
Shadow Slave | Sleepless Dreamer

Set in the Shadow Slave world...a time before Sunny was born...this story follows a simple soldier who must survive in a dystopian, apocalyptic landscape where magic and gun warfare collide. In a far-off Quadrant known as North America, a young soldier named Hope is 16 years old when he gets infected by the Nightmare Spell. He passed! But...he feels a bit scammed...? A flaw that makes him fade from people's memories... A cursed attribute that makes him remember everything endlessly in eternal wakefulness... It's as if the Spell is twisting his future and existence into an almost improbable one. All he has ever known his purpose to be was to serve as a simple soldier. Not too powerful. But not so weak either. And maybe, just maybe like some others, become an Awakened. Although he never dreamt of being one. Now that his whole life is compromised after his First Nightmare, his first objective is to survive on his own. But as he tries to escape his fate, his actions seem to lead him further from his goal. He struggles against obstacles that slowly grow bigger and out of proportion. Maybe the Dream Realm and the Real World aren't so different than one may think. Hope's journey involves uncovering secrets and gaining knowledge about his true nature and his new role in the world. Is he fit to be a hero? Could he redefine it? *** Please read the READER DISCLAIMER in Volume 0. This is my spin-off novel of "Shadow Slave" by Guiltythree. But please don't expect the same writing style, setting, and characters, especially the main character. This story reveals more about how people/cities/governments operate after the Spell’s arrival. I always find it interesting how maybe one country handles it fairly, but how others handle it with desperation to the point that you question humanity. There will be easter eggs pointing to the original novel either intentional for the plot or unrelated to it, but all for fun. I am a new author so props to all who bear with me and helps me improve my writing. If it is not for you, please don't leave outright hate comments. Eat wassabi instead if you want pain. Critique and advice would be great too. Cover Art: @ellieaedon I will be posting on RoyalRoad.com and on AO3 for some people's preferences.

MonoSilence · 本&文学
79 Chs

A Simple Mistake

"What are you doing!"

"Let go of him!"

"Don't shoot! There are children present!"

"What if he's an Awakened like he said?!"

The roaring, the pleading, the rasping finally reached Hope's ears.

And yet, the noise didn't faze him in the least. His eyes remained on the grim man who thrashed in his grasp, fingers clawing on Hope's hand and forearm desperately. The poor man's eyes bulged, and his face squeezed red as choked gurgle sounds emitted from his throat.

People scurried in the great hall like rats. The several that were in relation to the grim man, the ones that Master Leda had saved, all broke down in tears as if reality had been stuffed in their mouths again.

The horrid truth of all the loss they'd suffered. Although, Hope didn't know what.

But it was a loss that the rest of the people in this room tried to slate over with empty smiles they wore so they too could replicate like babes.

And with food they placed in their hands as if training an animal.

But the people in tears grabbed them, yelling in their faces, demanding answers of what was to come of them and their future.

And Hope noticed something else about them.

Nearly everyone in this room had the appearance of years of worn survival on their hands or clothes.

But like the little girl, their clothes too seemed new despite the smudges and tears. The fabric, though dirty and worn, appeared to have a fresh quality to it and the rips appeared to be less frayed. Distraught as they were, there was an absence of toll and survival like those of the Sector that wasn't expressed in their words and actions.

Their fear and unease were palpable even in the chaotic crowds.

Wherever they came from, however they even appeared in this city, Hope did not know either.

Hope blinked as he noticed a familiar face in the background.

A young boy face with panicked eyes watched the scene in confusion as he hugged himself through the shoved limbs.


And further down his left, there was the old man named Jeevan who too was being shoved left and right; his aged hands trembled in front of him and his mouth gaped open at a loss for words.

"G-guk! Kk- Kkuk!"

Hope let out an inaudible sigh as he gazed back at the man still struggling in his grasp.

Obviously, this sort of act wasn't exactly going to benefit Hope.

He acted too rashly without having proper evidence if what the man said even referred to his own teammates.

And yet, something inside of him said it did.

Not that the man could testify of it in his position.

But Hope thought this sort of predicament had an upside to it. He needed answers. And that person was going to give it to him just about now-


At that moment, another voice rang in the air, followed by an aura that crawled on people's skin.

It was distant from where Hope stood, and yet a demanding presence that sent new shivers across the room. Everyone's eyes went to the south entrance of the great hall as a door opened into the night. There in its black mouth, Hope could see a startling red of hair through the sea of people.

Murmurs immediately spread but the hall was hushed, nonetheless. Even the electric webbed lights that hung above trembled like shaky stars.

Click- Click- Click-

The sea parted as the figure walked straight down the middle. Passing over the tarps of colored tents and personal trinkets clustered around, passing the small fires that crackled also in greeting, the familiar heels clicked on the floor with each step; at times being muffled from the spew of blankets but still a demanding presence that echoed in people's ears.

Click- Click...

The heels stopped.

