
Shadow Monarch : Beyond the Journey's End

After witnessing the death of his mother, his sister, his friends, and lastly his beloved wife Cha Hae in. Sung Jinwoo believed that his time on earth is also reaching the end. As the messenger of the ruler said, his existence on earth is going to danger the earth itself as his infinite amount of mana is going to attract dimensional beings into earth itself. The journey of a lonely and undying monarch, the god of death, the monarch of shadow as he trying to find a new place far away from Earth. And as he searching in loneliness through dimensional gap, he met a certain red dragon, and a powerful one at that. Can the Shadow Monarch find the new meaning in his immortality in the world of gods and dragons? Patreon : patreon.com/GrandCaster [ Solo Leveling x Highschool DxD ] Fanfiction

GrandCaster · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

2 : END

" So this is the END. It's bigger than i thought "

If he doesn't use the monarch's domain, i would took him a total of 35 days just to get here from the place where he met the ruler's messenger. And at that point, he is so fast that it could be compared to a speed of light. But of course, with the reserve of mana he had now, he could covered up the entire dimension with his domain. 

And as long as it's his domain, he can teleport anywhere almost instantly. Far exceeding the speed of light, its said that the speed of darkness is slower than light, but almost the entirety of the universe and the dimensional gap is made of darkness, for the dimensional gap it's the dark and chaos specifically. So as long as there is darkness, the inexistence of light, it is possible to overcome such limit as the speed of light. 

" But it's cost me almost 50% of my mana to covered up the entire dimensional gap, it might need some time for me to replenish it back to full capacity. " Sung Jinwoo thought. 

' Am i capable to get through this? ' Even though the messenger said that Sung Jinwoo is capable of getting through the END, it's still bugging him the uncanny almost unsettling feeling that he had now. It's almost like he found a familiarity with the aura it's emitting, the darkness within him is called. But his human sense telling him to stay away as far as possible.

" Well, it's too late to back up at this point. If i'm died, at least i'm going to meet with my family again. There is nothing to lose. "

His determination is always as firm. Unshakeable. That's what got him this far, that what bring a guy that was said to be the weakest hunter in the world to the strongest existence in its universe. He is still the same hunter as he was back then.

" It's eerily nostalgic, the feeling of being the weak. It's actually not bad. " After he said that, darkness covered Jinwoo's body as its manifesting a shadow armor, black with glow purple light. He staring coldly as his terrifying aura is matching the END.

" Let's start hunting again. "



" Ugh... "


" *pant* *pant* "

He doesn't know how long it's been since he got to the END, he doesn't even know if the concept of time can be applied in this space of chaos. How many times he had died, he lost count. His body destroyed, exterminated from its existence, but the shadow monarch prevail. 

Before he came to this place, his body is almost entirely made of Darkness. But right now, the chaos energy is messing with his entire existence. Even though his mind is still intact by pure determination he has, but his body is full of a mess. Every time he resurrect himself using his power, his power doesn't replenish. But at the same time it's not disappeared.

It's changing. Into something more profound, far older than the darkness itself. 

" Arise. "

He was alone. With nothing. In the END. 

[ You're peculiar, offspring of darkness ]

' A voice..., am i start hallucinating? ' Jinwoo thought.

[ You're not hallucinating, you should not. Every existence that capable of resisting the stagnant realm of chaos shouldn't capable of that. But you... you are mortal through and thorough. How come an offspring of darkness has a mortal soul ]

" Who... are... you " Jinwoo asked, he opened his eyes even though he know whether he closed his eyes or not its still the same darkness.

[ You are not created through my dream, irregularity shall perish ]

But nothing happened to Jinwoo. 

[ Interesting... the End. This is comedy, how come the end is not omniscient nor omnipotent. You are in my dream but you aren't born from it. You are supposed to disappeared from the dream, you are a nonexistent existence. ] 

' He doesn't listening at all. ' Jinwoo thought.

" Arise. " And thus, he resurrected once again. 

