful for your open spirit, Cocoon. It's a rare thing in these parts."

Cocoon's eyes crinkled as she smiled. "Graciousness costs nothing. And you deserve kindness as much as anyone." She leaned in conspiratorially. "Between you and me, watching Raven's feathers get ruffled provides some entertainment in this monotonous place."

Nico couldn't help a small chuckle. "Well, I aim to please." His smile faded. "But in truth, Raven has good reason to distrust me. My intentions here are...complicated."

"Aren't everyone's?" Cocoon mused. She patted Nico's hand. "We all play roles beyond our control sometimes. What matters is the heart beneath the façade. I still see goodness in you, Nico. Don't lose sight of it."

Nico was now sure that dear old Coccoon suffered from foolishness, only if she could see the darkness in him.

Nico ducked his head, as if touched.

"Thank you, Cocoon," he said quietly. "Your words mean more than you know."

Every other person on the dinning stayed quiet concentrating on their plates. Their countenance unspeakable, maybe they were trying to get used to Nico's presence here. But to mean Raven, Nico was a plague.

As the awkward meal ended, Nico yearned to escape to his guest room for a few hours of solitude.

Back in the guest room, Nico peeled off his shirt, revealing a jagged scar slashing diagonally down his ribs. He traced it grimly. A parting gift from Raven years before, when their families' blood feud erupted in violence. They were neither children nor innocents anymore. "That will be a story, or rather a quest for another day".

A soft knock interrupted his dark reflections. To his surprise, Isabella entered at his call. "I know you prefer solitude, but I hoped we might talk."

Nico frowned warily. "About what?"

"I see your mistrust, as you see mine. But I think you know we share an enemy." Isabella's gaze was direct. "Help me save my sister, and we'll help you destroy Vito, and end the rivalry between us."

Nico stared, thoughts racing. An alliance with Vito's own daughter was risky, but if her offer was genuine...

"What did you have in mind?" he asked finally.

Isabella's eyes glinted. "Patience, Nico. When the moment comes, you'll know."

She withdrew as silently as she'd come, leaving Nico alone with his whirlwind thoughts. Could he trust Isabella at her word? Was her desire to topple Vito real, or just a ruse?

In this mansion of lies, the truth was buried deep. But if an ally emerged from an enemy's house, perhaps there was hope after all. With Isabella's brains and Raven's brawn combined with his cunning, even Vito's empire could crumble.

Isabella's mind was not easily swayed by base emotions, unlike Vixen who craved for every of his touch. To gain her as an ally, he must build on her intellect and deeply buried hope. With care, he could manipulate Isabella to help destroy Vito without her realizing she was being used. Nico almost pitied her for the illusion of free choice he would construct, his goals were more important.

A crafty grin crept across Nico's face as he slid into bed, his mind spinning with devious new schemes.

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