And there to Hope's left was Master Leda who stood with her hands on her hips. Her dark eyes like dry blood darted between Hope and the grim man as if she were watching two kids idiotically quarreling with each other.

Hope still had not moved from his position. If anything, he loosened his grip on the man's throat just enough for the red to dim from his face.

"Master Leda." Hope said nonchalantly.

She frowned.

"Tell me, is this your idea of fun?"

Hope blinked. "No."

"Do you have a grudge against this man?"


"Did he insult you in any way?"


Her face twitched and she let out a long sigh. "Then why on earth are you attacking this man and causing worry for everyone? It is not in their best interest."

Hope tilted his head.

Of course she had also caught on their weird methods, but she was doing her part in playing along.

Hope shrugged. "I suppose that's my mistake. He's not the one I need to speak to anyways."

Hope felt his soul essence brim cooly inside of him as he let loose his power. The pulse against his palm slowed and the man stopped thrashing around like an animal. Hope let go and the body dropped like a broken doll.

Anyone could have mistaken it as Hope choking the man to sleep and not necessarily using his aspect power, he wouldn't have carelessly used it.

But Hope thought it logically faster to do it that way.

He didn't want to deal with the man's rash behavior anyway.

His eyes remained on Master Leda as if what he did was nothing but dismissing an annoying obstacle. She looked at him with a frowned expression.

Then, a soft snore echoed at their feet.

"He's alive." Hope said.

"Yes, I can see that..."

Hope paused before speaking again. "I need to speak with you."

She scoffed. "Ha! Why on earth would I let you do that? Shouldn't I throw you out on the streets and be fed to the monsters? Or give you a night of solitude in a locked room somewhere?"

"Kick him out!"

"He doesn't belong here!"

"Throw him away!"

"Master Leda, please save us!"

"Master Leda, why are we still here!?"

Shouts barked left and right like a mad riot. The facade of a peaceful charitable settlement immediately shifted from one mad seed alone that sprouted chaos. And Hope was in the middle of it.

The wonder of humanity was easily swayed.

But neither did Master Leda and Hope seem affected by their words.

Hope fully turned towards her. At this distance, they were two steps away from each other. And Hope took another step closer.

"I need answers."

She arched a brow. "Ordering a Master around. Very bold of you. But I think you're dreaming too much of whatever role you're playing-"

"Operation 114." Hope said.


At that moment, Master Leda's eyes slightly trembled.

A crack almost appeared in her calm poise, but she successfully brushed it aside as if it never happened. However, her gaze sharpened, realizing now that who she was dealing with wasn't any ordinary settler. 

'Huh. So, she does know about it."

The side job Hope and his teammates had taken on was called Operation 114 to assist in escorting the convoy to Acheron. Of course, that name was only shared with them, the recipient, and a few higher officials. Master Leda may not have been on the list to be informed, but Hope's teammates would have likely explained the situation to her.

Hope continued. "Four vehicles. Three cargos. Three leading soldiers."

From the corners of his eyes, Hope could see the guards trying to calm the crowds down, their stressed expressions spouting out whatever nonsense to tame them. 

Master Leda studied him for a long moment. Then her gaze swept across the panicked room.


Hope stood back.

A gleam of light flashed in the air that caught everyone's attention.

It sparked, and as if echoing her hidden frustration, it also sizzled embers as it transformed into a threatening long sword with a bronze winged wrapped handle and a gleaming blade under the warm orbed lights above.

Finally, a stillness fell across the great hall, broken only by the crackle of small fires and the little girl sobs who still hugged her sleeping mother's lap.

A moment later, Master Leda spoke.

"I will talk to Lady Mave about the matter I know has loomed you all for so long. And I shall deal with this boy personally. But please. Wait patiently." She narrowed her eyes. "We must not lose our composure, especially with Nightmare Creatures rampant out in the city. Continue to do your disciplined duties and do not forget the Light that you have prayed in your hearts."

She turned to one of the guards. "Hunting parties One and Two are about to arrive. Make sure to tell my cohort to meet me at the glass dome."

"Yes, m'lady."

"And someone set this man straight." She gestured to the grim man who still laid on the floor snoring away.

"Walk with me." She said to Hope.

Without wasting another second, Master Leda brushed past Hope and walked further down the hall, the people parting once more to make way for her path.

Hope paused before following after.

Many faces turned and expressed disappointment and fear towards Hope as if he were a traitor. But none dared to voice any insults.

Finally, they reached the north entrance of the great hall, stopping at a double wooden ornate door with two men wielding guns on each side.

"Open the door."

One of the men blinked in surprise. "Lady Leda...are you sure you want him to-"

"Are you questioning my orders?"

"N-no, m'lady!"

"Then do as I say."

"Yes. Yes!"

Hope paused and looked at Master Leda.

'This is a turn of events...'

"Where are we going...?" Hope asked as he side-glanced at her.

She returned the gaze as well. "Didn't I just say so? To talk to Lady Mave of course."


Hope looked away.

'To Lady Mave then huh...'

But most of all, up to the glass dome tower.