
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · 書籍·文学
58 Chs

(ch53) DROP IT

The group of five Sleepers cautiously navigated through the haunting remnants of what was once a bustling metropolis, now reduced to a melancholic labyrinth of crumbling ruins. Underneath the somber, grey skies, the eerie stillness enveloped them, amplifying the sense of desolation as they treaded through what felt like a sprawling necropolis.

*Who's Ryo?*

She sensed that the inquiry was merely driven by curiosity, yet she couldn't shake off the chill that coursed through her.

*Someone not important*

She attempted to sound uninterested, as if the topic he spoke about didn't merit much attention. However, her effort only served to convince Sunny further that something was amiss and that she was deliberately avoiding the conversation.

*Come on, is he a friend? A crush?*

Memories of her brother flooded her mind, causing her heart to race as she struggled to soothe them. It felt as though she was trying to calm a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding.

*It doesn't matter, it's not important*

She was desperately attempting to steer the conversation away from the nightmare that had haunted her the previous night, still feeling its lingering effects, causing a slight tremble in her demeanour.

*Now I know it's someone important*

Why was he so stubborn

*Sunny i don't say this often but drop it*

As she glanced towards him, a profound seriousness etched across her features, it was impossible for anyone not to recognize the gravity of the situation. It was clear she wasn't joking.

*You wouldn't be so defensive unless something was going on…*

Sunny seemed curious about him, but why? What purpose would it serve to divulge information about her brother? It would only lead to more questions from him, and eventually, he might piece together the truth: that she was responsible for her brother's death.

That she stood there, witnessing his final moments as he slipped away.

It was her hand that trembled as she activated the airlock, releasing him into the void

She was the one that witnessed a tear cascading down the monster's cheek, a poignant reminder of the brother he once was, before she made the heart-wrenching decision to end his life.

As Sunny waited patiently, the quietness enveloped her, allowing her thoughts to unfurl, memories, scenes, smells… it was all coming back to her

*What's with the silence and seriousness, did ya kill the guy or something?*

And that moment became the tipping point, unleashing a torrent of emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface. Unable to contain the mounting pressure, she finally erupted like a pressure cooker reaching its boiling point.

She grabbed his shoulder and swiftly guided him into a nearby alleyway, pressing him against the wall with her hand firmly planted on his chest, her fist clenched.

He was taken aback by the sudden move, rendered speechless as she beat him to the punch with her words. Standing at the back of the group, their disappearance would go unnoticed for a few precious seconds.

*Yeah i fucking did now…DROP.. IT*

He stared at her, his expression shifting to one of confusion. She wasn't just angry; she was furious, seething with frustration directed squarely at him. His words had struck a nerve, hitting a tender spot within her. But amidst her rage, there was something amiss—a subtle hint of sadness. It puzzled him. After all, when someone is angry, tears streaming down their cheeks aren't typically part of the equation.

She released his hand, pivoted, and made her way back to the group, while he lingered in the alleyway for a moment before eventually following suit and rejoining them.

He looked over at Rin who had brushed the tears off already.


She couldn't think about her conversation, or her actions, she wasn't in the mood and too be frank this really wasn't a good time because In the mysterious depths of the Dark City, countless terrors lurked within the foreboding shadows. A simple misstep could plunge them into grave danger. Amidst the ancient ruins

In a strange twist of fate, this difficult situation actually had its silver lining. The sheer danger of their surroundings in the devastated city served as a distraction, sparing them from dwelling too deeply on the overwhelming despair that had gripped their hearts since the grim truth emerged the day before. Rin also found solace in using this chaos as an excuse to avoid confronting Sunny.

All they could do was keep moving forward, trying not to dwell on the uncertainties that loomed ahead.

Taking it one step at a time became their mantra for survival.

With a heavy heart, Rin cast a glance around, pushing aside the weight of a certain shadow user's gaze as she pressed on.

Effie's guidance proved invaluable as they ventured through the ruins, each step a careful negotiation with the remnants of a once thriving city. With her leading the way, they navigated a labyrinth of streets, some wide and others narrow, following a path known only to her. At times, they had to pause, seeking refuge from unseen threats lurking nearby.

Under the vast expanse of the open sky or within the decrepit structures, they pressed onward. Effie expertly guided them through crumbling buildings, maneuvering through piles of rubble with practiced ease. Occasionally, they emerged into secluded alleyways, hidden from prying eyes.

Their journey took them to unexpected heights as well. Scaling rooftops, they traversed precarious paths, teetering on rickety tiles and makeshift bridges spanning vast chasms. With each leap and balance, they pressed forward, relying on Effie's knowledge and their own grit to navigate the treacherous terrain.

In the most treacherous moments, each member of the original group took turns carrying Cassie, offering their strength to ease her burden.

Rin was taken aback by the remarkable preservation within certain buildings. It felt like the occupants had left merely days ago, despite millennia passing in reality. These glimpses into ancient city life were both fascinating and eerie.

Effie's familiarity with the ruins became evident at every turn. From makeshift bridges between rooftops to concealed passages, she had painstakingly transformed parts of the dangerous labyrinth into her own domain. Rin gained a newfound admiration for Effie's resourcefulness, though she understood the dangers lurking around every corner.

The presence of freshly slain creatures served as a constant reminder that Dark City was alive with peril, even for the most formidable of inhabitants.

On multiple occasions, they caught the faint echoes of claws scraping against rugged stone, felt the earth shudder beneath heavy strides, or glimpsed swift shadows darting across the sky. In those tense moments, Effie skillfully adjusted their path or found a hidden refuge with uncanny precision.

Encountering Effie had proven to be a rare stroke of luck indeed.

Yet, with each passing hour, Rin's mood darkened. Regardless of the uncertain future looming in this accursed realm, she harbored no illusions about the necessity of foraging for sustenance. It meant embracing the same survival skills that Effie had mastered, and perhaps even surpassing them. The prospect loomed dauntingly before her. Could she, or Sunny for that matter, rise to the challenge?

This location felt like a living nightmare, even in its eerie silence. It seemed to be holding its breath, ready to unleash chaos at the slightest misstep.

Upon reflection, she realized her situation was far superior to that of the stubborn huntress. She had dependable allies, with whom she had formed deep bonds of trust and companionship. Together, they bolstered each other's strength and resolve. While she may not have possessed the raw power of Nephis, she played a crucial role on the team as an additional sword. Her task often involved drawing attention away from her companions, a perilous yet vital responsibility in facing any formidable monsters.

These thoughts brought a glimmer of solace to her spirit. As the sun gradually descended toward the horizon, they eventually arrived at the foot of the hill, where the majestic castle loomed above.

Rin gazed upwards, feeling her heart race with anticipation. An overwhelming sense of unease gripped her thoughts.

The outcome of their next actions would undoubtedly shape their destinies, for better or for worse, forever altering their lives.

A bit of drama

also im a bit of an idiot because i completely forgot that you cant dream in the dream realm butttt

its important for the progression soooooo

well its a fanfic i can change anything..

i dont think its that big of a plot point right?

Dashkins74creators' thoughts