
Shade on a Sunny Day

A man raised by traitors that still has strong convictions. A what do you do when you have a dangerous power and no power with those around you. There is blood, slavers, and other topics that might not be for everyone. This is a prequel book to another book I have written but never shared. Sorry if I skip over anything, it should stand alone though.

Draco_Tigris · ファンタジー
76 Chs


I woke with Isa in my arms. The day always felt better when it started with a woman in my arms. What was even better was the sound of water splashing against the roof of the branch house. Finally a lovely day, it had been so long since I could lay for a moment and listen to the rain.

"Don't fall back to sleep, now Mir. You have work to do." I mumbled to get her to lift her head to look at me, "What?"

She squeaked as I rolled over her pushing lightly on her shoulders to pin her back to the bed, I kissed her neck working my way higher as I talked, "I said who would want to sleep on such a glorious day."

She looked at me in surprise and I captured her mouth before she could respond. My left hand traced down from her shoulder slowly. Her body arched under my touch inviting me to continue, but she placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed. "You are some form of evil, you know that, Mir. You don't have time for this."

I snapped my teeth in her ear as my hand found what it had been heading for. "Oh, I have more then enough time, to enjoy this lovely morning." She wiggled as she tried to push on me again but I was heavier than I looked and she didn't move me. She didn't mean it or she would moved away, I was very careful not to trap her.

It was a few more minutes before I got out of bed leaving a panting Isa behind me. I studied her as I got dressed, I had to look for the scare to find it but as soon as I did she put her hand over it, "You cannot change the past, I am fine, Mir."

I looked back up at her face. "I would think you would know better than to lie to me by now, Isa." I pulled on a shirt and started tying my pants. "If you weren't correct about me needing to head out I would have to punish you for trying."

Isa smiled, "I have a feeling I am less scared by the events than you are my dear. At least I am not afraid to go outside, but only you would think this morning was a beautiful morning." She got her legs under her so she could kneel on the bed, though to my satisfaction they seemed just a bit shaky. Isa grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled, I let her pull me into a very naughty kiss.

"I thought I was the evil one."

"Oh, you are, but I didn't say I wasn't as well." She hopped off the bed and I got to enjoy watching her get dressed.

I opened the bedroom door once she was dressed and she walked out before me. I didn't have to look to know the messenger was waiting for me in the main room but he had only just sat down when I came out. He stopped again and held out the robe he was holding, "Our lord thinks you should look the part, if you are going to play it, Miracle." I looked for Vera but I wasn't seeing her on the floor, so she must be with Bella. The other slaves on this floor were asleep. I was going to have to decide what to do with them. I didn't care enough to make the decision right now.

"Well, if that doesn't get my own family to listen to me I don't know what will." I put the white robe on over the clothes I was already wearing. Then headed down to the dining room. It was the only room with enough chairs for everyone already.

I paused as I entered the room, it was full and not just full. I had expected all the women they normally attend services but the men had come as well. The men were all gathered along the back out of the way while most of the wives were sitting up front. I smiled at Travis who was standing along the wall but next to his wives. I didn't stop walking to the spot that had been left for me. Isa found a spot next to Bella near the middle of the room at the same time I found the space that had been left for me. Bella held Diamond and I spotted Vera standing where she could watch over the two woman while listening as well. You could tell people had grouped up and picked spots based on their rank.

I took a moment to look out at the crowd. It was more crowded than a normal meal but people still had some room. I was surprised to see some of the farmers had made a journey into the city to be here making it look like the branch house had even more women. There was also a line of people in white robes around the edges.

The low buzz of conversation stopped as I looked at who had come. I took a deep breath, maybe I should have practiced more. "Good morning, This is the day that the Lord has made." The phrase brought back memories of my father standing in the field by our house watching the Sunday sunrise. The only comfortable sunrises I could remember.

"Let us rejoice and be glad in it." It was mostly female voices that answered me but a few of my brothers mumbled the words. If they had bothered to go to services as a child at all they wouldn't have known that phrase. They were worried how the priest might react. Some women didn't care or were committed, but it made for an interesting chorus. It also made for an interesting array of emotions.

I looked around the room with a small smile, "I am pleased to see more then some of my brothers are taking time to talk with their wives. For until today that probably would have been the only way to hear that call and response, but what does it mean? What lord am I talking about? What is there to rejoice or be glad about?"