
Log Four: You shouldn't be Surprised

I don't own Street Fighter

It was barely Day 9… probably a little after midnight when Jay awoke, sticky, and sore. The twins had their grips tight around his waist as he groaned quietly… he couldn't quite remember when they STOPPED having sex… so judging by their stickiness it might be time to change the mattresses they used… he tried to wiggle free of their embrace, but the girls nuzzled and squeezed him tighter… there was no way he was going to escape without waking them. So he might as well bite the bullet.

He shuffled and jostled between them and finally, Sammy and Pammy awoke, they pouted adorably at him for disturbing their sleep while he attempted to escape, as he shifted off the bed. More annoyed that he was trying to escape rather than waking them up. "Sorry. I know. Sorry-WHOA!" their hands lashed around him from behind like tentacles and dragged him back onto the bed, cuddling and squeezing him again and moaning disagreeably… his leaving the bed was apparently not allowed.

"Girls come on I want to shower. And we have to clean the bedding." He added as the girls immediately woke up and looked at each other. "I'm all sticky just let me-Ah Come ON…" he sighed as they leaped off the bed, taking him by a hand each and dragging him to the bathroom together. "That wasn't an invitation." He sighed resignedly, but smiled at the two gorgeous blondes who dragged him into the shower and turned the water on, all of them cramming in together and rubbing his body down with their own.

Sammy and Pammy sultrily gazed at him before leaning forward and slipping their tongues into his mouth. With a two on one kiss piercing into his brain… Jay didn't have a chance. His hands slipped around to their backsides, squeezing their meaty ass cheeks as she cooed into his lips, Sammy absently placed a soap bar on his chest, and it quickly slid down to be trapped between them, lathering up their skin with their subtle grinding movements.

They cooed into his lips, feeling his hands squeezing their backsides as they began rubbing the soap into his skin with their hands as well as their breasts. Sucking out his saliva and writhing their tongues with his own. But soon Sammy pulled away, watching him sultrily as Pammy took the opportunity to fully enjoy his lips on her own… Sammy slid down to the floor of the shower out of her sister's peripheral vision.

"Mmghp!" Jay moaned as he felt Sammy's lips around his shaft. Pammy realized her sister's sneaky sucking snapped away from Jay to glare down at her before dropping onto her knees and joining her, wrapping her lips possessively around his ball sack, tongue dancing on his testicles as she gazed up at him. They both did, Sammy, bobbing her head happily on his cock… their hands wrapping around his legs and clutching an ass cheek each. Rubbing his thighs with their breasts as they eagerly savored his genitals. Slurping and moaning loudly as his hands rested on their wet blonde heads… their thick, beautiful ass wobbled delightedly as he touched them and they continued to service him.

"…You girls are a dream come true." He moaned softly to himself. Sammy moved her head faster and faster on his cock, "I'm gonna… it's cumming!" he warned as Sammy stored his cock in her throat and she sighed contentedly. Pammy pulled away from his balls to watch jealously as Sammy moaned, feeling his cum rushing into her stomach…

"Ah…" she gasped, shooting off his cock once it was empty. Only for Pammy to immediately shove her sister aside, knocking her big backside to the floor. Sammy pouted angrily back at Pammy. She wrapped her lips around his tip, and furiously began stroking him as Sammy scowled, sat up, and swatted Pammy's thick identical backside. Crossing her arms under her chest, and sticking her tongue out as her sister but Pammy was far too focused on Jay's cock to pay any attention to Sammy. The short-haired Sammy then looked up at Jay, licking her lips sensually, rubbing her body seductively as Pammy stroked and licked his cock back to life… savoring his taste, churning his pre-cum around her mouth with her tongue as he twitched.

"Ah… AH!!" he warned again as she pulled away and opened her mouth, "Uuugh!" Cum shot from his tip and across Pammy's face. Giving her a facial as she deliberately shot his cum on her face… marking his property. Sammy, not wanting to be left out went cheek to cheek with her sister, smearing and sharing his cum between them as he emptied his balls again on them. "…You two… where did you learn to do all this?" he chuckled tiredly as the girls giggled, and began licking his cock together. "No. No more…" he said exhaustedly as the climbed up his body, pouting at him. "NO… I'm still tired." He sighed. "I just wanted a bath to wash off the stickiness!" but then they started licking him. "Haah…" he squeezed their ass cheeks. "Bad girls!"

He swatted their rears as they yelped, but cooed affectionately. "Just, let's just wash up and go back to bed okay?" he sighed, cleaning themselves up… them more than him, though they tried cleaning HIM more often than not… and they returned to the bedroom, changed out the sticky mattresses with the ones on top and after putting on some clean pants he crawled back into bed. "Are you girls going to… get dressed." He smiled resignedly as the girls redressed in those flag bikinis, watching him curiously. "Don't know what I was expecting." He said as they crawled seductively onto him, nuzzling against his body, and going back to sleep.

