
Chapter 1

(Ritsuka fujimaru pov)

The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, filling the park with a pleasant warmth.

"Life is truly amazing," I sighed, taking in the beauty of my life.

"Yes, my liege," Bellion echoed, his voice full of reverence, and Igris nodded his head.

"Serving under you is a blessing, my liege, hahahakkeke," Beru added, his voice brimming with excitement.

"I concur with Lord Beru, my liege," Tusk chimed in, his tone filled with respect.

The familiar path through the park led back to my home, and I started to walk along it with purpose.

As I walked, I couldn't help but notice that my servants had an eerily similar attitude to those in the Solo Leveling story, without any change in their characters.

'So this is how Sung Jin Woo felt with his servants,' I wondered about this.

I was reincarnated into this world with full control of the Shadow Monarch's powers, along with the memories of both AshBorn and Sung Jin-Woo. Initially, memories of both AshBorn and Sung Jin Woo flooded my mind, but they were in a state of disarray and didn't make sense. My baby self couldn't comprehend these memories at first. It was chaotic, and I couldn't even understand my own memories in my baby form. My mother worried about me in the beginning, but as time passed, I began to understand all three sets of memories. As the years went by, I grew up, gaining a deeper understanding of my three sets of memories. I exercised control over the Shadow Monarch's abilities, but as I grew, my three sets of memories merged into a single identity possessing the power of the Shadow Monarch and the knowledge of AshBorn and Sung Jin Woo.

My path in this life was a unique one, but I had the power to shape it however I wanted. Reincarnated into this world with an incredible amount of power at my disposal, I felt truly fortunate. Though it took some time to adapt, I appreciated the opportunities and potential it offered.In my past life, I had lived as a fairly ordinary college student. So when I unfortunately succumbed to COVID-19, I couldn't have anticipated what awaited me. Reincarnated, I found myself endowed with unimaginable powers—a surprising turn of events that required adjustment.

To my relief, these powers opened up vast horizons ahead of me, something for which I remain immensely grateful..

My mother is a kind and gentle woman named Fuka Fujimaru, who single-handedly raised me after losing her husband. She provided everything I needed and always ensured I felt loved and cared for. Unlike my parents in my past life, she was the mother I always wanted and deserved. Despite all she went through, she remained a strong and wonderful mom who made me feel loved and protected. She was the kind of mother one might find only in fictional stories, and she was the best mom I could have ever had.

As the years passed, I grew closer to my mother, perhaps influenced by my memories of Sung Jin Woo or simply by my own will. When I finally decided to reveal the truth to her—that I was the New God of Death and the successor to the Shadow Monarch—she was stunned, remaining motionless for a few moments as she processed the news. Initially skeptical, she eventually came to believe me after seeing the evidence I presented and hearing my explanations.

As my mother began to accept the reality of my immortality, it brought her happiness. However, she also realized the implications—that anyone close to me would eventually die unless they became my servants.

With my immortality and position as the successor to the God of Death secured, I resolved to cherish every moment with my mother, creating as many happy memories together as possible.

At 17, I exuded Sung Jin Woo's powerful aura and stylish persona (Drip), earning me popularity among girls who often found themselves drawn to me.

Upon entering my home, I paused at the entrance to slip off my shoes and set them neatly on the mat. Our loyal shadow soldier, Beru, emerged from my shadow to take my bag and carry it to my room.

"Mom, I'm home," I called out, my voice resonating through the house.

I strolled into my home, greeted by the heartwarming sight of my mother busy cooking my favorite meal, with the assistance of my shadow soldiers. She glanced up from her cooking, a warm smile lighting up her face.

"Welcome home, my son," she greeted me.

"Are you cooking my favorite food again?" I asked with a chuckle, knowing full well what her response would likely be but asking anyway.

"Yes, but freshened up," she replied.

After taking a moment to freshen up myself, I rejoined the conversation with my mother. As we discussed the food and its flavors, she suddenly broached the topic of potential future daughter-in-law plans.

"My son, have you given any thought to the idea of finding a wife?"

"Mom," I replied, knowing exactly where this was headed.

"Don't give me that look," she scoffed, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

My mother, aware of my concerns, sought to provide reassurance and encouragement to help me overcome my fears.

"Son, do not let fear hinder your path to happiness. Remember, there are women out there who can accept you for who you are. It may take time to find the one who is right for you, but have faith that she exists and do not lose hope."

"Thanks, mom. I hope I will meet her soon." I smiled and nodded.

"I have confidence that you will find the right person for you."

My mother's assurance was met with my smile and nod of agreement. Her words eased my fears and gave me hope for the future, allowing me to relax and enjoy the rest of the conversation in peace.


As the conversation continued, my mother's thoughts turned to my role as the guardian of the Earth. She reminded me of the great responsibility I held in protecting the world.

"That's right, son. You are the guardian of the Earth, who protects the world. It is an illustrious and important role that you carry. Remember that you always have my support and faith in your abilities."

Yes, if I think about it. I'm the guardian of the Earth, who protects the world.

It's good to hear this, but why do I feel like this is an Uncle Ben moment? Is this a red flag?

A sudden sense of danger washed over me, and my instincts screamed out to save my mother. Without a moment to lose, I activated the Shadow Exchange to transport her into The World of Repose (My World), ensuring her safety. Now, my mother was away from any danger that might have been headed her way. I could rest easy knowing that she was protected.

After ensuring my mother's safety, I commanded my servants to brief her on the situation and keep her abreast of any developments.

With that sorted, I began to fly into the sky to investigate. My eyes scanned the landscape below, only to come up empty as every human seemed to have disappeared inexplicably. I wondered what this could mean, but I soon realized that this situation was much larger than myself, and I was the only one left standing because of my immense power with my soldiers.

My shadow soldiers and I flew on Kaisel, scanning the world below for any signs of interference.

"We found no interference with the world below, my liege," Igris reported.

"My liege, I think you noticed something here," Bellion followed up, pointing in a direction.

I nodded in affirmation, already set on heading towards the mysterious Antarctic for unknown reasons.

As we teleported to that place, we descended over the Southernmost continent of Antarctica. Our powerful senses allowed us to detect a secret headquarters located in this icy region, which piqued our interest and compelled us to explore further.

"We have detected a secret headquarters in Antarctica," Igris informed me, signaling the next step in our investigation.

Upon reaching the secret headquarters in Antarctica, my shadow soldiers and I noted that the facility was partially destroyed. As we assessed the damage, I sent my shadow soldiers to retreat into my own realm, while I decided to investigate this destruction on my own.

Entering the facility alone, I surveyed the scenes of ruin and destruction, trying to determine its cause and make sense of the incident that had taken place here. In the room where the attack happened, I encountered a person who rushed towards me. He had green emerald eyes and orange fluffy hair that reached his shoulders. Wearing a white coat, gloves, and shoes, with matching pants, he appeared to be a medic officer, as indicated by the green collar that extended down the middle.

I think he came to check this place.

"I am..." I began to say, but before I could finish, the man interrupted me.

"Are you an extra Master? I saw command spells on you," he said, his voice filled with urgency.

I looked at my hand and noticed the design tattooed on it, confirming his observation.

"We can talk later, but first, try to save them. I will go and bring a medical team. I also need to check the servers. Damn, what happened to these servers?" he exclaimed, before swiftly turning and running off to attend to his tasks.

"How dare he orders my Liege" Beru said

"I agree, my Liege. Just send him to me I will educate him so he never act like this to you" Bellion said

"But he looks like a person works very hard." Igris said

"he had a Strange smell" Tusk said.

"Enough chitchat, Guys check any survivors. If you find save them " I said
