

'It hurts.. it hurts so much, anyone help me please, father, mother, Michael, Ariel—anyone, please make it stop..'


In an alley a young man could be seen, he had black hair, brown eyes, with light tan skin. The man lay on the ground, his eyes fixed on the sky.

'Where am I?! What's going on?! I was with my family in the car—my dad, he was shouting something—then... then everything went black! What happened?! Where are they?!'

Raphael looked at at the sky for a second, then he stood up, he needed to find them, but he knew searching for someone by yourself is meaningless, he need to go to the police station.

Raphael started walking searching for someone to ask him where the police station is, after a while of asking people, someone finally answered.

'Those fuckers can't answer a simple question.'

Reaching the police station he saw someone beside him, A frail-looking young man with pale skin and dark circles under his eyes like he never slept for a week.

The young man didn't give him a glance and walked to the entrance of the police station, Raphael waked behind him, inside a tired-looking officer looked at the pale young man and frowned with obvious distaste.

Raphael didn't know why but he didn't care he needed to find his family.

"Are you lost, boy"

The pale young man didn't answer which made the officer angry.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Uh, no."

the pale young man scratched the back of his head and said:

"As demanded by the Third Special Directive, I am here to surrender myself as a carrier of the Nightmare Spell."

Raphael hair stood up, he didn't even hear the conversation between the officer and the pale young man, his mind was full of two words.. {Nightmare Spell}.

Raphael face change to look of fear and terror, he looked at the young man in front of him and remembered something from the novel he used to read.

'A frail-looking young man with pale skin and dark circles under his eyes wearing cheap clothes like a beggar.'

'There is no mistake this is Sunless from Shadow Slave!'

"Attention! Code Black in the lobby! I repeat! CODE BLACK!"

The officer quickly looked a the other boy and asked:

"And you don't tell me you carr—."

but before he continues Raphael ran to the exit of the police station and got out.

The officer was surprised, but he understood if someone carried the spell in front of him he will run too.

Sunless looked at the young man who was running.

"What a weirdo."


Raphael run he didn't know where will he go but he run, tears coming from his eyes, he was scared, crying from fear.

'How? How I am in this world? I didn't ask for it, I just want to be with my family, laughing and having fun..'

"Why.. Why did you take my happiness from me WHY?!!"

Raphael kept running, the people around him were curious why he is crying, but didn't bother."

"Why me? couldn't you take some loner who lives alone."

Then Raphael thought of something terrifying..

'Will I be infected by the Nightmare Spell?'

In this world people thought of monster as common sense, but for him it was terrifying.

Raphael felt Absolute Despair.. If he was really infected with the Nightmare Spell then he wouldn't survive.

Unlike the people in this world he didn't know how to survive in a harsh place like a desert or a forest, nor he was trained with weapons to kill something, he only trained his body to make it healthy.

'Maybe I am in a coma or in a dream. Yes Yes it must be a dream.'

Raphael was in denial he couldn't believe he was far from his home, far from his family.

'But if it's true why me? Who brought me to this world? Was it Weaver or the six gods or maybe the Dream god.. Fuck them all I will kill that fucker I will butcher him.'

Raphael was in anger even though he know that he will die just by being in there presence he didn't care less, he was angry and needed something to put his anger on.

'I was summoned in this world with my body then there must be a way to get back, right? If there is a way to get in there must be away to get out it's common sense.'

Raphael was bargaining with himself, he needed to find a hope in this despair.

'But what if there wasn't a way to get back.. What if my family died and I couldn't see them again.'

Raphael was in depression, who wouldn't be when your loved one just vanish taken away from you.

'Maybe there is really no way to go back and I will live in this cursed world... Hahaha no way.. NO WAY!! I'm accepting this. I will find it, a way to return home to return to my family.'

Raphael couldn't accept this he had a goal, and he will do anything to achieve even if it needed to be affected with the Nightmare Spell.


It's been a three days since he was brought to this world, he survived by eating the food which is given to the people of the outskirts by the government.

As he predicted, he was really infected by the Nightmare spell. Raphael sat on a rusty bench, Raphael stood up and walked to the police station and entered.

The officer was different than the last time, the officer looked at the young boy and asked:

"What do you need boy?"

Raphael looked at the officer with indifferent eyes, he had already accepted that it was all real.

"As demanded by the Third Special Directive, I am here to surrender myself as a carrier of the Nightmare Spell."

The officer look changed from not caring to a wary look.

"How much days have you been infected?"

Raphael answered quickly.

"Three days I think."

The officer sighed in relief if it was another black code he would have blow up in anger.

"Sigh.. that's good."

 The officer took the mike and spoke:

"Attention! Code Red in the lobby! I repeat! CODE RED!"

From what Raphael understand code black is for those who carried the spell for five or more days, and code red for those who carried the spell for four or less days.


It been a four days since he came to the police station. At first took his data then they told him every thing about the spell and how to survive.

Today either will be the last day on this world or will be the first step to his goal.

Raphael walked with the officer he felt sleepy but he didn't care. Finally they reach their desired room and enter it.

In front him stood a man with blond hair, blue eyes and white skin with a handsome face, on his back was a sheathed sword.

'So this is the man who will kill me if I fail."

The blond man looked at Raphael and spoke:

"I'm awakener Brian and I will be the one who will be watching you today."

"Nice to meet you awakener Brian."

Raphael said with a tired smile.

"Mhm.. the officer should have told you everything about the Nightmare Spell, so we will skip everything, sit down on the chair and be ready you will be summoned anytime."

Raphael did like he was asked and close his eyes.

"Good luck kid, and don't die on me."

Raphael took a breath.



'Let's do this.'


[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare for your First Trial...]


What do you think? 

I want to write another chapter, but I can't, see you tomorrow.