
Shadow Monarch in DCAU

A boy reincarnated in the DC world without meeting a god to get any special abilities. Up until the day he died but that was when his luck was turned around. If you guys like it I'll update every two weeks. Can't update every week since I'm writing another fanfic. Of course I don't own shit.

_Unknown_Being_ · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs


The sparkling of the stars and the beautiful full moon enhanced the sky's beauty; the sight was terrific magical, some might say.

But the same couldn't be said about a city that was under its majestic beauty.


"Tell FALCONE TO GO FUCK HIMSELF!!! THIS IS MARONI'S TURF!!" A man in a black hat hiding behind a trash can shouted at the men who were shooting at him and his two other allies.


"FALCONE IS TAKING OVER NOW!!!" The rival mobsters shouted back.

Thinking that they ran out of bullets, the man in the black hat stood up and began to return firer.




Three shots were fired from the other mobsters, two missed, but the last one was connected between the black hat man's eyes.

Blood and brain matter exploded from the back of his head as the bullet entered and exit.

"TOMMY!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" Kanan shouted as he looked at the now-dead Tommy's body.

He was about to retaliate with gunfire, but someone grabbed him by the shoulder before he could.

"DAMNIT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING JAMIE!!!!" He said to a man with an athletic built named Jamie.

"I could ask you the same thing. We're gonna die if we stay and fight here. We have to leave NOW." Jamie answered while emphasizing the last bit.


"Don't you think I know that am not fucking blind!!" Jamie responded with control rage.

"But if we stay here we're gonna die just like him. If we leave now we will get revenge later." Jamie said to Kanan, trying to convince him.


"Fine!! the cops are coming anyways." Kanan agreed once he heard the sirens. They began to run off while firing shots behind them if the mobsters try to shoot at them.




A random shot fired by Jamie ricochet from of a lamppost and ending right in the mobster's throat.


The mobster tried to say something as he choked on his blood. "DAMNIT! Jimmy." Another mobster shouted to the dying Jimmy.


"We have to leave him the cops are getting closer."

"Those fucking Maroni's the next time I see them they're gonna be dead." The mobster said while he ran off in the opposite direction than Jamie and Kanan.

In the middle of where all that violence occurs, lying there on the cold hard floor with a hole where his heart is; in his blood is a boy with dark black hair and blue eyes staring at the beautiful night sky.

'So am gonna die again huh. Maybe this time I'll get a better starting in life'. The boy saying this is Aiden Elrod, a reincarnator from a world where all of this was fictional until ten years ago.

*Cough* *Cough*

"D-d-damn i-it h-h-hurts. T-T-This reminds me of back then."


Ten Years Ago

A skinny and short boy who looked to be about three to four years old but was actually six is running down the streets of Gotham.

You could see crack heads at the side trying to find some dealers to get high; homeless people were pushing their carts around with random things in them.

"Hey, Aidy I-I-I-I k-k-know you got s-s-some snow on y-you why don't you g-give it t-t-t-to m-me we're buds right." One of the crackheads with a dirty beanie on and a bush jacket approached Aiden asked.

"U-um, I sold all of it already."

"DON'T LIE TO ME BRAT!!! Everyone knows that you put away some for that whore of a mother when the Priest gives you your package!!"

The crack head shouted at Aiden, grabbed him, and began strangling him. "Where is it huh where is it? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU TELL ME WHERE IT IS!!!" He said frantically as he searched Aiden's pockets.

"U-uugh y-you're c-chok-king m-m-me," Aiden said in distress as he clawed on the man's hand.

"AH, HA!! Here it is you little shit." The man pulled out a small sachet with white powder in it

"N-N-NO! That's for m-mom."

"It's mine now you lying shit. And you lied to me Aidy, I don't like liars." The man said with a dark tone as he pushed his hands in Aiden's other pocket and pulled out twenty and ten dollar bills.

"N-No t-that's mine!!"

"Not anymore you little shit." The man said as he dropped and pushed Aiden back.

"ARRRGHH!" Aiden shouted and ran at the man.


The man kicked Aiden in his head before he could reach him.

*BEEEP* *BEEEP* *Thunk* *Crack* *Thud* Crack*

A passing car hit Aiden when the crack head kicked him out into the road.

"HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT DID I DO!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!" The man driving the car came out horror-stricken by what happened.

"What I did!!? You're the one driving the fucking car!!" The crack head responded while stepping back into an alleyway.

"WAIT WHERE DO THINK YOU'RE GOING!!" The driver shouted and went after the crack head, but he already ran off into the alley before reaching him.

"Damn it I need to call the cops and the ambulance!"

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Brrrrp*

"GCPD What's your emergency?" A female voice answered on the other end of the phone.


Meanwhile, on Aiden's side of things, something weird happened to him apart from his bones being twisted and turned at inhumane angles.

Memories of another person's life were going through his head. No memories of his past life were returning to him when he lived as someone named James Hardy.

He lived a fairly mundane life until one day, out of nowhere, lightning struck him. Unlike the normal fanfics that he read, he didn't meet some god or get any wishes.

He was just reborn as a crackhead's baby and was taken in by an orphanage owned by a church, but all of that was just a cover for the crimes that they use the foster kids for, like drug dealing, human trafficking, robbery, child sex, and all those other shit.

