
Shadow Slave: Defiance

It’s a Shadow Slave fanfic nothing else (Disclaimer for the people I don’t like, the MC will NOT be an ultimate Giga chad Pat Bateman sigma male Andrew Tate mindset person who doesn’t give any respect to people or women and loves to have a harem, he will not do everything himself nor will he never bend the knee to someone because his ego is too high. If you genuinely enjoy the kind of person who does those things please keep yourself from ever voicing your opinion and unkindly leave. And if you don’t have anything nice or some actual criticism to say, keep your mouth to yourself I like to enjoy writing thank you very much)

LordHollow · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

MC “Runes”

[Image 1st Nightmare]

[Image 3rd Nightmare]

Name: Lemon (Real Name is Lucious Kallen, but his Mom used to call him Lemon before she died so he likes to be called that)

True Name: [Defiant Creation]

Class: Devil

Rank: Sleeper

Soul Core: Dormant

Heart Cores: [3/7]

Heart Fragments: [12/3000]

Aspect: [Desire Fabricator]

Aspect Rank: Divine

Aspect Description:


1st Aspect Ability: [Afterlife Bridge]

Aspect Description:[]

Aspect Power: [Lemon can store and use the souls of the deceased able and use 2 of their Attributes or 1 Aspect ability that the soul held when it was alive, even able to take mundane skills and integrate them with Lemon's soul before the soul is broken and destroyed. He can as well extract the souls inside of Echoes, eating them to merge their physical properties and attribute with Lemon or extract the attributes from memories to paste onto his other creations]

[And with his Ritual Attribute, Lemon can change the souls he has into echos for a limited time until they disappear completely(Has to learn how to do it first)]

[The souls of the people he kills are absorbed by him and transformed into makeshift cores he calls spirit cores, these cores that are slowly siphoned by his flaw, but can still be used as a "soul core" at the cost of losing the soul faster]

[The spirit cores he stores reside in his "Inner Universe" or his Soul Sea(I think that's what they're called don't feel like searching it up, but it's just his Soul Sea that takes the form of a Universe)and based on his Rank is the amount of spirit cores he can store. The planets are the spirit cores and the stars are his soul cores]

[Lemon can use the essence in Spirit Cores to fill his own soul cores, the essence in the Spirit Cores are filtered by his Aspect Ability to become useable]

[Beast: 10 Spirit Cores]

[Monster: 50 Spirit Cores]

[Demon: 100 Spirit Cores]

[Devil: 200 Spirit Cores]

[Tyrant: 500 Spirit Cores]

[Terror: 1,000 Spirit Cores]

[Titan: 10,000 Spirit Cores]]


2nd Aspect Ability: [Soul Burn]

Aspect Description: [The Eternal Blazing Flame of Humanities Soul]

Aspect Power: [Lemon burns his Spirit Cores at a rapid speed giving him a boost in power. His soul cores as well can be burn for an intense power boost although it comes with intense pain and he loses soul shards]


3rd Aspect Ability: [Touch of Life]

Aspect Description: []

Aspect Power: [Lemon gains a connection to souls and the ability to modify them or heal them(this can affect himself as well) with this ability there is other things he can do like modifying the body of someone by utilizing the connection between the body and the soul and modify it with that, this requires him to "touch" the target. Lemon can imbue the surroundings with his Soul Essence and manipulates it with that connection, either changing his surroundings or manipulating his Soul Essence into the things he wants. This ability also grants him greater mastery in sorcery or creating Memories. With his modifications in the soul and body he can do a LOT of things that would be seen as an atrocity, Will he do it? Depends

Some Applications(Has to learn Ofc)

* Force Field(Spread Soul Essence into the air and manipulate it to become tangible and sturdy around the user or in a specific place it's needed)

* Soul Armor(Same as the force field however the soul essence is wrapped around the user instead)

* Soul Sword(Create a sword out of Soul Essence in hand to swing or multiple in the air to use as projectiles)

* Repair(With the manipulation of the soul and it's connection to the body, Lemon can repair the soul or body as long as he has the essence for it)

* Terraform(After imbuing the world around him with his soul essence he can control it essentially controlling the nature around him)

* Beast Form(By manipulating the connection of the soul between his body he can modify his body to be as strong as a Nightmare Creature, although he'll have to take the form of the Nightmare creature used as the base idea at least partially. He also needs to understand the anatomy of the Nightmare Creature but that can be bypassed easily because of the connection he can gain to bodies, meaning finding out the Anatomy of anyone is easy)

* Shapeshift(The same as Beast Form except that only the form of someone is being used and no strength is generated)

* Soul Siphon(Directly devour the souls of living things to gain Soul Fragments, Soul Essence, and Healing)

* Atrocity(When Lemon gains more control or more power he can manipulate the raw Soul Essence in everything which will give him a connection to everything around him and allow him to "touch" everything around him and modify it all how he pleases)

* Creation(With soul shards he can manipulate them to create unique Memories that gain the abilities of the soul used as a based for the Memory, or he could make the Soul Shards unstable and make them bombs able to deal devastating damage)]


4th Aspect Ability: [Transcendence]

Aspect Description: []

Aspect Power: [Lemon transforms into a humanoid form of energy and he gains access to the Soul Essence in all things, his humanoid energy form has the look of a Kaleidoscope]


5th Aspect Ability:

6th Aspect Ability:

7th Aspect Ability:


Innate Ability: [Enlightment]

Ability Description: []

Ability Power: [Gives Lemon a Sixth Sense while the main ability is to see through the natures of others]


Flaw: [Soul Eater]

Flaw Description: [ (Lemon must eat souls or he will slowly descend into Madness, however even if he eats souls he isn't safe from madness as the souls can influence and if this isn't dealt with can lead to catastrophic consequences)



Memory Rank:

Memory Tier:

Memory Type:

Memory Description:

Memory Enchantments:






[Wisdom Scholar]: All knowledge will be shown to you, all you have to do is seek it and retain it (Lemon has photographic memory and enhanced comprehension)


[Soul Mates]: (The two who hold this Attribute will be able to sense each other, see each other's runes, feelings for each other fill never fade, and any dormant feelings will rise, they can see through each other's eyesight, and they can also speak telepathically to each other)


[Empath]: (Lemon has great control over his emotions and can also understand the emotions of others)


["Luckiest" Man Alive]:

Attribute Description: "You have found the legendary sword Excalibur! It must be useful against that Unholy Terror behind you right?"

Attribute Ability: 1 in a Million lucky encounters will happen, but 1 in a billion horrible encounters follow


[Mark of Divinity]


Attribute: [Ritual Apprentice]

Attribute Description: "You possess an nacent understanding of ritualistic rites, channeling energies and commiting sacrifices to achieve certian phenomena"

Attribute Ability: Better understanding of Runes and Sorcery. As well as imprinted information about Rituals, as well as more efficient essence manipulation