
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

XLI: Summer!

Amidst the quiet hum of the conference room, the meeting between the leaders of the Three Factions continued. Azazel, the charismatic Fallen Angel leader, took the lead, his eyes shifting between Issei and Vali. The tension in the room was palpable as they discussed the delicate matter of a peace treaty. Azazel's keen eyes turned to Issei, seeking his insight.

"What is your opinion on the peace treaty, Issei?" Azazel inquired, his voice smooth like velvet.

Issei paused, considering his words carefully. "I believe peace is essential, but we must also ensure the safety and freedom of all our allies," he replied, his gaze unwavering.

At that moment, Kazuki's curiosity got the better of him, and he turned to the powerful Archangel Michael. "May I ask, Michael, why was Asia exiled from the Church?"

Michael's expression softened, and he spoke with a hint of regret in his voice. "The situation in Heaven was and still is complicated. Asia's actions, though well-intentioned, clashed with the strict dogma of the Church. It was a difficult decision, one that weighed heavily on us."

"I have found happiness and purpose outside the Church," Asia asserted, her voice firm.

Suddenly, a group of magicians stormed the room, launching an attack.

Rias, the crimson-haired Devil, made a quick decision. "Gasper and Koneko are in danger; I'll go check on them," she announced determination in her eyes.

"I'll go with you," Issei volunteered without hesitation. He couldn't let Rias face the danger alone.

Kazuki, a trusted ally, informed them that his soldiers had likely dealt with the attacking magicians. Meanwhile, Vali took it upon himself to handle the assailants outside, displaying his extraordinary power with ease. Kazuki summoned the Blade of Renunciation and cut down the magicians that infiltrated the meeting.

As the chaos unfolded, Rias and Issei swiftly moved through the chaos using Rias's unused Rook piece, transferring to the old school building. But before they departed, Azazel approached Issei, his hands holding two bracelets.

"These will help you control your Sacred Gear and Gaspers. Use them wisely," Azazel said, offering the bracelets to Issei.

Their departure left the meeting place exposed, and it didn't take long for a new figure to emerge--Katerea Leviathan. Her arrival marked the beginning of yet another confrontation.

Azazel couldn't resist taunting her. "You again? How tiresome," he mocked, his wings spreading wide.

A fierce battle ensued between Azazel and Katerea, each displaying their mastery of powerful abilities. Meanwhile, Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina volunteered to join the fray, their weapons clashing with the attacking magicians.

All while this was happening, the three Gods, Hades, Beelzebub, and Lucilius watched on. They didn't want to interfere and were just enjoying the showcase of strength.

Grayfia, a composed and analytical figure, took the time to study the magic circle used by the intruders, seeking any advantage for her comrades.

Amidst the chaos and battle, Issei and Rias managed to find their way to the room where Gasper and Koneko were safely hidden. The relief washed over them as they saw their friends unharmed.

The air crackled with tension as the battle raged on, and the clash of powers echoed through the tumultuous night. Azazel, the cunning and charismatic leader of the Fallen Angels, faced off against the sinister Katerea with a wicked grin on his face. "Now it's just you and me, Katerea. Behold the power of my Artificial Sacred Gear, the Downfall Dragon Spear!" he declared, raising his weapon with a flourish.

Katerea's eyes widened with shock and alarm at Azazel's revelation. She quickly gathered her own power, preparing to meet the challenge head-on. A fierce exchange of blows ensued, with Azazel demonstrating his incredible might, leaving the battlefield scorched and smoking in his wake.

But the showdown was far from over. Vali, the enigmatic White Dragon Emperor, emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding attention. "You were always the sly one, Azazel," Vali sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "But I'm afraid this ends now."

Azazel's smirk remained in place, seemingly unfazed by Vali's confrontation. "Ah, Vali, my dear traitor," he retorted. "How does it feel to betray your own kind?"

Vali's teeth gritted together, his inner conflict palpable. "Issei is my rival, and that's all there is to it," he seethed. "But he's weak, too weak to become the strongest. I propose to kill his parents, make him an avenger, so he can awaken his true potential."