Day 9, officially… they had woken up and did some morning business, and had breakfast… he was going to try and work on the computer today BUuuuut the girls were going to play solitaire… and have him play solitaire… and he just can't say no to them…

However outside the bunker… a jeep rolled to a stop not too far away. The men exited the vehicle, and walked through the sands as the tracker looked curiously around… then shook his head.

"Sorry, Captain. My guess was wrong." He said as The captain scowled. They had found some discarded tools along the way, and an empty canteen, simply following the trail in a set direction.

"DAMN…" he cursed angrily, marching across the sands and squinting in the distance as if expecting to see anyone running for their lives. Or dancing naked in the harsh Saharan sun… that's happened more times than he can count. He scowled, he was going to have to explain this to his superiors… they weren't getting paid to go treasure hunting. He angrily kicked a pile of sand and recoiled angrily. "AGH! FUCK!!" he stumbled as his men readied themselves for an attack or maybe a poisonous creature but as the captain drew his gun to fire at the thing that caused him pain…

He realized it was metal. He paused, as did his men. "…There's something here!" he said excitedly, but quietly, as if he expected an ambush to overhear him. His men quickly approached and began scooping away the sand… until it revealed the hatch to the bunker… and the shadaloo symbol.

"…Gentlemen." Grinned the captain as his men eagerly grinned back. "…Let's line our pockets." He said, holstering his glock, and climbing down the ladder.

"Okay! That's enough!" Jay laughed, "Sammy your turn!" he said, getting out of his seat… then blinking as he heard an unexpected sound.

Jay jumped as the door to the bunker, opened, and for one terrifying moment he thought he was going to be face to face with Vega, or M.Bison… but he was surprised to see a tall dark-skinned man with a five o'clock shadow. He stared at him and the girls curiously watching him as he entered, looking around with a steely gaze. "Oh my-!" Jay said excitedly, "You-You're a person!"

"…I am." He said with a swarthy South African accent.

"Do you have transportation?!" Jay asked eagerly, "Is there a town near here?! We need too-" but the man then pulled a glock on Jay as he approached, pointing it right at his head and he froze.

"…TWEET!" the man sharply whistled through his teeth, and one after the other three more entered assault rifles and shotguns up and ready, only to slowly lower them slightly once finding everyone else in the pod room unarmed. "Where is the treasure?"

"What?" Jay asked as the girls stood up, and the guns lowered further… evidently two gorgeous twin blondes in bikinis were distracting. Who knew? "Treasure? There's no treasure." Jay tried to explain but The captain put the gun flush to his forehead and he flinched.

"THIS is a Shadaloo bunker! There has to be treasure!" he said angrily. "Do not take me for a fool!

"There is no treasure!" Jay repeated nervously, "It's just us!" he said, absently gesturing to Sammy and Pammy, "I… we got lost in the desert and-"

"You know Capitain." Said the Spanish driver lecherously. "…Those girls kind of look like 'White Gold' to me." That got a knowing laugh out of the other men, even the captain managed to restrain a small smile at the joke… and now that HE got a good look at Sammy and Pammy who were unconcernedly approaching them, each step a sensual seduction in their flag bikinis and shapely figures… he can't say he disagreed. Plenty of African warlords would pay for high-quality white women like them. If he so wished to sell.

The captain seemed to finally realize how attractive the girls were. He seemed to be thinking, looking at the girls with increased interest. Finally, he smirked, "…Take the women, leave him. We'll come back with more men and search everywhere." he said as the Spaniard and one of the assault riflemen eagerly went to grab the girls, but Jay tried to be bold.

"Wait-No! You can't just-" WHAM! The Captain Pistol Whipped him knocking him down to the floor. This was a mistake for more than ONE reason… but we'll start with the main two.

Once the captain hit Jay, the twins went from a placid calm to furious anger in a heartbeat. And once Jay was on the floor with an increased chance to avoid stray gunfire… they moved quickly. Pammy disarmed and dislocated the shotgunner's arms, he screamed as Sammy did a cannon drill into the assault gunner… pushing him back towards the shocked captain as the other assault rifleman raised his gun and opened fire… hitting his own man in the back but the bullets didn't stop the cannon drilled body, slamming into him. Pushing the dead body aside he tried shooting Sammy but she was too quick, bounding off the walls like a bouncy ball, avoiding the bullet fire until he heard the ominous click of an empty mag.

He might have been able to reload if the captain's glock didn't suddenly slam into his face as Pammy kicked it from the captain's hand. Before kicking him to the floor with her heel to his chin. The rifle guard was then a sitting duck, Sammy and Pammy rushing him… and BREAKING him…

The shotgunner, both arms dislocated screamed in pain and writhed on the floor before finally managing to use a nearby pod to stand up, before realizing the floating body inside. He screamed and recoiled in surprise as Sammy approached him silently from behind, leaped into the air, and wrapped her legs around his face. He had five seconds of heaven before he was abruptly sent straight to hell. Their shapely legs were as lethal as they were beautiful… they could be soft and smooth like cool pillows… or hard and deadly like steel baseball bats.