It was all run by one man, The Priest. One thing came to mind when he finished gaining his memories. 'I was reincarnated into DC?'

Usually, a smile would appear on most faces when they realized this being in the same world as some of your favourite heroes.

But in the situation that Aiden was in, reality struck him harder than it would most literally. He was reincarnated in a world where worlds are destroyed to pass time Universes for a laugh and the multi-verse for fun without any cheat abilities.

Realizing this, Aiden was hoping he'd die and reincarnate in a much more peaceful world.


But it seems that the universe was denying him even this as the ambulance and police came.

"He's over there!" The driver that hit him told the paramedics. The paramedics looked and saw garbage and a garbage bin covering Aiden.

"You couldn't even remove the garbage from him and check if he's ok!!?" One of the paramedics, a woman, asked, frustrated at the situation.

"I thought when in an accident you shouldn't move the victims or you might cause even further damage." The driver answered the woman.

"TCH!" Not being able to retaliate, the woman walked off towards Aiden to help him.

"So tell me what happened here, sir." A police officer asked.

"I was driving under the speed limit minding my own business when I saw a kid getting...."


Back under the beautiful night sky Aiden smiled a wryly at the memory. He began to remember the hardships he went through after finding out he was reincarnated.

Aiden used to get average grades in his past life, so he thought he could use that as an advantage to climbing the ladder of success, but he was proved wrong.

He was one of the best kids the Priest had dealing drugs even at the age of just six, and after getting his memories back, he became the best.

He still dealt drugs hoping to save up money to leave Gotham and start going to school in some other city.

The Priest found out, and let's just say that any thoughts of leaving Gotham and getting an education were bloodily removed from his head.

Even after that, Aiden was still hoping to find a way out, so he thought he would use his brawns if his brain couldn't work.

He started working out extensively. He even began to see improvements in his body, but only he saw those improvements.


One night out of pure coincident and luck when he was delivering cocaine to one of the top brass in Gotham politics.

When he entered the woman's office like usual, what he saw was four big black men and one white woman with a choker around her neck and a gag ball in her mouth.


But this time, the woman's head was separated from her shoulders, and the men's guts were hanging out with some of them missing limbs.

The sight was grotesque, but Aiden could confidently say he's seen worse, not something a twelve-year-old should say after seeing this.

What stood before him apart from the grotesque sight are half a dozen men and women dressed in complete black from head to toe.

They were led by a grey-haired brown-eyed man dressed in a black with gold highlights armour that seems to be a mix between the Shinto and royal guard armour.

Any DC fan would know who this man is: the people dressed in black were 'Rā's al Ghūl and the League of Assassins'.


"Please am begging you take me in and train me!" Aiden said to the man with desperation in his voice while kneeling at his feet.

"Stand up." The Demon's Head demanded without any room for rejection. Rā's only looked at him for five seconds after Aisen stood up.

"Hmph, I'm looking for an heir to my legacy." Rā's said to Aiden. Hearing this, Aiden became ecstatic. 'Is he trying to make me his heir?

Maybe my luck has finally turned around? A smile that he tried to suppress was plastered unto his face.

"With that body, all you would be is just target practice for my assassins." Aiden's smile immediately vanished as he heard Rā's say that.

He was left shocked and stupefied at what he just heard. He trained his body so hard for years, hoping to get physically stronger, but in just a few seconds, the plan was crushed.

Of course, this goal of his was impossible to reach. His mother managed every conceivable thing that a pregnant woman shouldn't do; she smoked weed, sniffed cocaine, drink, and a lot more. It was by pure luck that he was even born with just a physically weak body.

No, he was lucky enough that he was even born.


The assassins went through the open window one at a time. "It's people like you why I'm reminded that I should rid this world of evil. I truly pity you." Ra's said to Aiden as he walked past him.



Aiden's vision started going dark, and the sound of the ambulance and police sirens began fading.

"Hey, we have an alive one over here!" A dark-skinned, brown-eyed paramedic shouted to his partner.

A Caucasian blue-eyed man walked over to where Aiden was to check upon him. When he saw Aiden, he frowned.

"Jake I don't think we should save him."

"What the hell are you saying, Paul!" The dark-skinned man Jake asked his partner, distraught at what he was saying.

"He's just another fucking drug dealer do you know how many people overdose because of bastards like these!" Paul answered back in a rage-filled hush tone.

"But still we took an oath."

"So did cops and I know a few who take justice in their own hands."

Jake stood there contemplating what he should do. 'On one hand Paul is right but we'll be killing this kid'.

"I don't thi—. "

"Do you remember your cousin Layla she got drugs from one of these fuckers and overdosed!" Hearing this, Jake's face was immediately filled with determination.


While this was going on, Aiden was still hearing them, albeit barely. 'These fuckers it's not like I ever sold to kids. But they're still right huh'. 'Ah fuck this shit'.

"Goodbye cruel world." Aiden said with his last breath as he entered the cold embrace of death.

The Paramedics were surprised when they heard Aiden say this. When Jake checked his pulse and breathing, he confirmed it.

"He's dead." Jake said somewhat solemnly, but Paul didn't give a fuck.


In a place of complete darkness, Aiden laid there floating aimlessly. "Do you want another chance?" A powerful voice full of Authority asked.

An idea that I got while writing my other fanfic Reincarnated as Poseidon (Highschool DXD AU).

_Unknown_Being_creators' thoughts