Unbeknownst to Vali, Issei overheard the sinister proposal, his eyes burning with fury. "You're out of your mind! I won't let you hurt my parents or anyone else!" Issei's emotions surged, his aura flaring around him as he tapped into his Balance Breaker state, a testament to his unyielding determination.

Kazuki, a stalwart ally, observed the unfolding drama with a smirk. "This should be interesting," he remarked, intrigued by the escalating conflict.

Issei charged at Vali, driven by his rage and the desire to protect his loved ones. But his efforts seemed futile against Vali's overwhelming power. The young hero pushed himself to the limit, deciding to take a huge risk. He absorbed the power of the Divine Dividing into his Boosted Gear, a daring move that could tip the scales in his favor.

"I won't lose! Boost!" Issei roared, his power surging dramatically as he managed to land some hard blows on Vali.

Azazel, always the playful instigator, couldn't resist a taunt. "Vali, you better be careful. Issei's power may be small, but it can have some unexpected side effects. It might even halve breasts!"

Vali's face twisted with annoyance, but he remained focused on the fight. The battle reached a fever pitch as the two powerful foes clashed, their energies colliding like a cosmic storm.

Just as Vali prepared for a devastating counterattack, a mysterious figure appeared, disrupting the fierce duel. It was Bikou, whose sudden appearance prompted Vali to make a swift decision. He and Bikou retreated, leaving the battlefield in their wake.

Issei, breathing heavily, watched Vali's departure with frustration and determination. "Damn... he got away," he grumbled, vowing to settle things with Vali another day.

As the dust settled and the adrenaline waned, Issei turned to Azazel with a serious expression. "Azazel, can you grant me a favor?" he asked, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

Azazel, curious and intrigued by the request, nodded in response. "What is it?"

"Allow Xenovia to pray to God," Issei implored. "She deserves a chance to find solace in her beliefs."

Azazel respected Issei's heartfelt plea. "Very well, I'll arrange it," he promised.

Several days later, within the hallowed halls of the Occult Research Club...

Azazel made his entrance, greeted by surprised expressions from Issei, Yuuto, and Gasper. "Greetings, everyone. I'll be your new advisor, at Sirzechs' request," he announced, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Advisor?!" the trio exclaimed, not quite believing their ears.

"Yes, I'll help you all master your Sacred Gears," Azazel confirmed, eager to impart his knowledge.

Azazel's presence in the club heralded more changes. He revealed that Sirzechs had ordered the girls of Rias' peerage to move into the Hyoudou Residence, a decision intended to strengthen their bonds as a team.

Rias smiled at the news and saw an opportunity to improve their living arrangements. "Then I'll talk to Sirzechs about renovating the house to accommodate everyone properly," she declared.




In the bustling school corridors, Issei and his friends gathered together, excitement buzzing in the air as they discussed their plans for the upcoming summer break. The prospect of freedom from classes and homework filled their hearts with joy.

Inside the Occult Research Clubroom, the atmosphere was even livelier. Rias, the beautiful crimson-haired Devil, had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she addressed her companions. "I have something exciting to share with all of you," she announced, drawing everyone's attention.

Kazuki and Asia, who were present in the clubroom, looked curiously at Rias. "What is it, Rias?" Kazuki inquired, his interest piqued.

Rias smiled warmly. "I intend to go back to the Underworld for the summer," she revealed, "and I'll be bringing along my loyal servants."

Asia, her eyes sparkling with curiosity says, "It sounds fascinating!"

Rias turned her attention to Kazuki and Asia. "What about you two? What are your summer plans?" she asked.

Kazuki, always the laid-back type, leaned back on the couch with a grin. "I plan on relaxing and spending time with Asia," he replied, causing Asia's cheeks to flush with a blush. She couldn't help but smile shyly at Kazuki's words. "Dealing with those Gods might be a pain in the ass though...but it is what it is."

Azazel, the eccentric and powerful Fallen Angel, strolled into the clubroom at that moment, joining the conversation. "Sounds like fun! I think I'll accompany you all," he declared with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Rias chuckled. "Well, the more, the merrier," she said. "It's going to be an exciting summer."