
Before transmigration and Aftermath

In the far away from the busy Town

There was a boy sitting on the bed near the window looking in the starry sky thinking about his life. He is a college student admitted in a near town. His life is quite simple yet different if simple he is confused about what to do then and in future but if different he has his family with sister, brother and father, mother without any Monetary problem and social disturbance.

His name is Kate Yin.

Kate as normal boy in college life having dreamful dreams. He is quite thinker within his world but he is also unlucky fellow usually whose dreams are often broke as he face reality. He don't have any big ambition some time but if he had to he has many dreams managing world with his own hand. If possible he wanted to have a tech company of AI regarding medical field and agriculture. He is great fan of tony and avengers of MCU. He has been wanted to go for career in computer field so he is graduating in software engineer at the age of 18.

Now, he is wondering what will happen in future in his life since his life's turning phase changed his desire when he was in grade 9 when his teacher inspired him to do programming. Since he was beginning to plan his life this way he begin to learn manhuas and novels which made him lose interest in education quite so he started to desire something new as to be great man with infinite wealth I.E power in reality.

At present(out of his thought process in reality)

While he was wondering in his thought suddenly, same figure appeared as Arishem appeared in eternal in the night sky, he panicked and wondered if he was dreaming. As he was seeing a huge giant figure in the sky which could only be seen in the movies. He wondered if it was dream so pinched himself but felt real so now again he thought maybe i stayed late night.

But he shuddered as he felt zero gravity when he was wrapped in some kind of stuff which engulfed him completely. He shouted to call for help but he was too panicked to even breath so slowly he was worried what was going to happen. As he went higher and higher he was panicking but he saw worm hole type but he was unknown about what was going to happen to him. He fainted after he crossed through plasma type mirror maybe that was worm hole.


In the New York, within a within a peaceful site though but there in a renowned as midtown college where a boy was attending his class. He was feeling bad as he had headache recently. It was when he was going for some friends house some days ago through hell kitchen, some crystal of some chemicals from container fell into his head but it didn't cause big commotion as crystals even were weak which itself broke. But In this way he was having some mental as well as other ignorable yet dangerous problems. Now, he was suffering and suddenly uncontrollable pain surged through his veins in the upper head and silently slept in the desk.

(As we are talking this boy is Kate yin of this universe similar to old Kate yin of parallel universe)

Suddenly, he shouted "aaaaaaah" loud enough to silence his classroom, as he felt extreme pain but as soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting in the classroom.

But next moment after hearing his teacher's voice he wanted to run away from class as he was introvert and shy in his college. But again he was utterly shocked to find different his own voice, different body, class even lets different world as saw inside and outside of class. He saw a word stark in the poster of something( which he ignored) when had painful headache while he received memory of the the owner of body.

He found this boy miserable as he had died recently before himself came in this world he had problems regarding brain tissue which caused silent death due to ignorable yet fatal brain dead.

But luckily maybe the one who bought Kate here solved his decaying brain tissues yet his brain became somewhat special gaining new abilities.

Ability :

Enhanced (brain development up to 30%, whereas normal human's brain is about 10%)

Telekinesis (able to move matter with his thoughts) and

Telepathy (able to read and manipulate others mind)

But he found himself able to think much more within short such as, for him, world will slow down in his mental level and increased brain usage percentage caused enhancement of all the body parts and mainly his brain. As he looked in the eyes of the random student he saw all the memories and that student too was in pain but soon Kate understood and took back his gaze as his eyes were needed to focus to use telepathy so. Also his eyes were of different color, and harmed that student by manipulating without any understanding.

Also with telekinesis though it was weak only able to move as small as needle and also within one meter only as he checked pencil of his desk. Still he was excited after he found he was going to die with broken brain. He was enjoying as any human will be happy to manipulate things only by thinking. But he hid his excitement and begin to understand him more from his memory.

Kate found him similar to his previous life only different was that he was in the quite unadvanced as his previous life was around 21st century so he found old computer quite big from his memory. Kate found himself advanced than him. But he was again shocked when his name was also same but his family members less with his father mother and small brother. He was also in middle family with no monetary problem but also not enough to buy something big. He was also not with hard body muscles but fit as Kate. so he was so mesmerised by having almost same details of his and body owner's.

since he has his enhanced brain with these thoughts only about half minute. So while he was busy in his thoughts he again heard his teacher's voice saying, "hello!! Mr. Kate, what happened? why did you shout?"

(Guys its my first time please guide me through this new journey!)

(images are not mine I'm just using )

Kate_yincreators' thoughts