
Shadow Echo

In a dark medieval world where power is everything and art is completely forbidden, Robin, a young nobleman outcast by his own family, comes across an instrument left by a mysterious person. In the midst of the desolation, he finds solace and hope in the melodies that emanate from it. But this fleeting happiness vanishes when fate turns against him and throws him into the dark streets of low society. In this ruthless and lawless world, where only the strongest survive, Robin faces all kinds of situations. Facing his deepest fears and forging unexpected alliances, Robin becomes the symbol of a silent rebellion, the echo of the shadow.

MaXx_Zabdy · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 7: A Dark Light

My name is Luna. The truth is that I was not always in this cell. I used to live in my village, which was quite prosperous. There was a lot of greenery and I lived with my parents. We were never short of food. My father was a farmer and my mother was a weaver. Both of them were always tired, but they always made time to play with me.

I didn't have many friends and I didn't like to play much. But one day I found a place called the library. It seemed to be a pretty important place, but after a certain incident, they stopped maintaining it. Now it was the only place in town that was pretty run down. I don't know why, but something made me go into that place. It was unbelievable.

The walls were huge and filled with books and more books. Many were lying on the floor, and some had been eaten by rats and other things. Even though everything was dark, I found it impressive what a great view I had. There were books of all kinds. Now I understand why people, despite being pressured by the government, did not want to demolish this building.

I was thinking about this as I walked along those big walls full of books. Although I wanted to read some books, I could not read. But still, something in my heart wanted me to read a book.

The place was dark, with just a little light coming in through the windows. I was walking around the place when suddenly I saw it. I saw this book, but it was not like any other book. This book was glowing. My whole body was telling me to grab it. I couldn't control myself. My excitement went through the roof, my hands moved on their own and when I touched the book, that light intensified. Now it wasn't just a light. I grabbed it and the whole book began to glow a golden color. And then I saw it all.

I saw the beginning of all these things, the reason why they exist, the birth of the world as we know it, the war between the gods, the life of the writer of this book, the creation of the alliance and the destruction of the alliance along with the death of the writer. All this by a single person. That person was...

-Crak- The vision I was seeing suddenly broke. I saw for a long time, but when I looked around, it hadn't been that long. When I saw my hand, the book was gone. But just as I thought about this, the book reappeared in my hands. That was strange, but then...

"Luna, where are you?" I heard my parents quite worried looking for me.

Knowing this, I decided to go back to my house. I thought it would be complicated to explain why I had a book all of a sudden, but the book disappeared. "Whoaaaaa, this is pretty amazing," I said excitedly.

"Luna," I once again heard my name being called, and not wanting to be searched anymore, I went out to meet my parents.

From that day on, my life changed. Now, instead of

wandering around the village without meaning, I went away for a while and began to read that book. Although I couldn't read before, since I touched this book, I can read anything. Every time I think of this book, my life gets better, haha.

So, every day I would start reading. Interestingly, every time I opened the book, it showed me different things, but all the things I read were painful. A boy who never knew his parents and was now being forced to work in a church, a young girl who accidentally killed the only person she trusted, a girl who from birth was pushed away with contempt by her entire family. For seven days, I read how different people suffered, suffered so much that even I was hurt. But I never thought that after that day everything would change. On day number 8, instead of reading about some other person I would probably never meet, today when I opened the book I was surprised by something.

The story that day was about a girl whose name was just like mine, Luna. Hehe, she was even the same age as me. Apparently, she lived in a town similar to mine. I thought my town was unique, but this book told me the opposite. This girl even had the same hobbies as mine.

"Hehe, if I knew this person, I'm sure we would get along," I thought to myself as I read this book. But then, this little girl's life changed.

On day number 15 of the first month, something happened. This little girl had walked into an abandoned library and found a book that glowed. But while she was looking at her vision, her parents started looking for her. My heart skipped a beat because this little girl looked too much like me. And then, I turned the page and saw it. Something I had never seen before. I saw a picture, the picture showed a little girl reading a book.

But that girl was me. I was the girl whose story that book was telling. What surprised me most was that the image of the girl was of these instants, but after that image, there was more.

"Maybe the book can know my future," I thought quite excited to see this.

I imagined that the book would take me to the top of this world, that it would show me becoming a princess or even a warrior, maybe some commander.

I kept reading, but the first thing I read destroyed all my dreams. The first thing I saw was that those things had invaded my village and killed everyone without exception. The other kids I knew, the mayor, my parents.... Discovering that an invasion had begun, they went looking for me. Searching everywhere, they found me reading a book. My father grabbed me in his arms and ran with my mother to get us away from that place, but at that moment....

We heard the sound of horses. We saw how the knights arrived, those people who would surely save us, the protectors of the kingdom, the fourth division. But instead of

instead of helping us when they saw us...

"Luna," I heard a piercing scream coming from the side.

I could not believe it. My whole life was going to be destroyed in just a few minutes. Not long ago I was thinking about becoming a princess and now I don't even know if I will be able to save my life.

I wanted to read, I wanted to know how the story ended, but then my father's screams came closer and closer. I couldn't concentrate, everything was spinning. At that moment, my father grabbed me just as the book had shown. He started running and my mother followed us running.

I heard the sound of horses, it was the fourth division of knights. My father had said we had been saved. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I prayed to any god that my story would not be like the other people in that book. I didn't want anything to happen to my parents.

But then, the knights, those knights who had sworn to protect us, I saw them killing my father. I saw how those beings, one knight grabbed me. I wanted to resist, but I couldn't. While some warriors went to fight those things, I saw how they had captured my mother. I screamed and screamed, but no one helped me.

I saw how the captain of the fourth unit used my mother as if she were a toy. I saw how, when the knights finished fighting those things, they decided to join the captain. I saw how they used my mother until they got tired. I hoped that one person, just one person, would help my mother, but in the end even my mother died. But they didn't care, they went on and on. In the end, they all got tired and grabbed me, tied me behind the horse and forced me to run after them to keep up. When I stumbled and fell off, they didn't care. They continued on their horses dragging me all the way until they reached the poor area of the capital.

A place where they tortured me relentlessly, with all kinds of weapons or even with their own hands. I never thought that the people who had sworn to protect me had killed my family and were now beating me for fun. But then, I saw her. A young man, this young woman reminded me of someone, someone I had read about, someone who was in my book. This person wanted to help me, but she didn't succeed.

But things weren't lost yet....