[ You are weak, so weak. You couldn't even sense my presence because i exist in the realm you couldn't comprehend. But i couldn't end you, does that make you the strongest? This is beyond the end. ]

" Hey. I don't know who are you but if you happen to know- "

[ You are the first... nobody addressed me that way. I can get you to the DxD easy, matter fact that is the place where my offspring ruled. ] 

After that existence said that, Jinwoo felt a weird sensation in his left hand. His scar has long disappeared since he come to the END, maybe the fact that he doesn't even know what things that construct his body anymore that he just let it be. But right now, there is some weird black tattoo in his whole left hand. Its abstract, it looks like a mess of tangled greek alphabet. Hard to explain.

' What '

[ A pact of !%#&!&# ... ]

Jinwoo doesn't know why but he suddenly felt like his hearing sense is being messed up.

[ I shall not explain. Just remember that even though you might be my natural counter, but there are millions of existence that could defeat you, they may not be able to end you, but you can be sealed and subdued. The sole non-existent existence, be strong and i may also wake up from my dream from the first time. ]

Jinwoo felt silence as he listening to the explanation. That's a lot of abstract concept, but he understood it even though just a little bit.

[ Now, enjoy my dream. ] 

" Wait, at least give me your name... "

After he said that, there is a long silence before suddenly. Sung Jinwoo felt a boundless form of energy destroyed all of him unintentionally. 

Out in the mindless void the daemon bore me

Past the bright clusters of dimensioned space,

Till neither time nor matter stretched before me,

But only Chaos, without form or place.

And after that, Sung Jinwoo felt like everything around him is collapsing. It seems like it was the end of his time in the END. And as he felt like his body is going to be destroyed, and for the one last time, he said.

" Arise "


As he gain consciousness instantly after that last resurrection. Opened his eyes, Jinwoo realized that he is now in some sort of ground, finally. But, the sky is fake and he know that. Behind those normal night sky, there is a weird purple color, unbeknown to him. 

As Jinwoo slowly stand on his foot, he realized that he has lost all of his clothes. He naked naked right now, but that doesn't concern him, what takes his attention the most right now is the tattoo in his left hand. 

Other than that, he also realized that something changed in him. He tried to draw his monarch's domain for couple meters and its functioning just fine. That means he hasn't lost his power, but suddenly he realized that...

" The energy... Its not mana. Is this chaos energy? " As Jinwoo said that he suddenly felt like a scorching pain throughout his body. 

After he silent for a moment, he thought about something and then using the monarch's domain once more but this one with a different approach. He use his mana this time.

" No that's not right, i could still use mana. In fact, i could feel that my control over it has become better than ever. But just now, am i using the chaos energy subconsciously? " Jinwoo thought. 

Is this the side effect of my resurrection in the END. Jinwoo's theory is that his power as he use to resurrect himself countless time slowly absorbing the chaos into himself. He wasn't aware of it that clearly when he was still in the END because that place is solely made of chaos, but right now he could feel that second energy is surging to every corner of his body violently. 

' If i wasn't resurrect myself times and times in the END and make my body used to the chaos energy, i may not be able to... Nah, that's contradictory argument. ' Jinwoo thought.

' I might need sometime, nah plenty of time to be able to control this new thing. At least, that's my immediate goal right now. ' Jinwoo set his goal as he trying to understand this new and strange thing inside of him called chaos energy.

" But that terrifying existence... " Jinwoo muttered as he looking at the tattoo in his hand, he never felt true fear in his life since that double dungeon century ago. But just now, even when he thought that he is already so strong, he faced with such existence.

' He right, i'm still too weak right now... But i too don't know how strong is that thing, what's his name again, if i'm not wrong it's Az-- '

But before he could finish his thought suddenly he felt a presence from far away that come to him at incredible speed. And as that presence close to him, he finally could see that it was a girl. In fact a weird girl that wearing a magical girl suit from anime. That girl is not tall, but not short either. 

And as Jinwoo turn his head, his eyes and that girl's is met. Before she pointing at Jinwoo flustered.

" Y-you, PERVERT!! "

" Huh? "