The Captain's bell had been rung HARD, he tried to shake off the pain and get his vision to refocus just in time to see the visions of loveliness approaching him… however, the looks of furious disdain on their faces diminished that beauty greatly for the one they directed their anger at. "W-wait." He said, holding up his hand only for it to suddenly be forced to the floor. Sammy bent it backward with a HARD kick and it flopped about like a wet noodle. "ARGH!! MY ARM!!" Pammy then raised her own leg high into the air, it was quite the view, then brought it down HARD on his leg. Snapping it cleanly in two like she was breaking a wooden board of balsawood.. before systematically breaking, smashing, and otherwise destroying the Captain's bones… before one hard KICK from Sammy sent his head twisting to the left, and Pammy kicking it HARD, back to the right, it spun completely around, and he fell to the floor in a heap of broken bones and crushed organs.

It was utterly brutal, the cold harsh stares of the twins glared at the dead body, but quickly melted away as they rushed and embraced a COMPLETELY awed yet horrified Jay. Nuzzling and squeezing him tightly, cheek to cheek as if they were afraid that hit to his face would've killed him… as opposed to the bullets flying at THEM which they had seemed to be completely unconcerned about.

"What… just… happened?" it was over in less than a minute. And he spent most of that time on the floor. "…Yeah… I'm glad I'm okay to." he said as Sammy and Pammy nuzzled him like kittens looking for attention. He then glanced around at the dead bodies… once upon a time it might have disturbed him… but after seeing many innocent colleagues cut down by Shadaloo… it felt better to see it happen to some greedy, slaving, rapists for once. "Girls. Let me up." He sighed happily as the girls nuzzled him harder. "Come on let me up." He laughed as they pouted, but finally released him, pulling him to his feet. He eyed the group of men, shuffling slightly past them before heading to the entrance of the bunker. Climbing the ladder, and poking his head out of the hatch.

There it was… shining in the sunlight… a VEHICLE!

"Ah-ha!" he cheered, crawling out of the hatch and scrambling through the sand toward the jeep. "A car! An actual car!" he slapped the hood happily and recoiled as it was hotter than a stovetop. "Ow! Ah-ha!" but he didn't care, they now had a way out of the bunker, out of the desert! Out of… he paused.

…Which direction would he go?

"…CRAAAAAAP…" he moaned, sitting in the driver's seat, pressing his head on the wheel and honking the horn... sighing tiredly, looking around at the mostly empty dashboard… there was a radio. But considering the men's demeanor he might not want to try it. Looking in the back of the jeep, there was plenty of space for more than the four men that he saw… along with a spare jerrycan of gas… and it was full at least once he gave it a shake. "WHOA?!" he was suddenly knocked over as Sammy's pretty face pushed him aside to look at the fancy new toy they found. Pammy however seemed fascinated with the sands around them, and the sun rising higher over the sands in the east.

Sammy clambered into the seat, putting her hands on the wheel and giggling girlishly while pushing the center, getting the horn to honk as Pammy jumped, and rushed over to the jeep… because Sammy was sitting on Jay's lap. "Girls? GIRLS!" he shouted as Pammy tried shoving her sister off of him, "Stop for a second!" he laughed, "Hold on! You can't be running around the desert like that!" but his hands flopped about, and slapped open the glove compartment and some papers tumbled out… including. "A MAP!" he shouted, as the wind picked up, carrying the document in the air. "Get that paper!" he shouted as the girls stopped fighting, and quickly rushed after it. Sammy, using Pammy, climbed up her sister and leaped into the air, grabbing the map and waving it happily like a flag as Pammy pouted.

Jay scrambled out of the seat and approached the pretty blonde. Taking it from her and examining it…

There were locations marked on the map but if he was right… he thinks it would be just a couple of hours' drive west before reaching the ocean. Then it was only a matter of time before they found some civilization. He grinned and suddenly squeezed the twins and declared triumphantly. "We're getting out of here!" he said, happily. Waving the map as the girls watched him for a minute, looked at each other, then shrugged… but smiled at Jay's happy prospector dancing. "We got to pack! We got to plan! We got to get you girls actual clothes! Unfortunately!" he added reluctantly, gazing at their exposed bodies in the Saharan sun but… oddly enough they seemed completely unaffected by the harsh rays. They weren't even sweating. "Come on girls! Let's go get ready!" he said, and they followed him back into the bunker, sliding down the ladder.

"We got lots to do and plenty to pack and-WHOA!" he tripped over one of the dead mercenaries and blinked nervously… suddenly remembering the violet event just a few minutes ago. "Ooooh… right… um… we'll…" he glanced at the ladder. "…We can't just… carry them out of here…" Then looking at the pods, and noticing the floating dead clones… he had an idea.

A few minutes later… the four mercenaries were now floating in the twin's original, formerly unused pods… at least it wouldn't smell.
